I need to talk sativa


Well-Known Member
Howdy ya'll. I need, to talk sativa.

I have a 100% sativa strain halfway done flushing here in the ninth week. nearly all of the trichomes are milky.

I've cut one of the many colas off the plant, and have fast dried it over three days,

as well as dissolved some blond hash off of my trimmings,

And I have to say I am disappointed that there is very little body to the high,

it is all in the head.

I wanted to flower until the plant looked ripe, when it was done sucking on nutes, and when all the calyx's have swelled like baloons, and i think i have the timing down on this for a finish a week from now.

the further I go,

Is this all head high only going to become more "busy", less "clean", and much more "exhausting" and "stupefying"? The hash was overpowering. It was most certainly a trip. Is this trip only going to become... more "busy" here on out?
I love sativa for the head high. My last sativa grow flowered for 90-110 days (i had several plants and 2 different strains). The high is just that and very powerful. No stoopidness.
... So what does a finished sativa look like? a finished sativa?


I still have to wait longer?

Fuck. /
i have a plant that is 14-15 weeks into flowering and still has a few left. i accidentely broke off a bud so i dried it and smoked it. i have to admit, it was like crack. i was really dodgy and talkitive. like you said very busy. i have never been high like that from weed.

ya, i would assume the longer you let it go the more up/powerful it will be. 9 weeks isnt that long for a pure sativa. 12-20 weeks is possible, i would say 14 weeks+ normally for a pure sativa.

here are 2 pics of mine at 13 weeks. not sure if it is a pure sativa, but close enough. Thai x super skunk. as you can see, nowhere near close


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I have Nevilles going right now (90% sativa) and one small stem broke off due to weight. It smoked so great. It will also take at least 12 weeks. Some sativas are known to take a long fucking time. You just have to wait it out. The yield is usually fairly average at best but the high is, for some, the best you can get. Great day smoke if cut right.
A 100% sativa would not be done in only 9 weeks, it also wouldn't have cloudy trich's yet either.

What do you really have, and from where?
Howdy ya'll. I need, to talk sativa.

I have a 100% sativa strain halfway done flushing here in the ninth week. nearly all of the trichomes are milky.

I've cut one of the many colas off the plant, and have fast dried it over three days,

as well as dissolved some blond hash off of my trimmings,

And I have to say I am disappointed that there is very little body to the high,

it is all in the head.

I wanted to flower until the plant looked ripe, when it was done sucking on nutes, and when all the calyx's have swelled like baloons, and i think i have the timing down on this for a finish a week from now.

the further I go,

Is this all head high only going to become more "busy", less "clean", and much more "exhausting" and "stupefying"? The hash was overpowering. It was most certainly a trip. Is this trip only going to become... more "busy" here on out?

This is not meant to be rude but I have to believe that either you do not know what you are growing or do not know what you are looking at or do not know what you are doing, or some combination of the three, and almost certainly do not know the differences between a sativa and an indica when it comes to their effects if you expected and thought you would or could get an indica body stone from a sativa.
A 100% sativa will seldom finish flowering in only 9 weeks and of those that do there have been questions as to their actual purity.

The famous Panama Red could take as much as 22 week to finish even when grown in its natural climate region, 18 to 20+ weeks is considered to be normal for it.

Do you really know you grew a 100% pure sativa? If so what strain is it?

Durban Poison can finish flowering in 8 to 9 weeks but at least some, if not all, Durban Poison seeds sold today are not 100% pure sativa even though they are often claimed to be. Most if not all are only predominantly sativa.
An example. Nirvana Durban Poison: Durban Poison is a F1 cross of a sativa strain from a "secret garden" located just outside Durban, South Africa and a potent, early Dutch skunk
Durban Poison from Hemcy is also a cross, though again like Nirvana’s it is predominantly sativa.
While you may have something that is predominantly sativa I tend to believe it is not 100% pure sativa, and likely not a landrace sativa, an early, cultivated form of a crop species, evolved from a wild population, and generally composed of a heterogeneous mixture of genotypes.
You seem to want a body stone but anyone who knows anything about marijuana knows a sativa gives you a clear soaring inspirational motivational head high and indica gives you a semi-catatonic couch-lock body stone. If you grew a sativa, pure or a predominantly sativa cross you chose the wrong thing to grow if you want a body stone.
If your trichomes are in fact nearly all milky your plant’s THC level has peaked and it will not get any higher. If you wait until some or most are amber you will dull the head high some but with a true pure sativa it will not turn it into a couch-lock indica.

In other words you might want to consider harvesting before your trichomes turn mostly to fully amber. When that happens the THC is oxidizing and is being lost and it is being replaced by CBN.
You said that you: "to flower until the plant looked ripe.." if you have milky white/cloudy trichomes then if you consider maximum THC production to be ripe or ripeness then your plants are now ripe.
You said the "hash" was overpowering. Well good hash can be that way. All hash is, is the collection of resin-heads, which is where THC is created and the only place on the plant that it is created and found, and then combining them into a highly condensed form.
It does not increase the potency of the actual THC, that remains the same as the THC level it had when still part of the plant.

For example you cannot take two resin-heads of equal size and percentage of THC and combine them and end up with THC that is twice as potent, you only have twice as much THC of the exact same potency now combined into one resin-head.
When you make hash you collect the resin-heads and then make them into a highly condensed form.

When you take one hit of hash it is like taking say 5 or maybe 10 hits of the bud from the plant the hash was made from. If you take two hits of hash it is like taking 10 or maybe 20 hits of bud from the same plant the hash was made from and if you took three hits of hash it would be like taking 15 or maybe 30 hits of the bud from the plant the hash was made from.
The actual potency of the THC was not increased at all by making hash. It was just transformed into a form that when smoked with each toke you then take in a massive amount more of the same potency THC than if it were still bud. So of course if the plant had a decent to high potency level of THC hash from it would be "overpowering."
Something is rotten in Denmark, or somewhere anyway. I tend to think that you did not grow what you think you grew, possibly a sativa/indica cross that has at least some visual sativa appearance to it and mostly a head high but still enough indica to shorten the flowering growth period length of time

Cannabis indica

The marijuana produced by indica plants is generally higher in CBD and lower in THC than sativa plants. This means marijuana from a pure Cannabis indica strain will produce a heavier, sleepy type of stone (when compared with marijuana from a Cannabis sativa plant).

Cannabis sativa

The marijuana produced by sativa plants is generally higher in THC and lower in CBD than indica plants.

This means marijuana from a pure Cannabis sativa strain will produce a more clear headed, energetic type of high.
wait.,, is't sativa bag seed

Uhhhhhhh … no.

Sativa equates to extremely high quality/high potency marijuana.
Ever hear of the following strains?
Colombian Gold?
Acapulco Gold?
Panama Red?
Malawi Gold?
Oaxaca Gold?
Ever sample any sativas from Thailand? Ever smoke any Thai stick by chance?
Pure strains of some of those, in particular Dalat, would make many so-called hard core experienced smokers, especially of today, cry for their mommies due to their incredible potency.
Bagseed simply means seeds found in a bag of seedy pot, normally due to it being seedy it is less than high quality.
Scientific Classification Of Cannabis

Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Rosales
Family: Cannabaceae
Genus: Cannabis

The cannabis genus is made up of three species, they are Cannabis indica, Cannabis ruderalis, and Cannabis sativa.

Sativa does not equate to bagseed, though I do feel sure what you said was actually a weak attempt at humor

You know, as in you not being a marijuana connoisseur and therefore an indica lover, possibly because you were never lucky enough in life to experience the real true sativas of the past, so you attempted to try to make sativa appear to be low quality by saying; "wait.,, is't sativa bag seed?"

I dunno, I'm finding brick top to be a wise old fukker.

I agree. I generaly find his highly opinionated posts to be a fun read.

Hey Brick. Have you looked at the Sativas offered at www.cannabiseye.com and if so are you considering getting anything from there? They seem to be selling some of the old sativa genetics that you talk about. i'm certainly curious about them myself.:leaf:
i love you brick top,

i'm only halfway through reading your first post, however... As I suddenly found myself in a fit of laughter,

totally unprepared to burden the assault directed at me!

I'll go back to reading now, but man you're mean! ///
Ok Brick top i've calmed down.

I am growing a 100% sativa, its power plant x haze 'isis', ... ow fuck ,

its not... fuck. Petty fucking close anyways, especially regarding the phenos I have if, there is very little / no body to the high.



so I should harvest when the trichomes are ready. I've heard multiple theories on when to harvest, and i have though to agree with the "when it's ripe" camp... meaning when the calyxs have all swelled, no new / young pistils, and the slight degradation of the older trichs. When all the nutes store had been used up, and the plant is exhausted and coughing the last bits of its energy into the buds.

Thats what I mean/

I've sort of figured out my answer though... The more cbn, the more "noise" - the kind, that when you come down off the high... makes the silence noticeable. Its oppressive,

its no longer the clean ampheta-weed - of clear and milky trichomes - the kind of hit where you get incredibly high - which you can only be for a couple minutes, that really 'high' plateau.

I think?

Thanks guys
I agree. I generaly find his highly opinionated posts to be a fun read.

Hey Brick. Have you looked at the Sativas offered at www.cannabiseye.com and if so are you considering getting anything from there? They seem to be selling some of the old sativa genetics that you talk about. i'm certainly curious about them myself.:leaf:

I don’t know anything about the seedbank so I wouldn’t say use it or not and I looked at their line and their sativas are not the same ones of the past but they do claim some to be pure .. which I do tend to doubt but I couldn’t know for sure if they are or aren’t.
It wouldn’t be a blast from the past but if you want a good sativa I might suggest you try Reeferman’s Willie Nelson.
Ok Brick top i've calmed down.

I am growing a 100% sativa, its power plant x haze 'isis', ... ow fuck ,

its not... fuck. Petty fucking close anyways, especially regarding the phenos I have if, there is very little / no body to the high.



so I should harvest when the trichomes are ready. I've heard multiple theories on when to harvest, and i have though to agree with the "when it's ripe" camp... meaning when the calyxs have all swelled, no new / young pistils, and the slight degradation of the older trichs. When all the nutes store had been used up, and the plant is exhausted and coughing the last bits of its energy into the buds.

Thats what I mean/

I've sort of figured out my answer though... The more cbn, the more "noise" - the kind, that when you come down off the high... makes the silence noticeable. Its oppressive,

its no longer the clean ampheta-weed - of clear and milky trichomes - the kind of hit where you get incredibly high - which you can only be for a couple minutes, that really 'high' plateau.

I think?

Thanks guys

If you do not mind my asking but which breeders Pure Power Plant was used in the PPP X Haze cross are you growing?
I don’t know who all offers it but what I do know is the ones I know about it is a cross of a South African sativa and an indica, though still predominantly sativa.
So I guess it depends on whose PPP was used in the cross you have as it if it is 100% sativa or not.
As to the "when it’s ripe camp" part. What some see to fail to understand is the way to tell if a plant is "ripe" is by looking at the trichomes. Ripe is not maximum growth, totally swollen buds, or colors of pistils, ripe is maximum THC levels and anywhere during the period of time when THC levels are peaked is the time to harvest and what will depend on the precise best time for anyone then does come down to if they prefer more of a head high or more of a body stone.
There is a window of opportunity, a certain amount of time when plants are at peak THC levels and if you harvest prior to that or after that you will not have the highest level of THC your plants could give you.
All the signs of ripening are just that, natural signs of ripening, but none are accurate enough to use to have any chance of picking the best time for both the highest level of THC and the head high or body stone someone wants.
Plant genetics differ. Heck in one pack of beans you can get one or more different phenotypes and they make give different signs at different times but that does not always mean ripening is happening on a different schedule or timeframe. It only means their genetic differences show their ripening process off in a different way on a different schedule.
I do not know your true experience level but if you have much then likely you will have grow out various different strains and with your own eyes saw signs that are believed by some to be proof of ripeness occurring earlier or later than with other genetics you have grown. Does that mean those plants actually did ripen faster or slower or was it actually just that their genetic differences caused them to show signs of ripening earlier or later than other genetics while at the same time being at the same actual stage of development?
I have seen people say harvest when pistils have turned brown and have shriveled up and no longer stand up firm and proud like a teenage girl’s tits, that is when you want to harvest, that means your plant is ripe. Well what if you had a late hermi and missed it and because of pollination your pistils turn brown and shrivel a week or two before the plants would best be harvested? The sign of ripeness would be there … but would it be accurate?
Don’t think that scenario is far fetched our out of the question. Not all that long ago I had one of the very few hermi’s I have ever had and I missed it and evidently had a very late pollination. I know there was pollination. I found one maybe slightly less than half formed seed in a bud so I know it happened.
At the time my plants were roughly two weeks from harvest. When I first spotted a changing in pistil color I thought something must have happened, this is a bit early. I searched the plants and never found the hermi, but given my setup and where I live I am sure that had to be the cause. Evidently one plant hermied late and maybe only had one or two male flowers and because of that I was not able to spot them on the entire plant but it did its thing.
Depending on genetics it will take between 14 and 35 days for a plant to make viable beans. With a half or slightly less than half formed seed the pollination may have happened roughly a week earlier, or maybe less that a week earlier, so roughly three weeks from finish. Were the brown pistils a sign of ripeness or a sign of pollination? Were the plants ripe roughly two weeks early because of the sign or ripeness that I have read people say to harvest by or were they ripe the day I took them according to trichome color?
The most frustrating thing to me about some growers is they refuse to accept proven scientific facts and instead only accept opinions of those who really do not know the facts or myths, urban legends and old hippie folklore.
There definitely are variables in growing so not everything is carved in stone but certain things have been scientifically proven to be 100% factually correct, they are not in any way opinion, yet some growers refuse to accept them and instead accept opinions and myths and urban legends and old hippie folklore.
I just do not understand it and I never will be able understand it. It does not make any sense, it is totally illogical to attempt to redefine scientifically proven facts as being opinion and then rejecting them based on having wanted scientifically proven fact to somehow magically and mystically being transformed into mere opinion.
Why intentionally ignore what has been scientifically proven to be accurate and instead readily accept what has time and time again been proven to not be accurate?

You said CBN causes more "noise." Well I am unsure what "noise" actually means. Now CBN does play a part in a high and in some ways to some degree it helps to make it better and in some says it makes it worse (according to what each person thinks is better or worse) but that is only when it remains within a certain percentage range. Once out of that range it is only worse.
For one higher levels of CBN will result in a feeling like you are starting to get high and then it stops, it lets you down, it doesn’t take you any farther or make you any higher and then it makes you tired. Who in their right mind would ever intentionally pick that or risk ending up with that when it can very easily be avoided because the cause is known and how to avoid it is known?
It is not opinion but instead proven scientific fact that certain cannibinoids perform certain functions and interact with other cannibinoids in certain ways and also that under certain conditions they do change, they do degrade and then become other substances, increasing the percentage of that substance above a level that would give the grower/smoker the highest grade bud that possibly could be had.
If someone wants a couch-lock body stone they need to find strains with high levels of CBD, 1.0% or higher, and they will then get the couch-lock body stone they want. What they get by choosing higher levels of CBN is not a true couch-lock body stone. If you want to call it their personal preference or whatever that is fine but it does not mean what they do is right or good or the best or something that should be taught to newer growers who are looking for factual information.
It is beyond only being absurd to intentionally trade off THC to get more CBN in hopes of getting more of what some confuse to be a couch-lock body stone. Part of the reason it seems there is more of a body effect is because there is less THC to give you more of a head effect.
Who here really honestly truly wants lower levers of THC and will intentionally do things to lower the level of THC in their plants?
If someone wants a couch-lock body stone then look at proven scientific fact and they will see that higher levels or CBD is what provides that in the very best possible way without loss of THC levels. Now isn’t it more than just obvious that if someone wants a couch-lock body stone that is potent, powerful, packed with THC that picking strains with higher levels of CBD and then not waiting to long to harvest so THC degrades and turns into CBN is the most intelligent thing the grower could do? In case any of you are finding it difficult to come up with the correct answer to that I will help you out. The answer is yes, it would be the most intelligent thing for the grower to do.
Any and every grower who has any sense whatsoever will hope for and strive to get the very most and the very best out of what the combination of their chosen genetics and system/setup can provide them. Why in the wide, wide world of sports would anyone ever even begin to consider to intentionally do something that would result in them not getting the very most and the very best out of the combination of chosen genetics and system/setup?
Doing so just does not compute even if someone attempts to say its all just personal preference. That is spin, that is a smokescreen. If their personal preference is a couch-lock body stone why not do what has been scientifically proven to be the very best way to grow herb that will then give you the couch-lock body stone that is wanted? Why intentionally give up THC for CBN when what is best more THC and more CBD and less CBN?
If you have a thorn in your toe and it hurts like mad you can cut off your toe and after it heals the pain from the thorn will be gone. You will have succeeded in achieving your goal; you rid yourself of the pain caused by the thorn. But did you make the best possible decision as to how to end up with no pain in your toe? Wouldn’t having just pulled out the thorn make a whole lot more sense? The person would have intentionally needlessly given up a toe to rid themselves of pain. Why intentionally needlessly give up THC to try to get more of a fake couch-lock body stone?
I have done this for 37 years now. I have grow for more decades than some members here have grown in numbers of years. Heck I have grow for more decades than some members here have had numbers of grows and I could not begin to just look at a plant and know with any half acceptable reasonable amount of certainty if a plant has reached its peak harvest time.
It is impossible to do and if anyone claims they can do it and be 100% accurate, or even close to achieving an acceptable percentage of accuracy consistently they are being untruthful. Ok, let me rephrase that. They may honestly believe they can do such and therefore would not technically be telling an untruth since in their mind they were 100% honest in what they claimed, but still they would be inaccurate.
If you prefer to believe those who if alive in past eras would have clung to theories like the earth is the center of the universe and all else revolves around it and that the earth flat long after those inaccurate beliefs were scientifically proven to be totally false, if that makes you comfortable then by all means believe what makes you feel comfortable. Just do make the mistake of deluding yourself into believing that just because you chose to believe it that it means what you chose to believe is accurate.
Myself I would love to believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the missile shield and strippers with a heart of gold.

Unfortunately in my case I have been forced by life to live in the land of reality and that is highly limiting because it stops someone dead in their tracks if and when they feel the wish or need or desire to believe myth over proven fact.