I need help/venting about this super jerk from work.


Well-Known Member
I work at a gym and this guy is a big jerk but i saw some good in him over time he got nicer, so I asked him if he had this numb feeling on his left hand cuz I had it.. and my body felt a lot heavier and things moved more slow and everything was more quiet than it usually is, I seriously felt like I was going to die last week. so i ask him if the same has ever happened to him..he just looks at me and says "hey the trainer told me about your backfat, your getting chunky (he looked really disgusted while saying all this) so you work at a gym but you just go home afterwards..(Its been a year since i worked out.. i JUST got the job at the gym im at 162 I have 16% body fat, im 19 I look pretty healthy)I just got so mad at him but so shocked someone ACTUALLY said that to me! I just didnt even have anything to say because im so use to being the really nice guy at work, thats what im known for.So I told him.. You know what man.. i just finished my warm up week yesterday I have a challenge for you, lets see who can develop the most muscle in the least amount of time (last year I was almost at 200 lbs I had huge lats big arms big legs i was into bodybuilding and I know tons on diet and excercise so I knew id dominate)but he said "oh no man, youd win"hes hella dum for saying that to me...honestly im a really nice guy but the ONLY thing that gets on my nerves is DISRESPECT. So I have his phone number, his address, his email.. and like I said.. im a man that does a lot of thinking.. I find loop holes and I know how to work systems to get a slight edge in life.. so right now im switching my gears on what to do with him..I need ideas or opinions on that, even comments on how rude and messed up he is would be awesome.I dont even look fat but Im really self conscious about my back. so him saying that really hit me personally.. the guy is monotone, and looks like that green dude thing from spiderman, lol green Goblin..Thanx guys for hearing me out.


New Member
Last time someone made me mad enough to type without paragraphs, I killed him.

P.S. if you want to be self-conscious about your morbid obesity, be a female.


Well-Known Member
Last time someone made me mad enough to type without paragraphs, I killed him.

P.S. if you want to be self-conscious about your morbid obesity, be a female.
Exactly what I was thinking.... This forum gives me the munchies too..


Well-Known Member
I guess if you really want some helpful feedback...let me ask you this.

Are you happy with yourself? Look at yourself through your own eyes and not someone elses and make your own judgment call.

I like me, and fuck anyone who doesn't. That's my view. I'm the nicest guy in the world but only to those who deserve it.


Active Member
respect is a funny term......it's very hard to demand anything from anyone...b ut people always say: "I demand respect" demanding respect from those who do not openly and freely treat you respectfully is a lost cause. To give respect...you must self-respect....obviously this guy you mention has a hard time with respecting himself....so he dis-respects you.....to make himself feel better....and its working...beacause you let it. Remember you are who you are...be that person and be it well. Don't beat yourself up, or even feel bad for a moment. And always remember: What other people think of you is none of your business. If you do the right thing the rest will fall into place. It's simple but not easy...good luck.


Well-Known Member
He was a dick but maybe it will push you to better yourself and that's always a good thing. I don't think there is a point in trying to get revenge. He is probably a sad, pathetic person who is not worthy of the time it took you to write about him. He has no business judging you and who is this "trainer" that's going around spouting off about your backfat? That guy must be an ass too. I would ignore him and get on with my life.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Why would you want to invite trouble like this? It's quite apparent this idiot has some self-image issues and is projecting them on to you. The best thing you can do is get ripped and ignore his sorry ass. Work on your self-improvement (mentally, spiritually, physically) and let him wallow in his discontent. The only time a guy acts like that is when he feels threatened. Deep down inside his little dried up old heart is the conviction that YOU are better then HIM and he can't stand it. So he is trying to tear you down.

You've already won. Just seal the deal by working your ass off and having the body HE ALWAYS DREAMED OF.

The only thing you're going to get by fucking with him is getting fucked with back. This kind of shit escalates until someone is hurt or in jail.


Well-Known Member
You have his phone and email. Sign him up for EVERYTHING that's even remotely homosexual


Well-Known Member
Why would you want to invite trouble like this? It's quite apparent this idiot has some self-image issues and is projecting them on to you. The best thing you can do is get ripped and ignore his sorry ass. Work on your self-improvement (mentally, spiritually, physically) and let him wallow in his discontent. The only time a guy acts like that is when he feels threatened. Deep down inside his little dried up old heart is the conviction that YOU are better then HIM and he can't stand it. So he is trying to tear you down.

You've already won. Just seal the deal by working your ass off and having the body HE ALWAYS DREAMED OF.

The only thing you're going to get by fucking with him is getting fucked with back. This kind of shit escalates until someone is hurt or in jail.

Ahmen!!! Seriously.. nicely put my friend. Nicely put.. indeed.

I myself thought it sounded a bit like something that would be going on in high school you know?

just my 2cents.



Well-Known Member
You have his phone and email. Sign him up for EVERYTHING that's even remotely homosexual
I did this once..

I tried to find a massive list that I could click that would sign the person up for like hundreds if not thousands of emails.. like a mass email subscription. Never did find one.. made it much more work than it was really worth.

However, I do like the idea.. just make sure you hide your IP really really well. Jump behind a few proxies and you'll be alright.


Carne Seca

Well-Known Member

To Long. No punctuation. No paragraphs. Didn't read.
Yet. You took enough time. To respond.

It took more time to go to the last page, click on the reply button, announce your TOTAL lack of interest.... yeah, and then click submit. Then you spend the next 20-30 minutes to see if anyone responds.

Oh and grammar/punctuation Nazi? It's TOO long... not TO long... just sayin' ;)


Well-Known Member
Yet. You took enough time. To respond.

It took more time to go to the last page, click on the reply button, announce your TOTAL lack of interest.... yeah, and then click submit. Then you spend the next 20-30 minutes to see if anyone responds.
I was going to comment on his post in the same way that you did. I wonder how many of his 2,400+ posts are actually helpful.

Not everyone speaks English or has proper grammar. If you can't read it then don't. But don't be a troll.


Well-Known Member
Yet. You took enough time. To respond.

It took more time to go to the last page, click on the reply button, announce your TOTAL lack of interest.... yeah, and then click submit. Then you spend the next 20-30 minutes to see if anyone responds.
I was thinking it too. I guess Kodank is really bored today. :D
you know damn well he probably went back and read it anyway.


Well-Known Member
when i sent the message I noticed it had no paragraphs so i clicked edit and attached paragraphs but to even go on here i have to use a proxy and i guess it didnt go thru.

Im not self conscious but I am at the same time.. I wanted to be a bodybuilder so i always payed attention to every part of my body so I can work at the parts that I need to get bigger, its just something that naturally occurs..

And its been like.. 2 days since i smoked.. i burn morning, middle of day, and night.. lol so please forgive me.

haha and dont be a jerk just because you thought I ignorantly didnt seperate my paragraphs, this is my first time using a forum, i didnt even consider it, the only time i seperate things into paragraphs is on facebook in a regular message or comment. plus I was at WORK so i couldnt just focus all my time into that when I have members coming in, with a rush to work out.

ANYWAY i dont blame you, Im still known as a stranger on here, but once I hit thousands of posts and i start growing denser, fuller buds than you, than maybe you'll realize that you should keep an open mind and give the benefit of the doubt to people you DONT KNOW instead of judging right off the bat,

*message is intended for whoever was complaining about my paragraphs, WHICH I FIXED BUT OBVIOUSLY DIDNT GO THROUGH)*

and Carne Seca dude that was amazingly accurate and POLITE! THATS the type of people we need in our community rather than complainers who overlook the POINT of the post..

But reading what you said, I looked back to the guy and that description really did match him, and yeah I really feel I have a lot of potential in life, and everyone at the gym loves how Im always so friendly and energetic at 4 in the morning!!

Thanx for your time man!


Well-Known Member
P.S. if you want to be self-conscious about your morbid obesity, be a female.
Ok because 16% body fat is totally Obese.. OH WAIT! you wouldnt know that cuz you didnt read the post! because you just want to add a post onto your record..

its crazy because your going to go to sleep knowing you didnt accomplish anything today, and im going to sleep knowing I called you out on your sh!t
AND because my bi's tri's forearms are recovering from last night.

If you guys need any Health and Fitness Advice (regarding supplementation, exercise or Diet) Hit me up with a message because THAT is what im very well informed/educated in.
In return I know the community will help me out when needed, which i am VERY much happy for.

Thank you Rollitup community!

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
the guys a dick, i got an idea. u get like 7 of your friends wait for this guy to get into the shower at the gym. then all 7 of u rush into the shower hold him down and have your way with him. every one taking a turn. it could get pretty messy in there so tell every one to strap up. you will be declared the WINNER.....


Well-Known Member
the guys a dick, i got an idea. u get like 7 of your friends wait for this guy to get into the shower at the gym. then all 7 of u rush into the shower hold him down and have your way with him. every one taking a turn. it could get pretty messy in there so tell every one to strap up. you will be declared the WINNER.....
Usually my normal response would be to get YOLKED and just be successfull but having all these new resources makes it tempting to use them you know?
I can send him 150 mass texts with a proxy.. I could use my car to egg his house or car..
I could confront him the next day and say "Hey I see you have been here since we opened up Marc.. yet you STILL look the same.. I could get improvements in TWO WEEKS.. which would equal out to more than you have ever done in 3 months.. and you STILL look and act like shit."

I thought for a second I couldnt curse on here but I see that you typed dick lmfao so sweeet! i thought I was limited on my words (hence why I said "Jerk" a lot)

But im a pretty non violent guy.. I have my future set, and honestly rollitup is setting up a potential future (and no lol its not growing trees) this site made me realize that I love how nature grows and how beautiful it can be so I want to beautify my house and just live in peace you know? and I would never be able to do that if some asshole is trying to track me down for defacing his property or mass sending his email to homosexual sites lmfao (but than again that would be kinda funny lmfao hahaha)