I Need Some Advice About A Girl, Destiny or God Kicking Me In The Teeth?

You have two different things you want to resolve: your desire for payback and your desire for a girl. Destiny begins with a choice-- yours is which of the two two desires you will act on. If you pursue payback, you may get pussy, but you won't get the girl. If you really go for the girl, you probably won't get satisfactory payback.

That might read too much like a fortune cookie, but it is what it is.

that was pretty amazing bro +rep.. im just gettin high as fuck out a long ass tube made into a steam roller. like hella goone right now, so im thinkin about it
UPDATE: Well me and the friend i've met her through have become alot better friends, we talked for 5 hours on the phone late night style. I already know she wants me to be her boyfriend, but i'm not sure how i feel about that, but idk she is really nice.
The other girl i had the big crush on has spent her time going to a rave, droppin acid, doing shrooms and poppin xanex too. She's been gettin stupid fucked up lately. I have chilled with her a few times with my other girl friend, and i still think she's GEORGEOUS, but i'm not sure about her character in general. She's so pretty but we'll see what happens, im not sure i really fit into how she lives her life. I drank and i smoke but i dont mess with too much outside of that, im not sure we are really a good match.

As for me i'm fuckin good, gotta job and about to really stay with some green, get hella high. I already know im gonna boink at least one of those girls, and im not sure about the relationship but i am sure about smashin one of em :).

And again any comments or advice is needed, sometimes a stanger's unbiased opinion is what i really need when it comes to these things.
UPDATE: Me and my friend, we'll call her L just had a nice little phone convo.
here's the main points
-she likes calling me babe, i return the favor
-she wants a chance to chill with me alone
-she obviously likes me
-she tells me about how she wants a nice boy (hint hint me )
-she tells me how her friends said we would be so cute together, and that they want it to happen.
-and many other obvious things that pretty much say "we should go out"

But im not sure about her, i don't feel the same sexual attraction to that other girl as i do with her, she is a little chubby, but she is pretty cute, shes got a car, smokes many blunts:D, hustles weed with her vagina powers (not me cuz i dont play that shit) she's nice but she is a little bummish imo.

but what i realized was if she really likes me, maybe i should give her a chance, because thats not something that happens everyday. And finding a chick who's so real and down to earth like she is isn't something u can just find out on the sidewalk. Truthfully i will have to see how this goes, even though she obviously wants a realtionship i'll just see if she is a girl for me before i commit to anything.

she sounds true blue enough to give it a shot I think. Is it just how she dresses? or is gonna look like shit when she rips her clothers off? I have a girlfriend right now, weve been on for almost a year. She is very pretty to begin but i brought out alot more in her by dropping subtle hints like, wanna come hiking? go to the gym? or ooooo try that new dress on, or pants. See she was kinda tomboyish before, just a bit, sporty more Id say, but now she's toned up more and wears nice clothes and makeup. So what I'm saying basically is... GET THE REALLLLLY HOT ONE ALONE, FUCK THE CHRIST OUT OF HER!!! then go be with the okay one and see how things work out. You never know. I know I'm sick, i just think you gotta rail this hottie before it's too late (wear a rubber) then drop her and fuck the other one for awhile and date her and shit. If she's like " whyd you fuck my friend???" just say, well shit I thought I liked her than I just kept thinking about you and I cant stop girl" home free bro! worst case scenario is you lose both those dumb bitches. Best is you pound that faggot JROD's HO and get a good GF out the sitch, good advice? ;)

~ BCbuddy :leaf:
you are sweating this too hard bro, sweat no bitch...but go for the one that is liking you and dont get sprung..she sounds like a loser.. the first girl is a waste of your time. she has a bf..if you get with her, she will do the same to you...but fuck her if you can, and mos def get a blowjob so you can ask joey d gangbanger how your cock tastes when he gets out...and be ready this time. thems fightin words...
Muppet man.. You need to return the favor to that "crip" fake fuck nigga crip... fuck that whack ass bitch..

He beat yur ass and everyones been beat up dont feel bad.. But you should get some of yur tougher freinds.. tell em we gonna get fucked up.. maybe buy some blus snort those bitches.. get a bunch of red rags and when he gets out spy on him find out where he is through freinds.. and jump him all red ragged up... his fake crip ass will understand why it happened..

After you do it dont brag to yur freinds bout it.. he will never know it was you.
He will think it was some fag he robbed to get high.
she sounds true blue enough to give it a shot I think. Is it just how she dresses? or is gonna look like shit when she rips her clothers off? I have a girlfriend right now, weve been on for almost a year. She is very pretty to begin but i brought out alot more in her by dropping subtle hints like, wanna come hiking? go to the gym? or ooooo try that new dress on, or pants. See she was kinda tomboyish before, just a bit, sporty more Id say, but now she's toned up more and wears nice clothes and makeup. So what I'm saying basically is... GET THE REALLLLLY HOT ONE ALONE, FUCK THE CHRIST OUT OF HER!!! then go be with the okay one and see how things work out. You never know. I know I'm sick, i just think you gotta rail this hottie before it's too late (wear a rubber) then drop her and fuck the other one for awhile and date her and shit. If she's like " whyd you fuck my friend???" just say, well shit I thought I liked her than I just kept thinking about you and I cant stop girl" home free bro! worst case scenario is you lose both those dumb bitches. Best is you pound that faggot JROD's HO and get a good GF out the sitch, good advice? ;)

~ BCbuddy :leaf:

haha thats really good advice, and shes not gonna look terrible but she does have a little gut, and i usually fuck with the real skinny girls, but i know if we have sex it will be great. And if i get the chance to smash the georgeous one i would do it in a second, but i really feel like i can't have a relationship with me. I think she would fuck another guy or something and were just not a good match. And if the hotty doesn't move, i will FUCK HIM UP right in front of her, cause we got beef and i got enough anger in my heart for him to move the world.
Muppet man.. You need to return the favor to that "crip" fake fuck nigga crip... fuck that whack ass bitch..

He beat yur ass and everyones been beat up dont feel bad.. But you should get some of yur tougher freinds.. tell em we gonna get fucked up.. maybe buy some blus snort those bitches.. get a bunch of red rags and when he gets out spy on him find out where he is through freinds.. and jump him all red ragged up... his fake crip ass will understand why it happened..

After you do it dont brag to yur freinds bout it.. he will never know it was you.
He will think it was some fag he robbed to get high.

Actually i know REAL CRIPS, like fucking OG's not some suburban fuckin white boy bitch who says hes bangin. Ill probably sneak that muh fucker with now warning like he did, but if we plan a fight i already got about 60 hard ass mutherfuckers coming with me, crips,young guys,older guys, tough mofo's in general. I work out with the thought of smashing his face as my motivation... I will be ready for whatever he does.
And he's gonna understand it was me, hes not gonna forget someone whos gonna fuck his shit up like i will for a looong time
haha hell yeah fuck his girl you BETTER fuck his girl or your fucking stupid and dont bring your friends, just fuck him up 1 on 1 or cheap shot him with a bat to the back of the head

oh yeah how much u bench and squat?
haha hell yeah fuck his girl you BETTER fuck his girl or your fucking stupid and dont bring your friends, just fuck him up 1 on 1 or cheap shot him with a bat to the back of the head

oh yeah how much u bench and squat?

i bench 60 on each side so about 185-200. i dont really max with my weights, i mostly just do isometrics strength training and i've gotten out of my routine of gettin jacked with weights lately.
And there is no one on one with fuck ass bitches like these. I hate squatting so much, i don't even do it man.
Dont do it, you are creating drama in your life you dont need. She mite be great in every way you want, but there are other girls out there. You are still a kid, plenty of fish out there.
If he finds out you screwed with her, even if he finds religion, there is a breaking point and men will do what they have to do to protect their girls. Your mommy and daddy dont want to plan a funeral for their son because he got in with the wrong crowd and girl. Sometimes men think more with emotion than us women do. Karma can rear its ugly head and bite you on the ass. Getting a piece of ass is not worth it. You sound like a good kid, go to college and better yourself and find a girl that you can make a future with.
Dont do it, you are creating drama in your life you dont need. She mite be great in every way you want, but there are other girls out there. You are still a kid, plenty of fish out there.
If he finds out you screwed with her, even if he finds religion, there is a breaking point and men will do what they have to do to protect their girls. Your mommy and daddy dont want to plan a funeral for their son because he got in with the wrong crowd and girl. Sometimes men think more with emotion than us women do. Karma can rear its ugly head and bite you on the ass. Getting a piece of ass is not worth it. You sound like a good kid, go to college and better yourself and find a girl that you can make a future with.

This is very good advice and i have realized this. Although she's georgeous she is definitely not worth the time and trouble. I'm usually considered the nice guy, and i don't think we have much more going on that that shes pretty and we like weed. I'm sorry but i don't get stupid fucked up (shrooms,xanex, etc.) and she likes too. i'm just seeing how its gonna go with the girl who actually likes me haha
Update: Two nights ago i was at my house taking some shots of whiskey, and L calls me up and asks if i wanna hang out. So i say yeah and she says bye babe and alla that. Now im already pretty damn drunk, but i get my diet coke bottle with whiskey in it and go meet them outside my house.She and her best friend are there(a kinda wild mixed girl) And there all asking me if they can have my liquour and im like yeah i guess after i get done drinking, it wasn't that much. So we start riding to go get a blunt (a gram if u don't know that :P) and im throwin my little bottle up a few times taking straight OlD Thompson and im feeling good. We roll up a swish and park in a neighborhood to burn it down. Now, my bottle is sitting in the cup holder in front of the gear shift. I said "i really gotta pee right now ill be right back"(and this is the south, we will pee on a tree) so i got out to do it but i just couldn't. I came back in hit the blunt went back out of the car and successfully peed. When i get back...the fucking bottle isn't there. So i start lookin all around the seat and floorboard in the only possible places it could be. And i'm like
"where's my bottle at?" and im not accusing them or anything im just asking them
"you musta left it out in the woods" says mixed girl
me- "i didn't take it with me, where did yall put it you stole my shit." now im getting angry
"you prolly left it in the woods with your drunk ass!"
me-"FUCK THAT yall stole my shit. i was gonna give it to you anyways WHAT THE FUCK."
mixed bitch was like "search my shit search my shit" but i wasnt gonna do that

When i get home L(girl who likes me) was tellin me i was being kinda rude and i just looked at her like yeeeeeahhhhh oookkkkkkk bitch, if you know what i mean. So she gets out to give me a hug and i squeeze her tight around the waist, and hug her nicely cause we barely ever chill. And when we go to pull away i see her lookin into my eyes and smiling and i just kissed her,right on the lips, softly, just a peck really >:) and then she left.
Im about 10000000% sure these bitches stole my shit tho, and im definitely gonna remember that shit. Because i don't jack their stuff but i guess they think they can fuck with me and think im stupid? no , im not stupid even when im drunk and that shit isn't gonna fly.
They baited and switched you. They got your booze, dont walk, " run forrest run" from those two. Don't even think about screwing either one of them as your gonna be paying support for the next 25 years if you do. You want to be a dad at 18, or 19? Looking for a free ride those two. Find a nice girl that you have in common like sports, or of that nature. You really want a girl, wait until you are able to support one. Let them come to you by not sleeping with them. Pretty soon you will have more girls on your arm than you would know what to do with.
They baited and switched you. They got your booze, dont walk, " run forrest run" from those two. Don't even think about screwing either one of them as your gonna be paying support for the next 25 years if you do. You want to be a dad at 18, or 19? Looking for a free ride those two. Find a nice girl that you have in common like sports, or of that nature. You really want a girl, wait until you are able to support one. Let them come to you by not sleeping with them. Pretty soon you will have more girls on your arm than you would know what to do with.

haha yeah im pretty pissed but ima let that what 4 ounces of liquor go, but believe im watching my shit. And they do come to me by not sleeping with them, like i told u im technically a virgin and i have had many chances to "get my tip wet" but i want that first time to be with a girl i really like, a girl i can really hold and be close too.(haha i guess im just romantic like that). And of course im goin in with a rubber on, and im pullin out..so she better not get pregnant. But still, being that i was drunk and no matter how sure i am im definitely gonna give them the benefit of the doubt on this one, but im def gonna be alot more aware. And yes i know what you mean about finding a girl like that, at this point im pretty sure...positive... that i can do better
IMO Man this whole situation sounds foul I too hung out with that group of dirty ass motherfuckers who didn't care about anyone or anything. Fast forward 7-8 years later to the present, I got a nice job got back in college (better late than never right?) got married to a beautiful woman and I don't see or talk to any of that group any longer. They're either junkies, broke and living with mom still, or dead. Point is, If all you lost were $3 and some liquor think of that as a small price to pay to keep some trifling ignorant fucks from bringing you down further.

On a side note I hate getting punched in the face just as much as the next guy, however I'm not as calm and collected as you my friend I would have brought that kid to within an inch of his life. Make him remember the price of putting a hand on me. ya heard!!

Best of luck to you
IMO Man this whole situation sounds foul I too hung out with that group of dirty ass motherfuckers who didn't care about anyone or anything. Fast forward 7-8 years later to the present, I got a nice job got back in college (better late than never right?) got married to a beautiful woman and I don't see or talk to any of that group any longer. They're either junkies, broke and living with mom still, or dead. Point is, If all you lost were $3 and some liquor think of that as a small price to pay to keep some trifling ignorant fucks from bringing you down further.

On a side note I hate getting punched in the face just as much as the next guy, however I'm not as calm and collected as you my friend I would have brought that kid to within an inch of his life. Make him remember the price of putting a hand on me. ya heard!!

Best of luck to you

yeah hes not worth my time and trouble, but i will FUCK THAT FOOL UP..don't sweat that... I will just outsmart him, it won't take much
don't argue with a fool or an idiot cuz they will bring you down to their level with experience. Be the bigger man and walk away. But if he gets out and comes after you, first then make sure it is in self defense and you have witnesses that are your friends and not those girls. I am not saying walk on egg shells but be very aware of your surroundings at all times. mom Regards
don't argue with a fool or an idiot cuz they will bring you down to their level with experience. Be the bigger man and walk away. But if he gets out and comes after you, first then make sure it is in self defense and you have witnesses that are your friends and not those girls. I am not saying walk on egg shells but be very aware of your surroundings at all times. mom Regards

girl i already know to watch these girls when it comes to that kinda thing. he won't come after me, im just gonna let it go because im not about fucking my whole life up. read the update tho.
' UPDATE: as i'm on the way to the gas station,(about a half mile walk) i get a call from L about"am i still lookin for that blunt? we can match lemme just see whats up cause im not buying the weed7:21. So i go home(abou(t a 10 minute waLK from where i am) and get swagged out and ready to see her, and at 8:03 i call, no answer, so i walk all the way back to the gas station and get some camel light singles.(which i figured out if you take most the filter off theyll boost your high out this world)

this gap in time is the time that i'm just sitting here doing not shit.
9:37 L "what are you doing like middle of the night tonight?" _a text message btw_
9:59- me--i dnot know not getting high thats for sure...
10:00- do you want to see me maybe if i can get out?
10:01- i dnot know i wanted to see you earlier and got all dressed and shit n u didn't some through
10:03-L i never said i could for sure!
10:06- maybe let me know tho? well i cant do anytthing in the middle of the night. maybe if you came over right now but im not sneakin out.
10:06- You're just like, i don;t know, always expecting me to be able to hang out with you. and i really don't think you can handle my lifestyle to be honest.
>> At this point i feel like shit, it's like she's breakin up with me even tho we don't go out.
10:11-me- im not even sure what to say to that :(....
10:14- well i come with a lot of issues and i'm a drug addict and i'm just definitely no where near what you need. and honestly, you're a little too young for me.(she's 7 months older than me)
10:16-so we cant even be friends :' (?
now at this point she takes so long to reply because of "her service in the bedroom"
i thought i had just been let go. i was desperately emo at the moment.
she eventually says of course, and that she usually dates guys one to two years older with a job and a car and shit. and i told her that when im that point in my life i wouldn't be caught dead dating a high school girl. right now i really drunk, and this is a pain to type but i realized something.
i need a nice girl, nice like me, with values and a pretty smile. I really need a clean, legit girl and im definitely looking for her. I know i need more than her, and we'll stay friends but i really do deserve ALOT better than her. not to sound narcissitic but i know it's the truth