I needed some advice from a veteran.


New Member
and you're all being rather rude and insulting. shame.
thought maybe i just didnt see so much amusement in it as everyone else.
i bet the guy never came back to riu and saw how great of a forum it is because everyone made a riducle out of him so bad. But then again.....he did kinda deserve it from the THREE post about it.


Well-Known Member
you people don't get out much do you? it's just a male. sheesh.

and you're all being rather rude and insulting. shame.
....ok, i can understand a thread. he didn't know. but then he found out......

and made ANOTHER thread! lol. ok, ok, so he learns more in that one, but facts are facts; two threads have given him all of his answers.

so, now that we know that it's a male and it's doomed and there's not a chance....

let's make ANOTHER THREAD and start all over again! hell, all those people responding in the first two threads are probably full of it anyway! :mrgreen:



New Member
yeah, we probably couldve been a little nicer if this guy was serious..
dont speak for us all. I tried to be nice. i didnt want to make myself seem like an asshole to a newb that dont realize they repeat the million question list.
makes me think.... i need to make a thread on something


Well-Known Member
he does have some skill now, cause i dont think i could grow a plant that looked like that. but i know someone that could , charley brown, lol j,k hopfully the lad will figure it out

mr j2

Well-Known Member
yeah I was trying to be helpful also.....................so what ev~
i was too, i never said anything mean. All i said was the plant cant be saved and that it was male and he should start over. I was talking more about those people who are like "i cant stop laughing lolollolol"

Toking Tide

Well-Known Member
i was too, i never said anything mean. All i said was the plant cant be saved and that it was male and he should start over. I was talking more about those people who are like "i cant stop laughing lolollolol"
shit... i had just smoked some of of my white skunk hash and was reading the post and when he finally posted the picture it made me laugh so hard i cried a tear. Only other time that ever happened was when I heard this,YouTube - ned calls cops of course I had just smoked hash before that too.

Anyways this board seems to be turning pussified. No one was being blatantly mean, it was just fucking funny. Stop worrying about everyones feeling and give a little chuckle occasionally.


New Member
shit... i had just smoked some of of my white skunk hash and was reading the post and when he finally posted the picture it made me laugh so hard i cried a tear. Only other time that ever happened was when I heard this,YouTube - ned calls cops of course I had just smoked hash before that too.

Anyways this board seems to be turning pussified. No one was being blatantly mean, it was just fucking funny. Stop worrying about everyones feeling and give a little chuckle occasionally.
yeah i laughed like hell in my living room about it but dosent mean youve gotta harass the guy for the whole thread about it. in fact this thread should be dead by now.


Well-Known Member
Awsome plant I don't know what everyone is talking about that plant looks GREAT. Time to harvest that man. I wouldn't even bother curing it just cut it down, Microwave dry it, and smoke it. Great job!


Well-Known Member
harass the guy, he should be banned for life. poor plant put through a life of misery. lol :)

no on a serious note if that weren't a joke i bet the blokes gutted he was thinking when am i gonna get my bud off this thing and you all take the piss out of him double blow he aint getting no bud and feels a right tit:cry:


Well-Known Member
all this bashing and making fun of..........:roll:

not any of you have tried to help him collect pollen and pollinate his future female for more seeds next time....:blsmoke:

oh well, HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!!!!!!!


Active Member
you need nutes 100% it looks leggy some times because of lack of light what is the plant light cycle 12/12 18/6 i think i can tell you that your not rolling 18/6 because i dont think where ever you are there are not 18 hrs of natural sun light so get a little light you can go to Walmart and get a 300 watt floodlight cheep and works well as for nutes let me look in to it for ya i know you can get some at your local nute store fox farms is really cheap often costing only 30 for a pound of nutes a little investment when it helps your plants so much


Well-Known Member
swayoner wrote : (oic, so can a male produce seeds on its own or does it need a female?
thanks peeps)

Yes yu can try to stress that plant and turn it hermafrodite... but its not worth it.. because its a male at first time... but if yu got Only one or Two female plants and something going wrong or yu want seeds so then stress the 1 or 2 female plant stress methotd 12/12 let the 12/12 change one or 2 times like 13/13 ore if yu keep lights 12hours at day on its better way yu just keep 11h40mins couple of days... or one day and then back 12/12

yu will get 2 or that one female plant hermafrodite and it will produce only female seeds ;) yu have feminized the plant / plants !!!! Fem X Fem = Feminized
hermie plants dont never produce male seeds... but if yu got male plant and 2 female and they all went herma then yu got 50/50 hermafrodite seeds and female seeds but it can be then a 100% hermie seeds... but fem X fem do females! but it can carry hermie gen, like 60% the seeds are female and 40% are hermie... but all feminizidet seeds are from female hermafrodite... when female seeding female the end is fine :)