I need urgent help


Active Member

Week 10 is about to come up, and i was going to flush them on week 8.

1x Dutch Passion Blueberry Feminised
1x Sensi Big Bud Feminised

Both germinated 1-2 days apart.

4 weeks veg on 250w CFL @ 24/7

The first 2 weeks of flowering doesn't count for my flowering period since i put that down as a buffer zone from veg>flower.

Now the problem is that my last crop had these banana looking pistils at the top of the canopy right before i chopped it, thought nothing of it and had no seeds. Smoke was a delight too.

This crop, i noticed on flowering week 8 (or for you guys flower week 10) the same thing but in a far corner.

Now i'm doing 2 plants in flood n drain 11 liter buckets, changing water weekly and never going above 1500ppm. Using very good fertilizers and canna accelerator, pk13/14, hydrozyme, bio-pac. Ph between 5.2 and 6. Usualy sits at 5.7.


IT POLLINATED ITSELF (Ok i'll admit, a branch did break due to bud weight, so i got some tape and tapped it back up but i thing 10 leaves or maybe even 15 got torn off the plant as i tapped the branch to the main stem.

Ok so now wtf? What shall i do? I was gonna flush them in tuesday but i think i'll do that today. Also, the blueberry that pollinated itself also happens to be 1 foot away from the big bud. Now they are enclosed in 0.5m2 on a 400 watt hps with a 160cm outtake and a comercial fan blowing in the bottom with another one hooked onto the reflector blowing onto the bulb. BUT THE BIG BUD DIDNT GET POLLINATED YET!!!! Unfortunately only 20% of pistils are orange. WTF???

What should I do? If i leave it, it might start producing seeds in the case it did pollinate itself.

Please someone tell me methods on how to preserve the seeded crop. It's a fag plant now and it crystalised itself way before producing the seeds and the plant is starting to have only 20% white hairs now, but unfortunately i see many pre-mature seeds on 1 branch and another branch has no signs of seeds.


Illegal Smile

I'm not sure I see the problem. You have little choice but to bring it all to max thc and then harvest it. I don't see any value in doing that early. Maybe I'm missing something.


Well-Known Member
i might need to see a picture of these "bananas" but im pretty sure there pollen sacks, meaning atleast one of your plants is a hermaphrodite. you should snip all of the little pods/sacks so they dont continue to pollinate each other.

as far as the seeds go, i wouldnt mind so much. now you have plenty of free seeds to grow these nice strains again

and someone could corect me if im wrong; but isnt the process of producing feminized seeds involve a hermi plant pollinating a female


Active Member
Just finish the grow and deal with seeded bud, imo. I've smoked seeded bud that still rocks my socks, so don't worry too much.

Now about the seeds, I would just pitch or compost 'em. They're probably going to have hermie tendencies, since they were created by a hermie. It is one way of making fem seeds, but I think methods like colloidal silver (sp?) avoid the hermie probs.

Just be sure to clean your grow area really well before the next crop, pollen can stay viable for years. And keep an eye on your plants in flower, try to catch those sacks before they pop. It's real common for a plant to try and pollinate itself towards the end of flower if it hasn't been pollinated by a male yet.

Good luck,

kush bush

quick question, i put my lights on 12-12, and my plant like strated to wilt, and the top leaves started to twist and curl up and turn brown int the center of them, should i put my lights back on 24 for a while?


Active Member
Hey kush bush, I'd suggest making your own thread. You'll get more traffic to a 0 reply thread, and it can sometimes be considered bad form to ask your own questions in someone else's thread (though nucleo might not mind, and I surely don't).

Just a helpful suggestion, and welcome to RIU :)


Well-Known Member
about hermi seeds. ive grown seeds from a hermi plant (from light leaks) on this grow 10 seeds, all were female. these plants had a very rough life, lots of ph problems, and some nute defs and twice i left the over head light on for like 2 hours after the hps went out inf lower, only one hermi'd. also the only plant that hermi'd had a full hour interuption in a day period, it was in the bathroom for a flush and the light got turned off with the door shut for an hour or more. seeds produced like this are "selfed." which works, but its better to take the seeds from a strong female that the hermi polinated, rather than off the hermi. lowering the chances for hermis and increasing the chances of strong plant. the hermi i had this grow popped a pollen sac or 2 before i got it out. i will be collecting the seeds from my strongest plant, for a later grow.


Active Member
Ok guys, i didn't risk it, the plant had about i'm sure well over 100 seeds with only maybe 1-2 mature brown, the rest are pre-mature since i can squeeze juice out of the others.

I cut it straight, didn't flush because i can't really work in my tent since it's so small i can just see one side of the plants not the other, and i can't really turn the pots around because my system is really high tech i haven't messed around dismantling the drain pipes incase they have been sealed to the pots.

Now the big bud is still in the tent and i don't think the hermie pollinated it but i see really slow white to orange hairs.

Could anyone tell me how fast the plant's metabolism changes producing seed from the moment it is pollinated?

I will flush it next week for another week using hydroponic flush juice which can do the job in 3 days and the other 4 with plain water.

I dont have a microscope.

Upon cutting it, it took me over 2 hours of manual cutting to remove virtualy all the leaves, however i left the seeds on the stick around the bud.

Does this mean the plant will use it's juice now to mature only the seeds? Or will it do it's THC thing too? Or does it share it for both?

Like i said i didn't flush, so i assume the rest of the nutrients within the plant will end up going somewhere right? Or not, since i took most of the leaves off?

The other funny thing is, 1-2 branches are full of seeds, another might have only 5 or 6.

Iv'e also realised that the seeds mostly packed the bottom were new flowers were meant to mature. There are a few on the top aswell, but i doubt i can germ them.


Active Member
Not sure about the metabolism of being seeded.

The fact that you cut it is pretty much going to stop all growth/maturation, it may continue slightly for a day while drying. So the seeds won't mature, and the THC will be at the same stage as when harvested.

The nutes are going to dry in the plant matter (buds and leaves). Some people don't flush at all, so this is really personal preference. All it might affect is the taste, not potency.

I still think you would have gotten better/more potent smoke by just taking both plants to full ripeness, seeds or no. Early harvests always have an 'edgy' buzz for me, makes me nervous and paranoid. But that's just a personal preference.

Good luck,

Ery: Thanks for the info man! Great to hear from someone with actual experience.


Active Member
Not sure about the metabolism of being seeded.

The fact that you cut it is pretty much going to stop all growth/maturation, it may continue slightly for a day while drying. So the seeds won't mature, and the THC will be at the same stage as when harvested.

The nutes are going to dry in the plant matter (buds and leaves). Some people don't flush at all, so this is really personal preference. All it might affect is the taste, not potency.

I still think you would have gotten better/more potent smoke by just taking both plants to full ripeness, seeds or no. Early harvests always have an 'edgy' buzz for me, makes me nervous and paranoid. But that's just a personal preference.

Good luck,

Ery: Thanks for the info man! Great to hear from someone with actual experience.
I beleive that somehow i don't leave my plants in long enough, i never landed myself with a sleepy buzz. Iv'e had a very bad experience in the past with the law when i wasn't doing drugs so anything i smoke now that i cut early gives me panic attacks like the only thing on the planet that exists is my heart trying to jump out of my chest. And most of the time i tell myself that it's only normal, but i can actualy feel that the smoke is blocking my vessels and plaque is starting to build up within the heart causing higher blood pressure and irregular heartbeat.

The only thing to cure a racing heart after smoking is to toss off and masturbate. (any form of exercise that requires you to move your entire body will require more oxygen, and since you've smoked, you will be damaging your lungs due to the fact you will be breathing in deeper, not necessarily faster). Lying down,
this actualy opens the vessels to move blood around your body the same way you are doing physical exercise but with minimum stress on the heart since your blood will most flow into your penis or vagina without having to feed stuff like your legs and, ok maybe 1 arm.

I know it sounds crazy, but i almost had cause myself a heart attack by just feeling my heart.

Oh ps: this usualy happens when you smoke alone, hence the masturbation technique.

If you are in a group of people, the chances of stroking are much lower, but this all depends on the mood and atmosphere. After taking so much marijuana or tobbaco for years, your body has a memory function to record all the good and bad times that happen to be stored in your sub-conscious part of your brain.

When you smoke, it's like rolling a dice. Hopefully you have more better times than bad times.

I might sound crazy. but i'm self-educated and i drew a conclusion that a person's heart elevates when oxygen needs to be passed through your body. When smoking, you don't move, thus causing congestion and forcing the heart to pump harder since other parts of your body aren't helping with the transfer.

Picture a company who has to deliver 10 orders via lorry in 1 day.

Wouldn't it be much easier for the company to deliver them all on the same day, using the best working road to get the job done most efficiently?

Instead of having the lorry deliver 1 item, then return to the warehouse, then going back out when other 3 clients request their order.

Your body works the same way. The more you move during the day, the more tired you get as you stay awake. Wether it's physical or mental, both are a factor on how to form a healthy lifestyle, they work hand in hand. When you give your heart emergency response jobs to defend your body that is going into shock after smoking. This is actualy caused stress. And you will mostly get this kind of buzz with sativas and pure clear highs, since nothing around makes you "feel" the stone of the buzz, just the psychadelic effect, thinning the line from a rope to a string by staying high all day for months and years on end, making fantasy and reality very hard to distinguish. Thus making someone insane in the long term. Such as schizophrenia.