I need some of you DWC bleach users to stop by please, I'm chasing my tail here!

Hello all! Thanks for stoping by my thread today!

I have come here to get some views and opinions, and hopefully one of them will help me see what I'm obviously missing.

Let me first start off by telling you that I have about 10 years growing experience, the last 4 years with dwc. Ive had many successful harvest oddly enough with the exact same setup I am still using today. I have experimented greatly with many unpopular ideas, but never had an issue like I'm having now on tried and true methods. Something is keeping me from even a decent anount of growth, and at this point I'm starting to think its Karma. I just cant see what else it could be.

Personally I believe its what I'm feeding my plants, because it seems as soon as a root hits water, it becomes brittle and browns and falls off with the slightest tug. The interesting part is that it doesnt seem to matter what kind of water I'm using. Its been 2 harvest since I would say things were going properly, and 2 harvest trying different waters yet still having the same issues with the roots. In my mind, it all started the first time I tried using fish tank water in the reservoir. Up until this point I had used either extremely soft conditioned tap water alone, or conditioned tap water with the gh trio. For years this seemed to work well enough. Through my first drip system, to flood and drain, and finally years later dwc. But ultimately one day I decided to try and maximize my results with what people raved about in soil. I swapped my basically sterile resis out to my fish tanks water change water... It immediately went bad! I understand now why, and in attempts to correct that I started using teas to try and make it work... Im sorry to say that for me this didnt help either. By the day the smells were getting worse, and the roots just junk. I tried 2 or 3 recipes only to get much worse before I gave it up completely and went back to my tried and true tap water. This saved my plants, but after those long weeks of stuggle, they just couldnt excel before the deadline. I had to harvest my poorest harvest ever, and move pitiful plants over to begin their new light cycle. In my mind I was expecting the plants to come back to life and be bountiful again eventually, but for some reason they never did.

Now I want to pause here to talk about a side note. Not only have I been struggling with my garden, I was also struggling to keep fish, snails, and aquatic plants in a fish tank I had set up. everything but the heartiest of fish would die within a week or two. I was using conditioned tap water there too. I started wondering if the two issues were related since they shared a common ingredient. I bought a gh/kh test kit and thats when I found out I had extremely soft water. With a ppm of 33 and a ph of 7.5 I discovered that I had 0 gh and 0 kh. In my tap water I dont have some of the key minerals for plants or livestock to thrive, and inevitably because of it they die. Finally though at least I had found a problem in black and white to correct and I was hopeful it would translate in my garden. If Im honest however, I dont understand how it would help since the gh trio is supposed to add all the necessary nutrients... I shouldnt need gh or kh in my source. But desperate for anything to work, I again switched water to tap water and used the buffer chemicals I was using in my tank to add gh and kh to the reservoir. This actually helped. I started seeing substantial growth again that I hadnt seen in a while, but it was short lived because of the ph. The buffering agents caused the ph to stay at 7.5. I would buffer it back down, but by the next day it was right back at 7.5. Despite the plants again growing, I 86'd the fish tank chemicals, and went back to gh since I knew they buffer to a much more stable 5.8-6.0. Almost immediately unfortunately they got worse. The rot that I first experienced with the fish tank water just never left completely, and now it was running rampant.

I did a lot of reading online and against my better judgement, I found myself adding bleach to the water. Before you reply here about how crazy that is, do yourself a favor and read about it. Many people apparently use it, even for maintenance with no issues at all. Ive seen it posted by many that a .5ml ppm in dwc is perfect for healthy roots pythium free. As a matter of fact I havent seen anyone who uses it say a single thing bad about it. Again Im desperate so I tried it. If youre having bacteria problems I cant urge you enough to learn about it too. Youll thank me for it later.

Personally I think it was the best thing ive done for my garden yet! Within a day the bleach had killed the foul smell, and my roots and equipment were pristine. My clear tubing clear again. Seriously in just 24 hours every root in the water went from a brown slimy sludge to a bright white that Ive only seen in these journals. I was sold right then! I am 100% confident that the right amount of bleach is very beneficial to dwc, especially if youre struggling with any type of pathogen. I'm sure there will be a few naysayers, there always are, but I can tell you now those naysayers have never tried it.

I enjoyed watching my plants recover again, this time pythium free. After a week things were so very green again, roots looked great, all was good.

Then here I go again getting in my own way again. One night while I was laying in bed I was thinking about how all those soil boys get such good results out of their fish water, and how in dwc it just doesnt work because of all the bacteria that goes bad in the reservoirs... and it hit me, now that im using bleach, I could get the nutritional benefits, and the bleach would take care of the bacteria good and bad before it could be a problem. Unfortunately though I was wrong. The waste water with bleach caused the plants to droop almost immediately. It didnt take a full day before I flushed yet again to conditioned tap water with gh trio and bleach.

During this same time I also decided it was time to invest in ro water. Although now that in my fish tank the fish and snails werent dying, My plants here wouldnt grow either. I have plants that are supposed to over grow my tank, yet theyre not growing at all. I'm conditioning my tap water, I'm remineralizing, Im using ferts, yet nothing is happening. I even added co2 in hopes of growth. I had apparently fixed the dying livestock with the remineralization, but I hadnt found the problem with the plants. Since I was also having problems in the garden again I questioned the tap water. I just decided that it would be best if I started from a clean slate with the water and put in the ingredient that I wanted.

The first treatment went to the fish tank. As soon as I did a water change I knew something was different, something was better. Its hard to explain but after a normal tap water change your tank becomes slightly cloudy probably from the conditioning of the water and stirring up stuff, but after 2-3 hours it would all settle again. With the ro however it was crystal clear immediately. I will go on record now saying that after an hour that water was so clear I could nail the coffin completely shut on if the ro water was gonna be better than my tap. Ive had this tank set up over a year and I had never seen 100% clear water looking down the long way of the tank. At best I would say 90% before. I have drift wood tanins, fish waste, plant decay, etc making the water cloudy, but not now. Not even today (a week later) has that water got even the tiniest bit cloudy. The plants turned bright green, and everything just looks so much better. Even the fish seem more active and less at the top.

So lets try it in the garden right? I do a little reading first and find that supposedly ole lucas has found a way to remineralize water, even ro water with just gh micro and gh bloom. supposedly you dont even need calmag (personally i dont understand why people who use gh trio need calmag to begin with, the gh trio is supposed to have all the nutrients you need, but i know people use it a lot so i must be missing something here). So here I go, I got my 5 gallon bucket with 5 gallons ro water. I add lucass recipe, a few drops of bleach and I dump it in. Aside from the bleach I am using a supposed tried and true method, but for some reason now im in a lockout. apparently an extreme lockout. The first 24 hours my ppms went up 200ppms, started to yellow a bit on the leaves. I took out some water, halved lucass recipe and added calmag (just in case). The next day another 200 ppm increase. This time I took out half and added back straight ro no ferts. Got the ppm down but the roots just pull right off. The roots dont seem to like the water, and I'm determined to find out why.

I feel like its possible that all the submerged roots could die off because of all the trauma getting to this point, and im sure alot of bad roots the bleach is taking care of and that could be why theyre detaching so easily, but it also seems that the new pearl white roots also brown and die as soon as they touch the water. I want to quickly blame the bleach that I know is keeping the environment sterile because i know how much taboo it is. But I know people are using it successfully, maybe I'm using too much or something. I was finding it difficult to reach .5ppm with only 3-5 drops. It was taking 8 drops per gallon to even be noticeable on my pool test kit. I have since went back down to 3 drops per gallon whether it shows up or not on the test kit. hopefully I in fact was using too much and things will improve from here. I just dont have enough experience to quickly solve my problem, and unfortunately at this point I need something quick. Its one thing to not grow fast and thrive, but its another to watch them die before your eyes. I really need some of you bleach guys to chime in here.

So thats why Ive came here today. I would like to talk to those people who do use bleach. I want to know your thoughts on my situation. For some reason I have water that is apparently toxic, but every ingredient I'm using has been proven to be safe to the plants. I understand a lot of you people arent on the bleach band wagon, but for todays topic I really dont want to hear any naysaying from you. I would really like for the people who do in fact use the product to weigh in with as much information they can.

I appreciate everyone who participates in this thread, I just cant seem to get this on my own. Il also post you guys some pictures for reference.


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You might get more help being concise and more to the point. I’m not even sure what your actual questions are but I do know why you are having so much trouble. One word... Bacteria. There is bacteria in your system. That’s why the ph issues and eventual root rot. Bleach will help for a time but adding it to the water brings a slew of other issues. It’s real bad for the plants too. Makes the leaves paper like; unhealthy. Use hydrogen peroxide instead and only as a last resort if ph keeps dropping. If that happens you know you have bacteria in the system and it needs a deep cleaning.
Have you heard of hydro zyme? It is natural beneficial bacteria that kills off the bad stuff in the reservoir. I suggest to go get a bottle and try it but just doing that will not instantly solve your issues which by the way are the some of same reasons I switched over to organic soil. So...Before you do that:
Empty the reservoir; I know it’s a bitch with dwc. I used to keep a spare tote set aside for reservoir clean outs; fill it with 1/2 way w/tap water and a back up air stone to keep the plants from drying out. Then clean everything...
Be sure to soak the air lines, and diffuser/air stones with bleach, hot water, and a drop or two of dish soap. Change out the air stones often or get an inert diffuser that you can easily clean; bacteria can even colonize the tiny spaces in airstones over time. Clean the reservoir inside with same solution of bleach water and anti microbial dish soap. Let everything dry out completely before reassembly. Be sure the airlines are clean and even replace them if in use for more than a year or two.
Every 10 days or so change out the water in your reservoir. Use bleach wipes or a bleach soaked cloth to clean every surface inside the reservoir during each water change.
Then refill with tap water and add nutes; check/adjust ph. Never again add the fish water; tap should be fine. If you mixed the nutes correctly the ph should fall pretty close to the proper range for absorption. Check ph again 6 hrs later; should be stable. If it is dropping you still have bacteria somewhere in the system.
I’ve used aquariums for ornamental aquaponics. Certainly not something I’d try on a high value crop without first proper analysing the chemical make up of your water change.

you need to scrap ur systems and start again mate. I’ve tried bleach h2o2 o3 to bring a system back after Pythium, eventually just scrapped it and bought new. Bleach the fk out of your space every nook and cranny. The last thing u want is for you’re plants to become sick again cos u didn’t clean all your fan blades.

Start again with your tap water and never add tank water again. And use Cal mag or soft water specific nutrients. Also in dwc I’ve found it preferable to use mineral only nutrients, no organic ingredients and keeping it sterile, using a submersible ozone generator, or even using bleach or h2o2. True a live res if done perfectly promotes faster growth. But sterile is pretty foolproof.

The way you’re speaking doesn’t sound like you’ve mastered the fish keeping side of things. Biochemistry is tricky at best.