I need some help from expierienced commercial growers


Active Member
4 words to reach 70lbs. Vertical lighting, bucket systems. And you will probably need another flower room. 36 plants, 2 lbs a piece. You could do 18 a room, vertical 1k lighting, lots of vertical 1k lighting. just my opinion from seeing successful 2-3lb tree grows from other folks.


Well-Known Member
yeah thanx guys and dont worry about bein negative
cool im glad you got what i was saying without taking offense.

as for strains i have a few good ones im lookin into and the 2 im really thinking about is white russian from serious and dp euphoria
DP euforia is the ultimate plant IMO if you have the grow room, it stretches and turns into monster plants no matter how much you fight it. Still stretching 5.5 weeks after I turn the lights, and thats after i drowned it in growth retardant. Massive plants, massive yields, massive quality, very fast flowering times, but dont expect 7 weeks, more like 9 (which is still VERY good for 90% sativa)

i grow everglades bud

Well-Known Member
lol no problem man thanx for the info and lol what are the odds lol i love how the euphoria sounds and now your makin me lean towards it even more:weed:

and i got 6 month till it has to ready each time lol so i think it will be fine=) think i will veg for about 21/2 - 3 months and then have my mothers and just keep it growin and clonin lol and that way they have 3 months to flower, harvest, and cure. will have a efficient system. and quality is one major concern to me and thats why big bud is not an option as i said earlier but thanks for the opinion from whoever said it earlier.

you guys are great keep any ideas comin


Active Member
i hope all goes well man but just wanted to add that its one thing to have a small personal/semi commercial grow and another thing altogether to go ahead and do what your planning as mentioned ealier all the things your gonna have to sort out electricity water soil smell , youd want to have your house in the middle of nowhere and to get 70lbs youd want a warehouse not a house, which would also solve your electricity probs , but most of all are you prepared to go spend the next god knows how many years sitting in a cell with .... knows who. just my opinion man and i do grow but even if i was in a position to do what your planning i wouldnt , id rather and def fell safer with a mass outdoor guerilla grow in nat park or somewhere tucked away. no power or smell worries , waters an issue , but at least the only way youll get done is if you get caught with them. anyway enough said hope all goes well .


Well-Known Member
think i will veg for about 21/2 - 3 months
lol you have no idea what euforia is like

that plant was vegged for 2 weeks and then topped. its about 4 feet tall. i hate to think what a 3 month veg hydro euforia would look like.

on a more serious note, i REALLY want to reinforce what has been said, do a few small grows before you fuck about with a big grow, you are just burning so much money doing what your planning


Active Member
Make sure you have a giant carbon scrubber, bigger the better. Use Co2 for sure, just vent your hoods and seal your room. Keep temps at 80 degrees. Consider making a disinfectant room before your grow rooms so as not to contaminate the plants with spider mites. with such a large investment would be a shame for the crops to get ruined. You need good air flow as well. Constantly have those leaves moving. I would do shorter harvest rather than one large. you can get 2 good ones done in 6 months but for the yields you are talking about, 70 lbs you need around 550-600 plants. that means 28 600 w lights, 4 for each 100 plants. or you could get away with 14 1,000 w, but you better use Co2 if you want the yeilds your talking about. It is a must to use hydro, I know all the BC growers use soil, but they have places to put it and they have 5 man teams for every 1000 plants. I hope you have a partner, 500 plants for yourself can be daunting when harvesting time comes around. You will want to make a separate drying space because you will want to get your next crop in as fast as possible. Research the right way to cure your plants because if you want to get rid of product fast you need to have good quality. A proper cure can raise the THC levels of your plants not to mention make them smoke smooth like butter. you will a lot of clones btw, so figure that out to. You were talking about 2 rooms 1 for flower 1 for veg. Consider having 5 rooms and not moving your plants, just changing light schedules. I think with so many plants this will be easier. Dont tell anyone you grow, be nice to your neighbors, if you bring equipment to your house bring it in through the garage. Be real fucking low key. Dont even post on these sites, i could get your IP adress, then your adress, then raid you. be carefull. at the end of the year your going to make close to 500 grand, thats intices a lot of theives. DONT TELL ANYONE. I dont want to be rude but you sound like a typical stoner. Dont tell anyone! If you want to cut down on electric cost to avoid suspision, use floros for the veg.

my veg times would be 4-5 weeks.

Good luck bro, I wish you the best. respects for trying out such a big grow.

p.s. set up all your sell contacts BEFORE you start to grow. Ask them if they will buy exactly what strain you are growing and for how much money. Buyers have been known to change the prices after your grow is finished beacuase they know you need to get rid of it. so have several contacts. Dont go black market unless you do it super low key, you need differnt people to sell your shit, dont sell it yourslef unless you want to be followed and robbed. when your daling with dollar figures that high criminals will find you. Do it once for 6 month and get the hell out of the biz.


Active Member
sorry to double post but i forgot a few things.

You need to know how to handle 500 grand in cash. How are you going to filter than money? I hope you know what goes into filtering that much money. Don't go buying a Ferrari or they will come after you for tax fraud.

Question to the gentleman with the euforia strain. 90% sativa, that sounds beautiful, with only a 9 week flowering time? Sounds to good to be true. Did you say the yields are high? Hows the smoke? I'm supreid i havent heard about this strain. How long has it been around? How are the genetics?


Well-Known Member
good point about the money handling issue regardless how much u end up with. having that much cash cant b just deposited into ur bank account without being noticed smelled or taxed. and hiding that much cash is an issue at least get a safe. i actually started a side distribution company reselling aftermarket automotive parts and allows me to write off all kinds of shit and also have a biz account to deposit large amounts of cash. the other issue is still the feds track that money so i never ever deposit more then 20% of wat i make into my account. i actually am a vendor to the co-ops here in so cal so i dont get top dollar like u would on the street but very good point from above about having dealers lined up to purchase ur shit. its just like nay real business, gotta have potentila buyers at a set price so u can unload when the time comes around. and also good point do deal urself. people will catch on greedy fukrs will track u and know u have cash on u all the time and when they break into ur house and stumble upon the garden of eden. wow wont they be happy. but keep it smart triple think everything u do. erase ur steps. dont keep anything on paper or in ur phone. dont keep cash where the product is being grown. wear gloves all the times. all this shit wll b used against u in court and like sumone else mentioned i like the enthuasism to grow huge and commercial but its no joke for the penalties and its sumthing very important u need to consider before u make this investment., are u willing to go to fed prision for at least 10 years. u have to weigh ur options. times r hard right now and the law is bullshit but unfortunately bud is still illegal and thats why i try to stay within my guidelines of a medical patient and grow 6 plants buts trees at a time. not nearly the same level ur on but the principle still applies. ure just multiplyign everything im doin.

id agree about using a warehouse. power supply wont b as hard to deal with and wont raise suspicion as much either. u can rent it under a front company name and maybe even do a fake name to avoid u later getting popped for the whole grow. even tho they prob have finger prints vide pix calls deals etc from ur everyday activities but its worth it to try and get heat off ur bak.

the smell id do a carbon filter to scrub the air. def works the best and is quiet.
use a inline fan (CFM rating depends on the volume of the room A=lxwxh) and put the filter standing up on one end with the one side on the ground sealed off and the fan sucking air thru and out from the top of the filter.
thatyll eliminate the odor.

also hes correct about the co2 use a sealed exhaust vent system with ur hoods so u dont suck out the co2 in ur room and keeps the heat out. co2 can increase temps up to 86 safely i believe at 1500ppm would be optimal. get a co2 tank with a regulator and the hydro store has a control box that will check the air for the PPM and release co2 as needed. ull prob chaneg the tank out every week or two depending on the room size.

the yield and quality os always the exciting part and challenge thats mainly wat i love about growing. u never know wat will work the best. u can always fuk it up, or make it better. i love RUI cuz everyone on here has their own methods tried and failed or success. my oppinion; do the research get oppinions like u are and do watever the fuk u wanna do and see wat happens. if u fuk up its on u. no one else. but u dont need to blame or get mad shit happens just start over and do it til u get it right. i agree about the guy above who said start small and make sure u can dial in all ur factors; temp air co2 lighting soil ph watering etc. but u did mention u have experiance and the funds so again its all up to u.
im all for seeing this grow get rolling and pix and how the setup works out. but the other advice i heard thats good is get in get out. u dont wanna make this a career. the DEA is around for a reason and people snitch and u dont know who will until they get rolled so be careful who ure dealing with., if it feels sketchy then dont do biz with that person. its worth losing the profit over goin to jail, plus u can alwas find sumone else to unload it even if its for less.

also id rec not using a home server and computer. this is a public site and still sketches me out about whos on here and how secure it is. im no comp genius but seen too many shows and movies where people hack into peoples shit find out who and wehre they live (mainly the feds) and u dont wanna raise a red flag on here for ur huge grow. ive heard of using a seperate proxi server? i think that sounds right. or use a comp at a diff house rather then where u live or are connected to. just a friendly warning.

anyways im tired of rambling sorry guys lol but good shit!

i grow everglades bud

Well-Known Member
dam i got to say this again I Love You ppl,

i am going to use co2 at 1500ppm so you guys are right on the money, ventilation will be a little excessive =) i love the sound of leaves flowing in the air lol.
i have a great money washing project that will let me clean any amount i make in the period of a year. no details over computer. the computer has nothing in my name and connected through nothing in my name.

I will be located in an area known as BFE! lmao if you know where this is, ssshhhhhhh lol

i solved the electrical snooping =) briliant idea if you ask me in pm i will gladly tell you in email or pm

As for moving the weight i already have 3 dispeceries in contact and 7 ppl on the street. will be able to dump in 3 days after cured,
i have no one elses help so harvesting will be a fuckin mission but i have a few ppl that i will pay and fly up to me from florida to help out and im buying aardvard trimmers cuz thats the shit lol.

i think that covers everything. oh no someone said i flower room? no i am going to have 2 flower rooms and i want a veg room because i will have to keep it separated and i think i am going to veg to months and will have a harvest every 21/2 months or so give or take with the euphoria and i love how that plant is lookin! nice job

and your rambling dont bother me lol

i forgot to tell you that i will have sealed rooms and all equipment in a separate room, ballasts, and cooling&heating,and that will be a cooled room.
also the carbon filters will def be in use just in case because i will be venting through a chiller or a/c so a must to keep the smell from corrupting a 10 mile radius everytime i open the loor lmao


Active Member
I still suggest tree grow- less plant numbers. Even in illegal spots, numbers mean the difference between big time or little time in the pen worst case scenario. Plus large plant numbers are easy to contort to make you look even worse.

First and foremost, I would suggest that you are already growing some strains to find what seems to yield best under your planned conditions, then determine which route you want to take. A lot of plants look good on paper, but may not be able to support your yield requirements. If you are in the everglades, then you are going to need to find a humidity/mold resistant strain, as your humidity will be higher, a dehumidifier will probably be needed in each room along with great air circulation. Plenty of airflow, as it would be a shame to find any bud rot/mold problems 2 months in or during harvest.


You should definitely look into blocking Infrared Scanning. There are many different products available now, here are some links.

Poly Shield: B&W Poly infused with metals to block infrared. http://www.greenandclean.ca/id385.htm

Heat Shield: Same thing but comes in different sizes and prices. They also claim that Heat Shield sticks better than Poly Shield and is more reflective. http://www.hydrowholesale.com/mm5/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Store_Code=hydro&Category_Code=LA

Hydro Innovations: Infrared blocking air cooled reflector covers, inline fan covers and ducting covers. Specifically made for Hydrofarm and Sunlight Supply reflectors. http://www.hydroponics.net/c/530

Hope this helps. Security can never be under minded, oh ya and don't trust anyone. I've gotten robbed by my "best friends" and informants may get a lead on you and act cool. Watch the phone Obama is trying to completely legalize phone tapping period. Good luck to you, overgrow the government!:weed:


Well-Known Member
thats sum good info on avoiding the heat scanner larger growers should def invest always in high security. my outdoor sertup i did 5 cameras with night vision infared sensors and security netting etc around my crop just cuz i got ripped at my old pad last year cuz again "my bestfriends" knew about it and either they did it or told sumone and so on. shit is jsut sketchy with greedy lazy ass peeps. indoor can be safer but u still need the securtiy and avoid detection at all costs. a successful crop is an unknown undiscovered crop


Active Member
I am not a commerical grower I do have some experience and am planning my own large scale grow. There are many factors you need to consider. Do you want to concentrate your efforts on a smaller number of very large plants with larger harvests coming less frequently or do you want to have a large number of small plants with regular harvests of a smaller yield? As far as a strain goes do not just look at the yield potential look also at the flowering time. I personally love PPP it is a great yeilding rapid growing forgiving plant that finishes in 8 weeks. If i were going to be trying for you goals I would look into a stadium style SOG grow with daisy chained 1000 watters so that you are using your lights for a full 360 degree grow you will greatly maximize your yield per sq/ft in this manner. Co2 is going to be practically a requirement for the amount of plants you are going to need to be squezzing together. I would also def consider changing your mind about hydro it will greatly reduce you veg times and increase yield. You are also going to want to start with a large number of feminized seeds and choose you mother plants carfully for the best growth charecteristics. Hope this helps a little.

i grow everglades bud

Well-Known Member
thanx guys,

trees are going to be more of what i am going for which is less numbers and higher yields,
after everything is said and done i am going to pick a few strains and what ever does the best in total will be the strain i use,
about the heat problem i am not goin to worry about it because i am going to run lights during days and early morning to evening. might be a misteak yet its my choice.
as for security, no problems i am the only one who will know location untill harvest time and will only use a few trusted family members and pay very well to keep mouth shut.
i plan on having plenty of venting and dehumidifiers and the everglades is not where this will be held lol florida is a NON-MJ state

And my plans are 2 large harvests a year.

well thanks guys, keep the opinions commin.:weed:


Well-Known Member
lol you have no idea what euforia is like

that plant was vegged for 2 weeks and then topped. its about 4 feet tall. i hate to think what a 3 month veg hydro euforia would look like.

on a more serious note, i REALLY want to reinforce what has been said, do a few small grows before you fuck about with a big grow, you are just burning so much money doing what your planning
thats incredible for 2 weeks growth!!

haha at the pillow, do u sit on that and chill with ur girls?


Active Member
if i were a commercial grower id stay the .... away from this thread for all anyone knows what you need help with is figuring out who the big growers are ,so you can pay them a unfriendly visit , hate to be a downer just weird someone popping up and saying they have endless money pit there willing to just piss up the wall on something they come across as knowing nothing about , sorry everglades if ive read you wrong but it almost sounds like "calling all big growers".

i grow everglades bud

Well-Known Member
no problems man but for me at least i know nothings going to happen.nothing i am using is registered in my name or anything, all emails are dummies and internet access location isnt my house and cant be traced to me lol but thanx for the concern. plus this site doesnt give out i.p addresses anyways from what i have heard. the servers are based in the netherlands if im remembering correctly and U.S has no say over what they can and cant do =) thanx to treaties!

be safe and keep growin:weed: