i own a buisiness..can i ask you.guys a question.


Well-Known Member
Hey bro..how do you like a comment on here..what button thing on the screen is it..the page..sorry not tech savy.


Well-Known Member
If i take the time to sit down with them and say look i like you your a good worker your my friend...and go through it.personal eye to eye like ill take.care of you and you look out for me...then if shit happens again sorry. I went as far as i could if they dont hold their part theyre gone..


Well-Known Member
yep as pro-worker as i am you have allowed a culture of mediocrity to exist in your company.

you have to institute change slowly. first thing you do is start a process of recording every "infringement". you have to put it all in writing and make them ALL sign it. they don't want to sign it, they can all go somewhere else to find work. the new guidelines should include text that indicates that the employee completely understands all the terms of the new company-wide policy, that he agrees to follow the new rules, that he received a copy of the new guidelines, that a copy of the guidelines will be kept in the employees file, and that at any time the employee may request a copy of the guidelines without risking losing his/her job.

first offense you get a written warning that goes directly to the employees record.

second offense there is a meeting with the employee and a second write up goes on the record.

the employee is put on a probationary period in which a continuation of non-compliance with company policy will result in immediate termination. keep an accurate record at all times.

foster a culture in which managers are rewarded for not putting up with non-compliance. it all starts there. if your foremans aren't doing their job, let them know they will be demoted and a new manager will be selected from the current crop of workers.

good luck.


Active Member
I'm a stoner and an employee, and a small business owner, and ect ect. But I understand your situation. I'm sure you've gotten tons of great advice, but here it is:

Money isn't that great of a motivator. It can be good but it ranks around #9 overall. I say make it into a game. Have a sweet 16 style tournament for all your employees for things like perfect attendence, uniform lookin sharp, the winner gets a raise, or a trip to hawaii, or whatever! THey'll all start getting on board. Maybe not the first time, but boy after they see someone get a $5 raise per hour they'll all perk up!


Well-Known Member
You have a good $14 an hour crew, bet not a $22/ hr crew. I think paying more will get you more motivation but you will most likely lose a few along the way. You get what you pay for.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys i own a busines and we do well. I have fifteen drivers and were doing about three to four hundred deliveries a day..fifteen vehicles all over the place..my delema is ive had a lot of shit workers come through..its hard to find good workers so now i have for the first time what i feel is a good crew. But they need a push somehow.to help us move to the next level..they make fourteen to fifteen an hour..employee dependent..they forget their shirts. No steel toes..no badge. No proper pants..stupid shit but little things that make us look dumb..late all the time..bitch cuz they want over time then bitch when they get it...they bitch about pay constantly also.h
Honestly heres what im debating. I want to call em into the confrence room and say "heres the deal. I am as of your next.check giving you all raises bringing you from 14 & 15 to 22 /hour...theres a catch. I expect every one of you. To never be late. To allways be good to the customers..i expect every single one of you.to stop bitching. And if you work late you.work late..i expect.you to care and go the extra mile for this.company.because you care about this company...do you think the raise will help? Would you.go the extra mile if i were your boss? I have 95 employees give or take a few because the do rotations for their school here...i can always find more drivers for cheaper but this crew is good and i feel with the push well do better and make more. In turn they will also do better..
What do you think....thanks guys/gals sorry bout the long ass rant.
You own a business and you are considering giving raises to employees that are not performing up to your standards? You operate like that and you won't be in business very long. What is it you are delivering? Do they use their own vehicle? I ran a courier company for 3 years.