i need helpfull advise for my growing setup please.


so,i have 4 plants that just sprouted and i have a few more germinating,and i was planning on geting 2 400w high presure sodium lights,but my local homedepot didnt have any sockets that would fit them.so instead i got 2 120w agro-light grow lights,i already have 2 14w cfl ans 1 70w 24 inch florecent grow light on my four plants,so if i put all these lights together, will they be enough for my plants until i order some (hps lights)? (note:my plants are in a small closet)thanks


Well-Known Member
If it were me I wouldn't worry about it. Keep the flouros and CFLs within 1-3" of the plants and make sure your temps stay in the 68-82 range. You can always add a couple extra CFLs if you need to in about a month. You should be fine and have some nice big plants to put under the HPS for christmas.


cool,cause i just read on anouther post that the lights i just bought r bad,that they dry up ur plants and soil,and are not very effective,but as of now the tempiture is fine and they r nice and bright,and yeah i have my outher 3 lights abiut a foot from the plants (they dont produce much heat at all.thanks for your help :)


Well-Known Member
I don't have experience with agro-lights but if your temps are under control you will be fine along with the CFLs and flouros.

Ideally MH for veg and HPS for flower but I know many people use HPS all the way through without problems. Just expect the plants to stretch a little more.


thanks,so when should i move them into bigger pots,right now there in about a 6x5 pots,and would it b okay for me to switch the soils when i transfer them?or maybe mix the current soil with a diff type of soil when tranfering?cause right now i have them in some seeding pot soil mixed with some all natrual all purpose soil.


Well-Known Member
Without a pic I would say they should stay in the pots you have them in for about 3 weeks or until they are at least 8" tall. When you transplant it is fine and a good idea to switch soils. Get some Fox Farms Ocean Forest or Edna's best if you can find it (local grow/hydro shop) fill 1/3 of the new pot with that and mix the seedling/all purpose soil with the new soil for the top 2/3. Add some perlite to the soil mix as well for better drainage and oxygenation. Don't over water and you should be good.