I need to get some new clientele?


Active Member
Sounds like your friends suck ass. I don't like fuckin with fam either. My own brother robbed me and traded the shit for oxycontin. I hate drugs! Fucking junkies stealing my medicine.

rips run

best thing to do is save up that forest u got in the spare room ,till it reachs 25lb's
put it all in a duffle bag and head down to ur local hells angles club house ,and show em what u got ,,they would be happy to take it off ur hands for ya ,,, oh ya do not take a gun with ya ,,as they dont belive in them

if u get no joy with that ,,pm me the walmart u gonna be at with them 25lb's and i will see what i can do for ya ,,,

7500$ a lb to low for ya ,,, the best i can do is 7900$, ,,,,7500x25= who needs friends ,,,,,,,

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
7500$ a lb. Wow who would buy that? Gonna look hella shady walkin into a store with a dufflebag and just chillin on aisle 18 for an hour that's the most rediculos shit I ever heard.

Tell ya what go to NORML.com find out the laws in your area-I know here possession of an oz is acceptable so just take whatever quantity is acceptable and go to concerts or bars or whatever and meet people offer to smoke em up after you've kicked it with them a while. Don't even offer to sell to anyone if your stuff is good they'll ask you if they r interested.

That's aq whole lot better idea than bringin a backpack of pot to a place and asking strangers if they need some herb. Or taping a joint to a business card or something lol


Well-Known Member
just do what i did tell your friends you know some one that sells and iff they want you go and buy for them or just tell your friends iff they have a friend that wants some to give them the $$$ and they will buy for them never tell new people you sell is allways some one you know and iff they want to you can get for them wen you go buy for yourself.


Well-Known Member
Its simple!! I can tell you from first hand experience. Just find someone with as much to lose as you do and sell it to them !! let them sell the small shit! the small qrtrs and halves and 8ths are how most fuckers get busted!! TRAFFIC!!!= NOTHING GOOD!! better to have just 1 that knows and not 21 that know you sell it !!


Active Member
Before you dial 911 and give it up to the cops phone one of the reality shows first,,,, could be on the next installment of america's dumbest fucking criminals....


Well-Known Member
this must eb the stupidest question ever who the fuck is gonna post somthin like this just askin to get got, dont sell if u dont know how,


Active Member
this must eb the stupidest question ever who the fuck is gonna post somthin like this just askin to get got, dont sell if u dont know how,

explain how im just askin to "get got" by posting this question? im interested?


Active Member
First, dealing dope "safely" does not exhist. Its anbout who ya know. If you don't know them then oh well$lol

tea tree

Well-Known Member
dude, dont you know any girls! They know everybody. Aske them, just one and it will be gone. :)