I need help with my first grow

Vapor eyez

My Turbo Jack has been flowering for about 4-5 days now and it has been doing great, the past two days I noticed brown/burnt looking spot on two of the top leaves, I assumed maybe one of my lights touched it and burnt it but I know that's not the case now, I'm not sure if this is a PH issue or what but I really need some advice, I am using FF ocean forest soil, I have not given her any nutrients, she is 1 month from seed. She's doing great I just don't want to mess up. I have been watering about every two days, it's getting good run off, more than any of my other plants so I am wondering if maybe she's needing a little nutrients?

I have been using Aquafina bottled water, I have not invested in a PH tester, could this be a PH issue? Any recommendations on a good digital tester?

The two tips went from brownish to yellow in about 2 days

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

turbo leaf problem.jpg

Vapor eyez

Anyone? 8 views, 0 replies, I need help.. from the research I've done I think I need to give her a little bloom nutrients.. not sure though..


Well-Known Member
Patience don't worry some of the more experienced guys will chime in when they have time.u can also have a look at the mj problem page.its just below the newbie central on the home page.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like over fertilisation... which isn't actually what it sounds like. You have too many salts in your medium that blocks the transport of K, resulting in your plant needing to take from the leaves.

The thing is... how does one tell the difference between over fert and under fert? The method I use is to simply look at the plant.. if one is generally underfeeding then there will be other signs of nutrient deficiency, like overly purple stems (lack of P) and yellowish leaves, from lack of N. If the whole plant looks otherwise healthy, nice green foliage... you may also note a tighter node structure when feeding hard too... then it is most likely K deficiency caused through a too salty medium.

Personally, I wouldn't panic... and would simply feed plain water a few times (depends on light set up and how fast the pots dry out).

I wouldn't think this was insects as they generally don't like light and will hit lower leaves first, but you never know. Check for bugs too.

I could also be completely wrong. Use your own common sense to determine the correct thing to do.


Well-Known Member
I've read that straight Ocean Forest can burn your plants sometimes. And some people swear by it. I use OF, Happy Frog and Promix all combined. But that SOOOOO looks like a bulb burn. But you ruled that out. Cut the burnt part off. That lil gal needs all the leaves she can get.


Well-Known Member
I've read that straight Ocean Forest can burn your plants sometimes. And some people swear by it. I use OF, Happy Frog and Promix all combined. But that SOOOOO looks like a bulb burn. But you ruled that out. Cut the burnt part off. That lil gal needs all the leaves she can get.
that was my first thought too, since he said he wasn't using nutrients. I know for fact that the soil alone can burn them because I made the mistake on one of my early grows of transplanting a 5-6wk old vegging plant into hot miracle grow soil, and got the same results, if not worse then this guy, and I wasn't using nutes either. im curious to hear what others think tho. good luck.