I need help with exodus cheese

Clint Torres

New Member
what is wrong with these exodus cheese babies? everyone is treated equal here, no difference in feeding, water, temp, soil, light...all things are equal but i can't figure out what's wrong with these 2.

I assume that your Ex. Cheese is from Greenhouse Seeds? Greenhouse is notorious for having BAD genetics.
Your photos show definite genetic issues. At 39 days that thing should be at least 1' tall and the fan leaves should be far more vigorous and 7-10 into flowering. that plant looks like it has cancer or something.

I am growing a Greenhouse Exodus Cheese which was a seedling for 10 days, then transplanted. i added a photo of mine. I never count seedling stage, rather week 1 starts, for me, after transplant into final container. So i call these plants about 5 days since transplant so this plant is a grand total of 12 days old from the sprout until now. Look at the difference between ours. Also look at the difference between your other plants which are WAY healthy.

So here is the problem. GH just has "crap shoot genetic issues". The superbud I have, the seedling was all discolored and scraggly but it grew out of it and is now a STINKY, GOOEY strain. On the other hand I had one of those packets with the colored seeds in it, WW and WRhino. Out of 5 only 2 germinated. The ones that did looked like a head of kale during veg but when they started to make buds the tips of the buds turned brown/gray, died and fell off. The buds did finish though. At more than 50% loss of expected yield.

Greenhouse just has a rep. that is questionable at best. I've had good ones and bad ones, more bad than good. And the color coated seeds are ALL HYPE, plus to germinate them you have to follow the info on their site. Floating in h20, paper towels etc...

Now on my last 3 grows I had a Greenhouse Superbud, started shitty the first 2 generations but kept improving until the last gen. when it just lost it's vigor.
When GH seeds grow well they dominate but when they suck they suck like a black hole.

I do not order GH seeds but Attitude gives them as freebies sometimes so I still grow them to give 'em a chance because when they do well they do WELL.

Check out the pic I sent and notice the difference. On the 2nd pic, the bud in the middle is the GH Superbud. It is stinky and sticky. With Greenhouse it really is seed to seed, good or bad.

Good luck with your grow. The only thing is is that at 39 days it should be far more of a plant. i say bad genetics or bad feeding (more likely genetics because your other plants look healthy). granted each plant likes to be treated a bit differently those should still look better than they do. .:leaf:


Clint Torres

New Member
Big bloom is supposed to supplement tiger bloom. I would dump that liquid fert get some tigerbloom flip the lights and see what happens.
Tiger Bloom is an EXCELLENT product. I use that or Botanicare ripe, depending on the strain and my budget but yes, Tiger Bloom is a very nice nute. I also suggest adding Roots Organics by Aurora "Buddha Bloom". A VERY nice product for a light boost of P to supplement the Tiger Bloom and the Big Bloom. Plus it has essential enzymes, blackstrap molasses and yucca extract. Excellent supplement to your feeding, not too strong and will not burn plants. VERY nice stuff, not as strong as Botanicare Hydroplex, which i add at 1/4 -1/3 strength with nice results. The buddha is far more forgiving than the Hydroplex but they both work well to enhance the flowers.

Clint Torres

New Member
JEEBUS, I just went back and looked at your pics. For 39 days those plants have SERIOUS issues. Pic 1 looks like a plant that just doesn't want to even try, same with the other two. Even if you over did the N they should still be way taller. yeah, you should be ready to flower between 21-30 days and those plants aren't doing well. Pic 6, I would say too much N. The only other thing I can think of is if you over watered at first or when you transplanted that the medium would be compacted so hard that the roots are struggling to grow which could cause slow vegging. i accidentally did this once with 2 different strains and both stunted in veg requiring an extra 2-3 weeks in veg and they still turned out small.

If it is not any of these things and the plants don't bounce back soon i would say, "Why waste the nutes, water, effort or time? Same as throwing away money.". Grow your mothers like you said and get to cloning and you will be far happier and more successful in the end.

Remember looser soil and don't drown it. just give a "drink" without letting them wilt at all.

Clint Torres

New Member
what is wrong with these exodus cheese babies? everyone is treated equal here, no difference in feeding, water, temp, soil, light...all things are equal but i can't figure out what's wrong with these 2.

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I also forgot to ask, could be a big factor. What soil are you using and what is your soil/perlite ratio? Like Fox Farm Ocean Forest I use 20-25 % perlite to soils and it has improved my plants a lot.


Well-Known Member
i use premuim pro-mix and only water every 4 days or so. i know what you are saying but i don't think it's anything i have done. i don't really consider it a waste of time and water as those are free for me. i was wondering if anyone else grew this and what they looked like. now i see what's wrong. they have been treated very well. i can understand if i did some stupid stuff like i did as a new grower but...i may just veg them til spring then out them out :peace:


Well-Known Member
anyone else grow or try to grow GHS exodus cheese? i am curious now.
I've got 1 in now and some in the grinder she's good for 4 ounces at least grows tall and branchy with small colas and buds but they are tight crystally good for scroging due to the amount of leads she throws out, the smoke is smelly tasty and strong very nice gear TBF


New Member
hiya mate, i know i'm late on this thread but how did your grow come out after? ... i've grown EC 7 times and this is my 8th, i've never had problems with it before yet this grow i'm at day FUCKING 92 and they just not looking as they should... theyre over 5 foot tall, i've never used cages on the other grows (to support the branches) but these 6 plants are not strong, they're just hanging down... there IS bud there with LOADS of white pistils on 5 plants but the 6th is leaning over to 1 side and the pistils are brown - BUT most of the leaves remain healthy and green BUT the soil in the pot is not drying out half as quick as the other 5 plants ... any suggestions please?