I need serious career help.


Well-Known Member
Currently i work "on-call" for a collective so my pay is sh*t. I did have an e-gay account until they shut me down...which sucks cuz i was using that to supplement my pay from the collective (since hrs have been cut back for everyone to on-call) and i was making BANK. Im talking 1K in 30days and that was just in my spare time!

anyway i need a "career" of sorts. I dont wanna do job after job after side hustle after job.

I want something unique though.

I either want a "Self-employment" idea (im talking like going back to school, learn something...open a small biz like becoming an electrician, locksmith, etc)

or i wanna work in the MMJ industry but im not all that crazy about just growing to provide the meds to clubs/collectives. Not enough "job security" in that.

My mj background:
decade long mj user
current grower (that knows what he's doing but never ventured outside of soil)
a pretty good knowledge of strains
Loves being around it (which sucks since i wouldnt want to be a "trimmer" or a commercial grower)

idk what to do ppl but i want something that allows some damn freedom in my life. i work so hard now (taking side jobs, etc) just to pay the bills but i hardly EVER have free time to myself or extra $ to actually do something...idk...FUN!

thats where the self employment idea comes from (like i said learning/becoming a locksmith, electrician, roofer...and other similar diy careers) since i want good pay AND the freedom to live on my own schedule.



New Member
Start going to all your local hydro shops, there are many popping up here like party stores.

Like any store they lack qualified sales help or knowledgeable people, so any person owning one would love to have someone who has a decade worth of knowledge.

Maybe not a career, but probably decent money until you figure shit out. :peace:


Well-Known Member
what is an e-gay account? do i want to know?

edit: oh, e-bay. i thought you were doing gay one on one cam sites or something.


Well-Known Member
Most people have jobs they hate. It's a "job".
Trust me when I tell you that you do NOT want to be a roofer. That's hard ass work in the sun (you think trimming is bad?).
Im assuming you're still young? What are your passions? Try and go back to school and get into a field that you will be happy with or at least for now you think you'll be happy with. It's nevr too late to change later down the road. Although in this economy people are taking what they can get. Good luck to you.


Active Member
what is an e-gay account? do i want to know?

edit: oh, e-bay. i thought you were doing gay one on one cam sites or something.

There's your new career right there! Hey, it could be worse. And don't even sweat it, because you'd be surpised at how many gay porn actors are actually straight. Good luck with that shit. I sure as fuck wouldn't do it.


Well-Known Member
Most people have jobs they hate. It's a "job".
Trust me when I tell you that you do NOT want to be a roofer. That's hard ass work in the sun (you think trimming is bad?).
Im assuming you're still young? What are your passions? Try and go back to school and get into a field that you will be happy with or at least for now you think you'll be happy with. It's nevr too late to change later down the road. Although in this economy people are taking what they can get. Good luck to you.
lol well i wouldn't be a roofer...i don't particularly like heights.

just an example of what i mean as far flexibility, freedom, etc.

I feel like learning a skill & turning it into your career (ie work for yourself) is the best way to go. ive worked 9-5s doing simple repetitive tasks and was ready to QUIT the 2nd day i got there (i get bored easily).of course i stuck it out for a year or two but i hated every second of that crappy job.

i thought you were the man with a plan.

male prostitution.
i am...



There's your new career right there! Hey, it could be worse. And don't even sweat it, because you'd be surpised at how many gay porn actors are actually straight. Good luck with that shit. I sure as fuck wouldn't do it.


Well-Known Member
You could go back to college and take an IT course. If you are good you will never be out of work.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
There's your new career right there! Hey, it could be worse. And don't even sweat it, because you'd be surpised at how many gay porn actors are actually straight. Good luck with that shit. I sure as fuck wouldn't do it.
I have heard this statistic a lot, but how do you get an erection and bang a dude if youre not gay? It seems like staying aroused during sex with another man would make them gay by definition.


Well-Known Member
forget about the MMJ field, atleast in california. The market is way too saturated. Everyone and their mothers are growing and trying to profit off it. Its not like it used to be and even now there is no long term security. Its just the way it is now. Our economy is in the shitter and now is the perfect time to go back to school. your not going to miss out on any big oppoortunities right now and when you finish, the market might be shaping up. atleast you will have something to show for and have better chances of getting a higher paying job

Morgan Lynn

Active Member
Currently i work "on-call" for a collective so my pay is sh*t. I did have an e-gay account until they shut me down...which sucks cuz i was using that to supplement my pay from the collective (since hrs have been cut back for everyone to on-call) and i was making BANK. Im talking 1K in 30days and that was just in my spare time!

anyway i need a "career" of sorts. I dont wanna do job after job after side hustle after job.

I want something unique though.

I either want a "Self-employment" idea (im talking like going back to school, learn something...open a small biz like becoming an electrician, locksmith, etc)

or i wanna work in the MMJ industry but im not all that crazy about just growing to provide the meds to clubs/collectives. Not enough "job security" in that.

My mj background:
decade long mj user
current grower (that knows what he's doing but never ventured outside of soil)
a pretty good knowledge of strains
Loves being around it (which sucks since i wouldnt want to be a "trimmer" or a commercial grower)

idk what to do ppl but i want something that allows some damn freedom in my life. i work so hard now (taking side jobs, etc) just to pay the bills but i hardly EVER have free time to myself or extra $ to actually do something...idk...FUN!

thats where the self employment idea comes from (like i said learning/becoming a locksmith, electrician, roofer...and other similar diy careers) since i want good pay AND the freedom to live on my own schedule.

Take a few courses in business managment or something. Start doing something you like.

I want to start bee keeping and selling my honey to people locally just as a hobby.


Active Member
That's the thing man... everyone wants to be self employed and open their own business... until they actually do it. You think you don't have any free time now? You certainly won't have any more when you're trying to get a new business off the ground. It's an overwhelming amount of work.. you have find clients, manage expenses, get insured, and that's just the tip of the iceberg.

I guess my point is... most people don't realize that opening your own business is FAR more work, time, and STRESS than just working for someone or a corporation. You also won't get some of the nice benefits companies offer (401k, health insurance, etc). At least initially, if you don't put in the hours of extra time and effort, your new business WILL fail... that's why so many of them do. Alot of it is luck too.

I'm not trying to be a downer... but dude starting your own business is not something you casually dive into. You really do need to do your homework and have a sound business plan... even then, nothing is guaranteed. It takes alot of money to open a business. If you fail, then you're in debt. Also, the economy being what it is today... right now is one of the worst possible times to go into business for yourself.

If I were you... I'd research a little more, figure out what you REALLY want to do... and wait for the economy to improve a little bit. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
if i wasn't married, you can bet your ass that i would be whoring myself out to fatties for a living.

who knows, it is not inconceivable that a decent looking girl requires your services.


Well-Known Member
Think of the future, Solar energy.
If I was younger that's what I would do, go back to school and learn how to design residential solar systems.