I need help with my plants!

So everything's been going fine at first, but about 2-3 days ago I noticed some yellowing on one of my plants leaves. Then the next day there was a hole in it! I don't know what the fuck this is, but the leaves have gotten this yellow-orangish color on it and it doesn't look too good. There's also 2 more giving me problems, one of them is doing something similar to the one I already mentioned but the spots are more grey-ish and the leaves are drooping. And lastly, I have one that looks like it's praying, but the leaves/stem look healthy.

Pics -
These are my best plants, but the one on the left is "praying"001.jpg
heres another of it002.jpg
This is the one with orange spots/holes003.jpg
This was an attempt at getting another shot004.jpg
I don't even know what this is.005.jpg
Here's another shot of it.006.jpg
Here's one I just plucked, was dying from day 3-4007.jpg
And, here's another shot of it008.jpg
This is the other one that's having similar problems, what the fuck man?009.jpg
Another shot: 010.jpg
This is one that was in the back, not getting much light so I transplanted it and now it's getting more.011.jpg
Here's my stupid hand along with one of the dead ones012.jpg
Here's the re-potted plant (I stood it back up)013.jpg
Setup overview:015.jpg
My 2 best, along with the "praying" one on the left.016.jpg
aaaand, heres another shot of the one I originally mentioned.017.jpg
And, here's the two casualties.018.jpg


Well-Known Member
I think something is wrong. But since you didn't provide any details about your grow and are posting "attempts at getting" pictures, I won't take any further guesses.
Oh shit, you're right. Pardon me, I just got off work.

So I'm using Fox Farm Happy Frog Soil, no nutes yet (although I have them) and the bulbs are a mixture of 5000k and 2700k bulbs. Temps stay at around 70F and I water only when the soil is dry an inch or two deep.

They popped up on 1/09/2013

ALSO - it's bottled springwater I'm using.
No, I didn't PH my runoff if that's what you're asking, but I was told that spring water is already properly PH'd if this is incorrect please tell me because I have a bunch of different options as far as water.

And the temps stay do not go below 70F or exceed 75F
I don't think that's your main problem, but it is a problem. One container, one plant.
Ah, I had just transplanted some of them earlier, I was going to wait for those because they looked the best and I didn't want to stress them, but if that's what they need, that's what I'll do.

Also - I sincerely doubt it's heat stress as I'm having problems keeping the room warm as it is.


Well-Known Member
No, I didn't PH my runoff if that's what you're asking, but I was told that spring water is already properly PH'd if this is incorrect please tell me because I have a bunch of different options as far as water.

And the temps stay do not go below 70F or exceed 75F
And what is this proper pH of your spring water? Some can be under 4.0, and some over 9 or 10. What is yours?


Noob grower1

Active Member
I have personally never hear of bottle water being off.. Hm.. But it REALLY looks like heat ... My steal grow was using a hps and it never read higher than a 80. Got a infrared thermometer. And plant tip ran a 91!.. (I had a cheap analog thermometer like you to)
It's reading between 6.2-6.8 ph and 40 total alkalinity.

Also like I said, I'm having troubles keeping it at 70F, it's probably not heat.
Well, I'm seeing mixed opinions, I see people having large success with FF, and people who are smiting FF. I mean it's not Ocean Forest with all those fish guts and micronutrients in it, so is it still bad? I mean I've never used it before, but I've heard good things for the most part.
First off, one plant per container, please. Not long after you do that you will have to separate them and at least one is going to lose. Secondly your medium is too course. Seedling mix is much finer and will help stop that extra long tap root thing you have going. Thirdly your container is too large for seedlings. You want to create a "rootball" effect that utilizes all areas of your container for maximum nutrient and water uptake. Then transplant before becoming root bound. It also looks like you noticed a stretch in your plant and burned it by moving the light too close.

Next time go to your local Lowes or garden store and pick up a Burpee seed starter kit. For less than 10 bucks you get the proper sized containers for 16 seeds, growing medium and a no brainer wick watering system that you can't screw up if you can pour water into a pan. Good luck!