I need help with pot!!


Well-Known Member
Take your current container (With your hand palming the top and flip it upside down. Tap the sides of your container until it becomes loose and you feel it pop into your upturned hand. The soil should come out together very nicely. To transplant them, simply fill one of your new pots with soil and dig a small hole to fit the plant. Then, simply place the plant into its final home and fill in the empty spaces with loose soil. Be careful when transplanting as this can be a fairly stressful time for the plants.


Well-Known Member
Green: Gamer gave you good advice but I'd like to add a couple more things. Paul James, the TV gardening guru, recommended giving transplants a does of vitamin B-1 following to the directions on the bottle to prevent transplant shock. He also suggested teasing the roots at the bottom if they were wrapped around the bottom in a circle; that's gently stretching them loose. Those two things have saved me a lot of grief transplanting and made me a lot more successful. He's made me a believer in Vitamin B-1, which isn't much more than cow pee, but it does wonders. You can find it at The Home Depot or Lowe's garden centers for less than $5 a gallon and it lasts a long time. If you can resurrect some of the episodes of his TV show from the home and garden network on your cable or satellite provider you can learn a lot from him that's very applicable to what we're growing.

The next thing I want to turn you on to is some thing called, "Plant Success Granular Endo and Ecto Mycorrhizae Trichoderma and All Purpose Fertilizer." The gardening instructors at Discount Hydroponics at Riverside, California recommended it. They suggested we sprinkle it as recommended on the package instructions into the hole Gamer told you to dig to encourage further root development and more vigorous plant growth before you drop in the transplant. They've yet to give me a bum steer so I tried it and from the looks of my plants it worked great. I don't know where you live but I'm sure your local hydro store could get it for you. I hope that helps. HSA