I need my temps to lower down i bit!!


Active Member
Since summer is coming up i need to either get another inline fan or a ac window unit the inline fine i want is about 80 bucks and the ac unit is about 125. Do you guys think a 4in inline fan would make a big diff in lowing the temps? Or should i just safe my mula and get a ac unit? I have one already but its pretty old and i hear the arent as energy efficent as the newer ones.


Active Member
i have a ac unit nd a 6inline but i use my ac more than the 6inline kuz of the noise the inline fan makes.

grandpa 1949

Well-Known Member
Any in-line exhaust will help. How hot does it get where you are in the summer? I've been to Amsterdam but it was in the 1970's and don't remember much about it. You may need to get a portable air conditioner. Are you growing in a room, closet, tent, or what?


Active Member
Whats up grandpa? Im in a tent thats just in my room. Its 3x3 and it get like 115 120 during summer. It was 80 yesterday and my temps where at 85. Using silica so it helps with heat a lil bit. If u could use co2 i would but my room isnt sealed up. Also i got a lil 6 inch blowing air around a box fan on the plants and then a 4 inch hooked to my cooltube ventong out the window. My inline is on a controller about half way and i ever tried turing it up all the way and it made my room hotter? How come??


Well-Known Member
i would go with the ac. temps in my room are hitting almost 90 with outdoor being upper 70 - mid 80. AC unit will be here today, but my of my plants have already severely suffered..

at least im in the process of chopping all currently strains and starting from seed =P

there are some fairly cheap AC's online that would work for your room. I had to dish out $500, running a 10x8 room though.
good luck.

grandpa 1949

Well-Known Member
Yes she my German Rotty! She guards me and my grow!
Your in-line is working but it is going into the room and the room air is going back into your tent! If I understand you correctly.
Sound like you need air condition.
How old is your current air conditioner? Yes the new ones are more efficient but
it may not pay to get a new one, with the cost of a new one over one that works? Will it get your tent to 75? The temps you want to stay between are at night: 65 and day between 75-78. Get much hotter and it stops growing.


Well-Known Member
Yes she my German Rotty! She guards me and my grow!
Your in-line is working but it is going into the room and the room air is going back into your tent! If I understand you correctly.
Sound like you need air condition.
How old is your current air conditioner? Yes the new ones are more efficient but
it may not pay to get a new one, with the cost of a new one over one that works? Will it get your tent to 75? The temps you want to stay between are at night: 65 and day between 75-78. Get much hotter and it stops growing.
that is a good point.

you could stick with the ac you have, and spring for some co2. costs pretty close to a new AC. even if the old ac doesnt work as good, with co2, you can stick around 85.

and the added yield from co2 never hurts.


Active Member
I wanted to try the co2 pads ive seen in hydro shops and online? You guys got any exp withthose?? To deal with the temps and increase the yeild.
And good point. Yea it works fine just my mom complains its ugly haha. It shows from thefront of the house.

From my inline i got the duct leading up againt the window so i blows out. I thought that would get it out of my room but maybe its just blowing back in or sumthin?

Nicee how old is she?
I got a german girl also very loyal and protective. Perfect dog. She will eat Almost any plant except cannabis. she wont even go near it for sum reason.

grandpa 1949

Well-Known Member
My Rotty just turned 3. She likes the smell of my grow and keeps an eye on them in her check of the house, it's really funny. She too is very loyal and protective and the best dog I have ever had. When folks come over she greats them and will play with them and then will go lay by the door were I grow until they leave. She will not let anyone in the room except me!

You need to block off the rest of the window so the hot air does not come back in.
I have not had any CO2 experience but it does work.


Active Member
Okay sweet ill work on blocking off ghe window..
Also in my3x3 i got a600 w which is kinda pushing itwhen i switch to flower could i bumb up too a 1k hps? Or will that be too much only got 3 plants and 1 seedling

grandpa 1949

Well-Known Member
Well their are many options on going to 1k. I don't think you got enough room. That's a lot of heat for a 3x3 area. You are all ready having heat problems with your 600 watt. It's up to you.
I've got 400 hps for 4 plants, in a 5' wide by 4' deep 7 tall closet. But I'm not trying for a killer yield. I would stay with what you got at least through this grow to see how it goes.


Active Member
Touche man ill stick with the 600. Just have all this equipment im not using since im back at my parents house for a couple months. Want to make sure im maximixing my limits
What u got growin on right now??
+++ rep for the help

grandpa 1949

Well-Known Member
You can use the 1k if you enlarge your area to take care of the heat.

I'm growing white widow. Two grow area's plus seedling area. They graduate from one room to the next. Just keep it going. I use cfl's for the seedlings. Then I use 400 watt mh for veg room, and 400 watt hps for the flower area.
Thanks for the rep. I'm here to help if I can.


Active Member
Im just gonna stick woth the 600. It should be plenty of light fr the

I would like to set one up like that. But itll have to wait til i get a house in june. Atleast thats what im pullin for.
Yuu only do seeds? No clones??

How much do you usually pull?

grandpa 1949

Well-Known Member
I think you will be happy with the 600.

I do both seeds and clones. With white widow, it's a THC level of 23%, one of the higher THC levels.
I usually get 2 to 3 oz (60grams to 90grams) per plant on an average grow.
It's a nice cerebral high but your still functional.


Active Member
Dope man. Sounds like a nice setup.
I hope i can get a qp in my indoor. Gonna cut 4 clones and out em outside. In a couple weeks. Should be fun. See how the 600 compairs to the sun.
You use soil??