i need help!!!!!!


ok do you have pics ? bending or is broken and if wilting you could have major problems if dropped and dirt came out more then half and you snapped your tap root plant might make it if its real bad it will start to wilt and die if a few places are just bending a lil from impact should be fine as long as branch isnt snapped but pics would help i have done this a few times (dont move them while high lol ) and have seen both things so pics would help


i can put pic in a bit but it didn't snap or anything it in good shap but i think it got scared and it looks kinda down


the main thing to watch is the size of the main stem if it starts to get real small and shrink you have major root damage and could be bad but if everything is just bendy it should be fine as far as soil try to stay away from mg try fox farm or even organic brand stuff for faster growth look into fert somethin close to 20 20 20 for veg and like a 10 15 10 for flower should be good