I need some indoor room tips!


Active Member
10x10 with temporary wall down the middle with reflective plastic covering the foot gap from the ceiling to the temp wall so limited light is in the fowering room.
the left "pic1" is the flowering side.
the right "pic2" is where we have some clones and seedlings starting "the seedlings are not there yet this is a older pic" on the while shelf we have a 4 bulb 5x3 flouresent laying ontop over the seedlings that are the desk/table we have a 1000watt metal halide for the growing stage when they are larger.
FLOWERING side "pic1" has 17 plants unknown strands just seeds we came across 2 feet from the 1000watt hps i figured its better to use hps for flowering correct me if im wrong thats why im making this post! lol they are about 5 weeks in to flowering and have just tiny nuggs and white hairs is this normal? i have 5 gal pots for them tomarrow i know the pots are small.. the light cycle is 10on 14off there is a built in exhaust fan in the room lucky us :) and is on every other day we also have a fan and humidifier on the floor in front of the fan. Is there such thing as too much humidity??! its on 24/7.
Most the plants are 2 1/2 feet then theres two about 1 foot tall at the most in the middle of pic3 with a nice cluster of nuggs starting on the whole thing and they both branch from onethen two where the stem is just above the soil..? they are watered everyday and we put banana peels on top of the soil in some pots for a kind of compost nutrient source. Give me your knowledge!!!:joint::hump:!!! have more pictures soon.



Active Member
yeah i told my partner that and he thinks longer rest and less light will make big whole some buds slowly and talking about how the sun sets outside and i said its indoor its a totally diff story.. and why do i need odor control the vent goes out the roof on the house the closest neighbor is 600 to 700 feet away..?

H R Puff N Stuff

Well-Known Member
your friend is wrong it needs to be 12/12 dont let him screw them up have him ggogle it if he doesnt believe me and venting the smell outside just pumps the smell outside so people walking by can smell it. my first grow i thought the same thing and these two people riding there bike said it always smells like pot when we go by here next day got ona gel and carbon filter when i could afford it and thats that i am doing it legal trust me you will need it.plants look nice and good luck.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
Odor control is always important bub. Stink from the herb is heavier than air meaning it will linger around your house. Your neighbors are not the only ones to worry about. What about the meter reader? Cable guy, tax assessor, insurance man, Dog warden, landlord, your grandma. Whoever. Put a carbon filter on your exhaust and be safe not cheap.


I think we are seeing a little bit of both, they aren't the best pictures.

Yes there is a thing as too much humidity. Especially during flowering, as high humidity can lead to bud rot and other diseases. Much 70% RH is probably to be considered high.

IDK about that soil, what kind are you using. I can see the containers aren't totally filled; it's good to utilize all available space in a container. You'd be better off putting actual compost or earthworm castings on top of the soil, the banana peels themselves aren't really going to do anything any they could attract flies or other bugs.


Active Member

    • k so im using 30lbs of
      ro-mix mycorrnizae growing medium.
      ingredients:sphangnum peat moss,perlite horticulture grade,vermiculite hord grade,dolomitic and calcitic limestone (ph adjuster)
      :espoma organic blood meal 1.6 lbs
      :espoma organc bone meal 2.3 lbs
      jamaician bat guano 2 1/2 cups
      just transplanted 13 plants about 3-4 inches tall into this mix and tomarrow 17 2-3 ft.tall flowering plants are being transplanted from 5 in pots into 5gal buckets.

      also what are some hydroponics what is some beneficial bacteria that i could add to my hydroponics?
      oh and sorry for the blurry pics :/

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