I need help.

you’re allowed to do anything you want as long as your ethics allows it. justice system is another story. i’d really just watch youtube or something.
Put tv power supply on timer set to be off during daughter's down time. Lock said timer in box so she can't access. Problem solved, no more need to hide remote. Don't ask how I know how this works. It keeps kids from watching TV in their rooms during school nights too.
My wife hides the TV remote so our daughter can't wake up early before school and watch TV. But then she forgets where she hides it and I can't watch TV when I get home from work. Am I allowed to kill my wife? Do you think the justice system will understand? Honest answers only please.
Cancel culture will come after husband's. Later on we can just say this was a lucky guess.
Thermostat lock box......
I'd imagine that's abusive behaviour and prolonged abuse and damage like that can lead anyone to do unspeakable things and just snap. Definitely sounds like you'd get off, go for it :lol: