But i can't be sure to reach 3lbs. off of 2 400's, it could be done but it isn't worth all the work imo2 1k's is overkill for that area. go with 2 400's
But i can't be sure to reach 3lbs. off of 2 400's, it could be done but it isn't worth all the work imo2 1k's is overkill for that area. go with 2 400's
i have done thart size area with 2-600,s and 2-1000,s the 1000,s were not over kill they prduced 1 1/2 pounds per light,the 600,s did not do that,but it is still good 2 600,s,that is what i prefer,but they dont equal the yield of the 1000,s.it can be done, just do research and make sure the environment is suitable for maximum growth and lowest stress. 2000w its too much though in my opinion. 2 600w's will do just fine
Why is 3 the number you must meet? If I was you I would be shooting for 2 and hopping for 3. I think you are asking way too much for a first indoor grow with 2000w. I just dont understand!!! Heat will definately be a problem. The heat produced by the two lights will be extreamly hard to remove with an exghaust system like yours. Cool tubes are the best way to go for what you are working with. You dont need to vent your lights through a scrubber if you lights have are sealed from the grow room. I sugest you read more of the FAQs and maybe even a few grow journals. I think then you will have a better idea of what I am talking about. 3lbows on the first indoor grow is reaching for the stars. I am not saying it can not be done but it take a lot of experience or luck to reach this mark with 2k watts in soil.