I need help


Well-Known Member

I've been growing this weed cause I thought it looked cool, did some research and apparently it is Datura aka HELLS BELLS

umm there is a different variety that live in my area and are about 100 yards away from this one..... ill go take some pictures so anyone with knowledge of this shit could tell me which one will get me high X_X

I am well aware of the risks and have been warned by Indians that white people just cant handle it =}

Po boy

Well-Known Member
man, don't fuck with datura plants. they can seriously screw you up. lots of people have died trying. GL


Well-Known Member
A positive attitude is essential.

See you soon bud.
are you implying death is unavoidable? im not scared yet =]

Looks like Jimson weed. That shit will literally grow anywhere.

Wouldn't mess with it myself, but if you do best advice is to 1: start small 2: have a sober trip sitter.
thanks for the advice, still be a while till they make the fruit and it's done


Well-Known Member
I don't know about other varieties of datura, but all parts of jimson weed are psychoactive, not just the fruits.


Well-Known Member
It's a species of Datura. It has several common names. This c and p comes from Wiki. If you do decide to ingest it, which I sincerely hope you don't, at least you'll know what it's called when you need to be hospitalized.

Datura belongs to the classic "witches' weeds", along with deadly nightshade, henbane, and mandrake. Most parts of the plants contain toxic hallucinogens, and datura has a long history of use for causing delirious states and death. It was well known as an essential ingredient of love potions and witches' brews.[2]


Well-Known Member
not familiar with jimson weed, but angel's trumpet (a tree-type datura) sure are purrrdy. :)
Ive seen yellow hybrids that were beautiful. I would grow one if I only had a greenhouse. Sigh.

if i touch this shit all day long would it absorb threw my skin?
I don't think the plant produces oils like poison ivy does. So no. My understanding is you need to eat it. How much I don't know.