I Need Help with My Very First Grow


im going to start going 1 plant soon and i wanna know wat is the things really needed to grow it (soil,nutes,etc.) and wat kind is the cheapest tht works


Well-Known Member
honestly i would be surprised if u receive an in depth answer to ur question(s) or any answer at al.

if u were really serious about growing (and u have to be to put out a great producing plant) then u HAVE to put forth the initiative to find out the basics urself.

now if u had come here saying something like this, I think u would have gotten several replies:

I have researched different growing mediums (u would have learned what is referred to as a "medium" with any basic research on growing cannabis) and I have decided I would like to grow in soil. I checked my local store & they have Miracle Grow, Xbrand, & Ybrand, which one should I get? I have found cannabis needs nutrients but am confused & don't know where to begin, can someone help me. I am on a budget and am looking to get started with less then $40.

Now u might ask urself if I took the time to respond & type this, why not answer ur question. Because u haven't done ur homework. u r coming here asking someone to tell u things u HAVE to find on ur own, through google or the like. if ur not willing to at least try to find some info for urself, and there r MILLIONS of topics already posted on the subject on the internet, well then u might as well not even try to grow, because it will be a waste of ur time.

come back when u have invested time to have BASIC knowledge, & many of us will be here to help. ur question(s) as they stand cannot be answered easily, as it is really much more in depth then that...again to grow a successful & fruitful harvest.


Active Member
Its a weed. It wants to grow, you can use cheap soil, no nutes, and a cfl light bulb and get it to grow. Just keep in mind cheap investments usually end with cheap results or in this case not nearly as good results as possible by making an investment in your operation.

l.s.d smoker

Active Member
honestly i would be surprised if u receive an in depth answer to ur question(s) or any answer at al.

if u were really serious about growing (and u have to be to put out a great producing plant) then u HAVE to put forth the initiative to find out the basics urself.

now if u had come here saying something like this, I think u would have gotten several replies:

I have researched different growing mediums (u would have learned what is referred to as a "medium" with any basic research on growing cannabis) and I have decided I would like to grow in soil. I checked my local store & they have Miracle Grow, Xbrand, & Ybrand, which one should I get? I have found cannabis needs nutrients but am confused & don't know where to begin, can someone help me. I am on a budget and am looking to get started with less then $40.

Now u might ask urself if I took the time to respond & type this, why not answer ur question. Because u haven't done ur homework. u r coming here asking someone to tell u things u HAVE to find on ur own, through google or the like. if ur not willing to at least try to find some info for urself, and there r MILLIONS of topics already posted on the subject on the internet, well then u might as well not even try to grow, because it will be a waste of ur time.

come back when u have invested time to have BASIC knowledge, & many of us will be here to help. ur question(s) as they stand cannot be answered easily, as it is really much more in depth then that...again to grow a successful & fruitful harvest.
what a pratt. Its people like you that fuking spoil this site and people like yaself who haven't even had a grow at all ever. The lad is obviously on a budget as I was on my first grow. This site is there for people to find out info off other first time growers or experinced grower. Peopl like yourself go from thread to thread fuking giving it the big I am when u don't have a fuking clue and give this site a bad name. All I can say is fuck off and d 1.

l.s.d smoker

Active Member
im going to start going 1 plant soon and i wanna know wat is the things really needed to grow it (soil,nutes,etc.) and wat kind is the cheapest tht works
hi there thanks for using rollitup and welcome. I would like 2 offer my info 2 you as I was once on a budget. You can go out there and buy a cheap grow bag and the cheapest nutes out there as well as the cheapest lighting system out there home made if u prefer. If u have your temps and get your cheap feed spot on threw out the grow you can get exceptional result. There will be people out ther like mr dick head but you will find budget grows on here with great results. Yourt first grow is always a learning curve and you will have ups and downs but regardless of what u use if u have your set up spot on you will get results. Good luck 2 you.


Well-Known Member
l.s.d: welcome to my IGNORE LIST. ur vulgarity & name calling for no reason show ur true character. u offered up no real information for the OP, imagine that. because not enough information was provided for anyone to truly HELP the op. i was not mean, rather very honest. u on the other hand r doing nothing but talking out ur ass. and it is u who obviously likes to troll threads for the purpose of attacking others. seriously get a life.


Well-Known Member
get some organic soil, some plant nutes, CFL lights, and a fan(if u dont have one) then be creative. really easy. u got everything u need to know on this site.


Well-Known Member
Yes, you should check peoples grows and read a little to know what you need, also a hygrometer and a ph tester are quite important.