I need some advice.


Well-Known Member
Bro, it's going to smell. Your girl is going to know unless she's completely oblivious to things going on around her. There are some things you can do to lesson the smell but not totally get rid of it. Honestly what your talking about is quite an investment. why not wait until you are somewhere more private. I understand that you want to do this but you have to ask yourself, are the consequences worth the reward. What if your girl finds out and leaves? What if your parents find out? What if the cops find out? You could be without a house, family, a girl, and with a record because you didn't wait a year?!?

I just wanted to play devils advocate.
This was my main concerne to begin with. As far as my gf finding out, Im pretty sure she will, but thats really almost not even a concerne, i mean we have kinda talked about it, like ill bring it up every now andthen, but i always get the impresion that she doesnt want to talk about it.....But my main concerne is really her family smelling it, they have known me for along time, and if they found out im still a pot smoker, i think they would look at me a lil different =(, but the thing is,,, its not like we will be having alot of family visits, i mean, we have been here for 3 months and they havent come yet so....im guessing we willget like 1 or 2 visits a year....maybe more, but not much

If something were to go down and i get a notice from the landlord saying they will give me 48 hours notice before coming, i can easily transport them somewhere and have a safe place for them to stay for a few days,. But if its in he middle of the week, and her aunt just seems to be in town and wants to stop by and say hi, i def dont want it to stink.. I guess if i cant figure out how to totally elimate the smell, i just wont be able to do it, or fuk, if it gets too bad,,i might be able to take them to a relatives house, for like the final month of flowering, cause im guessing hats when it will smell the most


Well-Known Member
im not too much of a handy man either, but so far ive made my stealth grow box pretty effectively, a bit ghetto but it works.

Im planning on running to a couple stores and look into getting a storage cabinet that will fit into my closet and ill put a lock on it and if my sister asks, it is valuable / smoke locker storage thing since im going to get a lock for it. I was going to build my own but it seems like its going to take alot longer, despite it would fit my needs perfectly though, i just cant descide. i guess it goes by whats at the stores tomorrow.

but for smells you can build a carbon filter easily attached to an exhaust fan

if its locked she cant open the box, she cant figure out what it is, she cant get in without your key so its safe, which also includes snooping landlords or parents

with the right setup you can grow right under their nose

dont be fooled it takes time and money though, and i have no where near build a great box to brag about, ide say mine is shit compared to other setups ive seen, but it works.. i just know what i need to get done but im lazy n between class, friends, my 2 week yearold plants and lazy stoned procrastination i have yet to start what ive been planning for almost a month