i need to know a good price for perlite


im looking for the most perlite i can get for cheap online but i dont know what a round of about price should be i was wondering if people could help me out


Active Member
55hydro.com. extra chunky 4cf bag for $36 (fox farm brand), you can also find it at a few local stores for $20/4 cf bag. id buy it local. save a few bux


Well-Known Member
Locally it is $18-$20 for 4cf bag.

Find it locally, shipping will eat you up. Contractors/builders supply. Perlite is used as insulation.



Active Member
I paid ~9.50 4 cu ft bag, but I bought 10 bags. If I bought only 1 bag it was ~11-12 per 4 cu ft bag. This is course grain and bought at a horticulture supply company.