You may be right, i'm not experienced and educated enough on this matter, i don't even use this myself. I use citric acid in granules to lower pH if that counts lol. But the OP asked for it, and i remembered seeing this product while i was buying something else. So i thought why not suggest it to him, at least give him a direction what to look for.So regular ascorbic acid in a fancy bottle?
People have been using ascorbic acid for ages for water treatment. You're better of buying a bag of ascorbic acid, there's dosages and recommendations if you search this forum.
In most scenarios it's not needed for plants, but handy in case you need to sterilize drinking water with chlorine and then neutralizing it with ascorbic acid. Some plants are very sensitive to chlorine, not common but wasabi is one of them.
7€ is not crazy expensive, especially if you want to get something done quickly. I don't disregard your statement, but sometimes it's easier to just buy a product made specifically for what you need, without spending time and doing further research. Unless it costed hundreds of euros or something.
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