I need some help friends! First time grower.


New Member
Hello everyone.
I am pretty close to my flowering stage, But have hit a road block.
Recently my plants have shown little black spots on some of the leaves, slowly causing it to yellow, harden, curl up and fall off.
Some of the stems have some purple where the stem reaches the middle.
It seems to start with the oldest/largest leaves, about mid plant height.
I use technoflora fertz, and it has been treating me pretty good so far. (Or so i have thought?)
I water every 3/5 days.
The lights i use are 3 sunblasters, two feet long.
The temperature floats between 65/74.
I did a ph test recently for the first time and it did seem a little high, though its hard to tell on the strips.
Some of the plants are doing better than others..
I dont quite know the pot size, hopefully you can tell in the pictures included.

I have browsed the forums for some clues but i cant really pin point it, i also dont have a ton of time to devote into searching.
Any more info i can give to help assess the problem, please let me know!
Thanks guys - one love.



Well-Known Member
Some of this looks like heat damage, is your thermometer at top of canopy? I would also guess you have a nutruient issue, probably of the too much variety. Do you have a ppm reading on your nutes? Your water source? ppm on your source water? Lastly, what is your dirt mix and does it have added ferts?


New Member
No the thermometer is on a shelf just a tad higher than the pots.
The soil I use is vigoro black earth. I cant tell if there are any fertz added, though i know it has humus.
Not quite sure what ppm is honestly. But on my feeding schedule is says EC = 2.0(ppm= 1100)


Well-Known Member
If I had to hazard a guess I would say that they are probably root bound and could stand to be transplanted into a larger container. :weed:


Well-Known Member
I tend to agree with the maybe nute burn, I'd lower my ppm's to 800, personnaly I'd never feed my plants 1100 at veg stage, I would during last few weeks of flower gradually.


Well-Known Member
If I had to make a guess I would say that you are burning your plants with too much fertilizer. Back down to 700-800 ppm with nutes not including your water. Flush first.


Well-Known Member
Try and get a temperature reading under the lights right at the top of the canopy layer. Your feeding schedule is geared more toward tomatoes, in my opinion. I would look at getting your ph back into range and just watering a little heavy when they need it. You could also flush the plant but I'd wait and try to get some more opinions first. For me, flushing is a last resort.

little butch

Active Member
If they were mine, as long as I've been growing, I would put them out of their misery......Looks like nute burn...also, what's up with the extreme stretch?? What kind of lights ? How close? More than 1 problem here...if these aren't autos they probably ( most likely) need more root room. Too many problems to give a good read. Sorry, just my opinion. Good luck. peace & be kind.


New Member
I would just like to say thank you to every one!
I have cut down my nute's and have seen a big improvement!
One still looks a little rough, but i think she will make it :)

A bigger pot has been bought and i will transfer a few weeks before i switch to my flowering spot.