I Need helppppp

So I just transplanted this beautiful 22 inch plant that I found in my backyard, I forgot about the damn thing...but by the grace of luck, its already in its flowering stage and I need to know what exactly to do for the rest... like when I mean I have no idea, i have no idea what to do or how to do it...someone please help me out...View attachment 2410664


Well-Known Member
DO a little reading and learn how to grow. Course, if you "forgot about it", its not that important to ya. If you dont want to put the time into studying how to properly raise it, you'll just get crap for results anyway


Well-Known Member
Water, feed, and lighting advice can all be found by reading.
Many people have many different opinions and methods.
Well I pulled and all nighter, found out a shit load about growing and everything is cool! I built me a little tent to keep the light out for 12 hours, and when and got two lizard lamps at walmart...the really good news that I found out is that its finished with the flowering stage and is beginning the last stage... Im not sure how long that is though
I did, but low key working and playing sports is not a good idea when you're trying to grow... I guess I lucked out this time