I need ideas to increase my humidity


Active Member
I got a tub of water by the intake fan I then got a towel, tied one end of it to the intake and had one end of the towel in the water


Well-Known Member
I assume he means without that option for whatever reason. But for 10 or 15 bucks it's your best bet. Or you could be like me and just put a cup of water in front of your fan, not a good option tho and won't raise the rh by much, only got me to 35% a damp towel may be better.


Active Member
this is a idea of the top of my head so I dont know the effectivness off it. A tub of water with a air stone init next to the circulation fan, you would have to be really carefull not to mist the bulb tho!


Well-Known Member
A humidifier does not have to be in your cabinet. If it's in the same room it can help quite a bit. Peace Jack
That's what I was gonna tell ya. Don't know what your budget is, but I got one of those whole house humidifiers from Sears. Place it outside your growroom and it will raise up the humidity a lot. http://www.sears.com/shc/s/p_10153_12605_SP100A1824S143937129P Plus, that bitch holds like 14 Gallons of water, so it runs for a long time on the high setting, and it has controls to raise or lower the levels.


Well-Known Member
I just soaked 2 large bath towels in warm water and lay them in the room on a plastic sheet, then kept watering the towels when i watered my plants.
That done the trick for me.

red bud

I've tried just about everything except the towel thing, can't get mine above 20 right now. Do U guys think too many fans going will reduce my humidiyty that much??