I need some help you guys. im seriously depressed.


okay, so i live in my mom's house. and she hates weed. but i use weed to medicate myself. i use it to help when she bitches at me for everything.

i use it to sleep and i eat. for some reason she thinks i just smoke to get fucked up. its getting to the point where she is about to kick me out if i fail this drug test but i have nowhere to go!

please help me on what i can do because i legitimately need marijuana to function.
okay, so i live in my mom's house. and she hates weed. but i use weed to medicate myself. i use it to help when she bitches at me for everything.

i use it to sleep and i eat. for some reason she thinks i just smoke to get fucked up. its getting to the point where she is about to kick me out if i fail this drug test but i have nowhere to go!

please help me on what i can do because i legitimately need marijuana to function.

I advise you to take one of those paychecks that looks like a phone number and rent yourself an apartment.
Yeah man, if you don't have a job, you're about to get flamed REALLY bad.
You have no choice but to stop smoking weed. Do you have some kind of disease or illness?
Sit mom down and have her watch this...

Yup, gotta get your own place or follow her rules (or at least appear to) come on though dude, you use it to get fucked up too...that doesnt say you dont have medical applications...but try to realize you are both a little right, and both a little wrong. Humble yourself and squash her weed fears with positive goal oriented actions and achoevements.
Pass the test and keep smoking pot... Get some clean piss.

And like Phil said - don't bring it up, keep it on the d/l and don't talk about it.

I got sent away to a therapeutic boarding school for 2 1/2 years due to depression/anxiety. During that time they loaded me up with all types of crazy medications that made me feel all kinds of weird. I finally got out and stopped them all - started smoking pot and I'm much more stable and much happier. My parents had no problem with me being sent away and locked up, nor the crazy loads of pX pills but pot is a huge no no to them.

I haven't lived at home for a long time but to this day I keep my mouth shut! Doesn't matter that bud works better than the pills - in their mind pot is bad, period, doesn't matter what evidence I present or how much I tell them I'm legitimately happier - they will not buy it (I've tried over and over). But guess what; if I keep my mouth shut and say what they want I can keep smoking pot and everyone is happy.
What exactly are you asking for from strangers here? I'm sorry but it sounds like you're making kinda weak reasons to medicate your self because your mommy "bitches" at you. If my kid lived in my basement and spent his time burning down and playing video games (just a guess), I'd be all over you for it. Sorry for the reality check.

Smoking to get high and feel good is all good. Everyone on here did it way before this medical marijuana scene took over.

Sounds like a good tough love time to say get your own place and live your life how you want. Smoke it up, party, and have fun. Life is too short to cry about your mommy.

Sorry for the hand slap grasshopper.
welcome to the holidays and eyah i feel you dude. smoke the weed pan handle for a tent and call it a day. get a job after that using a friends address for reference and you'll be good. id be medicating too if i was you
i had 2 jobs but i quit one caues i never got any hours and the other job just fired me a week ago for missing 1 day.
I use it to help when she bitches at me for everything isn't really a viable reason to "self medicate" as you say. You're a kid (I'm assuming) so that is life. Sorry to be harsh
Is the computer your typing this on,, is it yours?
Do you pay rent?
Do you have a job?
Are you going to skool?
Do you know Erica? (shes looking for a meaningful relationship I think) interested?
Has it been over a year since you attended skool?

If you answered No to any of the above Quit Smoking...
welcome to the holidays and eyah i feel you dude. smoke the weed pan handle for a tent and call it a day. get a job after that using a friends address for reference and you'll be good. id be medicating too if i was you

And there's the reality of it. If you don't quit or somehow make your mom happy, you'll be panhandling for a camping tent so you have somewhere to sleep.
Btw, it's winter...
naw its not like i just sit around and don't do shit. i work, or did. i go to school (but im on break, about to graduate). its just i use weed to feel normal. there is alot of personal shit that goes on to make me get to the point where i just cant take being alive with her and smoking, of course, makes all that go away. she would prefer me to take these medicines (and i fucking hate medicine. anything artificial like that i hate) and i jsut want to smoke. idk, im not bitching or trying to sound weak im just looking for some help because im in a slump right now.
naw its not like i just sit around and don't do shit. i work, or did. i go to school (but im on break, about to graduate). its just i use weed to feel normal. there is alot of personal shit that goes on to make me get to the point where i just cant take being alive with her and smoking, of course, makes all that go away. she would prefer me to take these medicines (and i fucking hate medicine. anything artificial like that i hate) and i jsut want to smoke. idk, im not bitching or trying to sound weak im just looking for some help because im in a slump right now.
Well at least you're young dude. Take it as a wake up call that you'll never be truly happy until you move out and get the hell out of there and move on with your life. You might have to quit smoking for a while but it sounds like you'll live...lol
quit blaming your mom and go.
The funny part is when you do move out she'll probably cry and maybe even try and get you not to move. She just might wanna see you try.