I owe subcool a public apology....I feel like an ass


Well-Known Member
To sum it up my order from attitude got jacked...I posted abt it on here and sub chimmed in n sd hed take care of me....I sent a couple mssgs to him after that n didnt get a response...I woke up today stil w no response and my thread had been deleted...I jumped the gun and assumed he was blowing me off as its a shitty world n thats what id expect from most....so I got impatient and made my own assumptions and vented abt it alittle earlier on here....sub finally did reply to me and sd no problem I was good he had me....that was before he saw my venting thread I guess cause then he told me nevermind...I dont blame him...I was upset and frustrated and didnt keep my cool and I feel bad abt it now and I just wanna apologize to sub....he prolly was gonna take care of me I just didnt give him time I guess....thats my fault not his....so I was wrong....just wanted to say that cause im really not a bad dude....I work hard n have a family and moneys tight so I did take it all a little personal I guess....hope u guys can see my side of it...sorry subcool.
The hard thing with those forum is to remember the avatar is in fact a human being , that goes both way haha Glad you're getting them seeds they're precious litlle things and "loosing" an order can make you do dumb shit...
The hard thing with those forum is to remember the avatar is in fact a human being , that goes both way haha Glad you're getting them seeds they're precious litlle things and "loosing" an order can make you do dumb shit...
I felt like I was being jerked around/blew off. ...basically just upset n frustrated because id been took and I l didnt keep my emotions in check...this isnt the first time in my life ive gotten ahead of myself and it bit me in the ass...ha
Its all good tho...maybe if I woulda just stayed patient n kept my cool I woulda came out ahead in the end...????....I had just woke up tho n chkd my fone n when I saw the thread gone n no replies I lost my cool w out thinking it thru....I hadnt taken ny medicene (suboxon) or smoked anything yet so that was my first mistake...oh well I cant change it now and attitude says theyre gonna fix it so maybe itll all work out in the end....I just feltbad n needed to apogize to sub for runnin my mouth like I did w out giving him time...now that im fully medicated n thinking clearly I realize it was foolish.
If I had bought a effed up sony DVR from sears, I would go back to SEARS to take care of it, NOT sony. For sub to even acknowledge your problem,let alone offer to take care of it, is more than anyone should expect. Plus he is a busy dude. Just sayin
If I had bought a effed up sony DVR from sears, I would go back to SEARS to take care of it, NOT sony. For sub to even acknowledge your problem,let alone offer to take care of it, is more than anyone should expect. Plus he is a busy dude. Just sayin
yeah I know. ...its my bad...im sure he woulda handled it had I waited a bit....diff circumstances in our life create who we are and how we react to things...I smoke and use cannabis to calm my mind...I reacted this morning before smoking....and after I did and replayed everything I see I was wrong.....cant change it now but just outta respect for sub I wanted to let yall know he really is a stand up dude...he was gonna come thru til I basically pissed him off...I can flip it n put yself in his shoes and I dont blame him...id do the same
One thing about Sub is that if he says he will take care of you, he will.
Most of the time you end up with more then you hoped for in the first place.
Its as simple as that, he is a hard working stand up dude.
I have been around a long time mostly in the background, but every person who sub has ever said he would help he did.

Give people a chance man, the majority of people who hang here in Subcool land are good folks who care about others.
One thing about Sub is that if he says he will take care of you, he will.
Most of the time you end up with more then you hoped for in the first place.
Its as simple as that, he is a hard working stand up dude.
I have been around a long time mostly in the background, but every person who sub has ever said he would help he did.

Give people a chance man, the majority of people who hang here in Subcool land are good folks who care about others.
I figure I woulda came out ahead I agree w u on that...I fkd it up...I know that....my wife told me I did as soon as she saw I posted that thread that id prolly fkd up..".she sd yeah its funny he took the thread down n didnt respond to u but u shoulda gave it some time....hes gonna see that n say to hell w u"....n ill b damned thats just what hppned...ha....she knws me n I do the same shit to her.....I mean what can I say?....my bad
Very impressive to be humble Thank you.
well right is right n wrong is wrong....I shouldnt have jumped to conclusions like I did...especially assuming the worst....I let my mind get carried away and reacted irrationally...
Hey Mr. V,

So glad to see you feeling better about what happened -- I know how excited you were to pick TGA genetics and how much it meant to you, and then the shipment was confiscated and Attitude was slow to respond, so you vented here, and Subcool was Waycool and wanted to help you out, but you were still upset about the initial problem with Attitude, etc, etc and it all got out of control. I know when money is SO tight that even the prospect of losing a little is really distressing, and I know how that happens. Most everybody here probably knows how that happens!

Again, glad it all worked out. Can't wait to see you post your grow pics when those AOS seeds arrive! You won't be sorry you made the TGA leap. And years from now, when you've grown out every strain and bumped into the TGA team in person at some event, this will end up being a story that gets a lot of laughs.

Ok iam confused,has sub changed his mind and decided to take care of you,or did you ruin your chances.The only reason I ask is because you said he would take care of you but then decided not to because of what you posted.I understand not taking your suboxone,iam on them to and wish I could wake up and be done with them.
How could anyone not like sub,look how much he gives back.he is the only one I will give my hard earned $$$
Hey Mr. V,

So glad to see you feeling better about what happened -- I know how excited you were to pick TGA genetics and how much it meant to you, and then the shipment was confiscated and Attitude was slow to respond, so you vented here, and Subcool was Waycool and wanted to help you out, but you were still upset about the initial problem with Attitude, etc, etc and it all got out of control. I know when money is SO tight that even the prospect of losing a little is really distressing, and I know how that happens. Most everybody here probably knows how that happens!

Again, glad it all worked out. Can't wait to see you post your grow pics when those AOS seeds arrive! You won't be sorry you made the TGA leap. And years from now, when you've grown out every strain and bumped into the TGA team in person at some event, this will end up being a story that gets a lot of laughs.

Ha...I sure hope it plays out like that bro....ill def post pics of the aos grow n ill def do tga genetics the justice they deserve....attitude says new orders already in route so wont be too long.....thanks man
Ok iam confused,has sub changed his mind and decided to take care of you,or did you ruin your chances.The only reason I ask is because you said he would take care of you but then decided not to because of what you posted.I understand not taking your suboxone,iam on them to and wish I could wake up and be done with them.

Here's how it played out bro...I got my seeds jacked by customs...made a thread abt it...sub chimmed in n sd he'd take care of me just contact him...so I sent a pm and an e mail...and went on abt my business thinking this is awesome...chkd my e mails and pms before bed and nothing...ok cool...woke up next morning n chkd...nothing...looked at riu for the thread...it was gone and all the likes from thread removed from profile...so my mind got set in motion w all kinds of diff thoughts and imaginations...most negative of course cause id just woke up and tho I take suboxon daily and have plenty I just hadnt dosed that day yet or smoked a bowl so my spirit wasnt right...so I thru up a thread like wtf?....wheres my thread blah blah blah...prolly at that same moment sub was replying to my e mail saying somthing to the tune of "send me an addy n consider it done"....is what I later recieved...I also recieved one telling me nevermind go piss up rope I showed my hand and its dirty...somthing like that....so I guess after he saw my venting thread he got mad n sd fuck me......so no he didnt take care of me....but it looked like he was gonna...
Ok iam confused,has sub changed his mind and decided to take care of you,or did you ruin your chances.The only reason I ask is because you said he would take care of you but then decided not to because of what you posted.I understand not taking your suboxone,iam on them to and wish I could wake up and be done with them.
...I sent him an e mail apologizing explaining I was just upset n frustrated...n thru my address in there anyhow just in case when he reads it hes real baked on some killer hash n feels all good n is like "what the hell...ima make this guys day"....haha....earl dabs pipe filled w assorted tga genes packaged up n sent out....ha