i peed the bed last night

I did it once, I had started working for a new company and they had me working 2nd and 3rd shift at this one site, and then they needed me to stay over one morning as well...so when I finally got back home I fell asleep and stayed that way for like 17 hours, somewhere in the 17th my bladder gave me the "it's alright to pee you're in the bathroom" dream...lol

Well I was still in bed...with my husband...lol.....

So terrible, but he was like hell I was expecting it earlier...you haven't slept in 3 days...lol.
Well if it makes you feel any better Buck I had a college roomate who woke up in a drunken stuper, and pissed on our other roomate who was asleep in his lower bunk. The mad pisser never lived that down.....and had a big shiner for his work.

Same jackass opened his own drawer in another drunken stuper and pissed on his own clothes.....so it could have been much worse LOL.

i tried to pee in the oven once in a drunken college stupor. and did successfully pee in the cat litter box a few times in similar drunken college stupors.

one of my friends shat on my couch in a drunken college stupor.

college gets a free pass.
Dont want to over alarm anyone, but if you suddenly start pissing yourself, get to a doctor right away. Could be a blown disc. If not fixed real quick, it can become permanent... L5/S1 is typ[ically the area. Other signs are drop foot, sciatic pain and numbness u know where...
I knew a guy (friend of an ex) that would literally get so wasted every night he'd always piss the bed. And it wasn't like he passed out and woke up in piss, either. He would stand up in a sleep-walk state and piss onto the bed and then get back in it. Of course, he didn't keep girlfriends very long because they'd wake up soaked in HIS piss. I've never pissed myself as an adult lol but um, way to share Buck!

that's awesome. i have a friend who as a teenager would get wasted, go home drunk, pass out, then get up an hour later and piss in his closet. he did this 3 different times before his mother started beating him awake when he got home and making him sober up before bed.
he also once got his ass kicked because he pissed all the way down some guy's stairs in a drunken stupor. the guy kicked his ass and made him clean it with his pants. the good ol' days.
It doesnt really matter if i been drinking or not, ill just shit myself soemtimes, all it takes is a smoke and a coffee sometimes... cant trust it to a fart

Last time i shit myself drunk i really didnt know till the next morn, woke up with a shitty pair of jeans.... and unless someone shit my pants im pretty sure it was me

Shame? i think not
I peed the bed about a month ago for the first time in 10 years, wasn't a lot but still sucked. I was laying face down dreaming about taking a piss and woke up half way through it
i haven't pissed my bed since i was a wee lad, but i do have the sharts from time to time, almost had one the other day..

on the stern show, dude was telling a story about being all geeked out on coke one night, went to bed only to wake up in the morning to shit all over the bed and sheets, said it was every where..
the best part was he was in a hotel out in la, so just got up and left the room like that.. oh yah, the company rented the room for him in their name too..
being a chamber maid must be so much fun.. :)
i haven't pissed my bed since i was a wee lad, but i do have the sharts from time to time, almost had one the other day..

on the stern show, dude was telling a story about being all geeked out on coke one night, went to bed only to wake up in the morning to shit all over the bed and sheets, said it was every where..
the best part was he was in a hotel out in la, so just got up and left the room like that.. oh yah, the company rented the room for him in their name too..
being a chamber maid must be so much fun.. :)
Those are the mornings you ask yourself WTF happened ..... i would wonder for years if it was even my shit LOL
i've done a lot of blow in my days dizzle, but i can't say i have ever shit me bed.. my pants, lots, but me bed, nada once, lol..
I have before.. my guess was baby laxitives tho... bastards lol ... mix soem booze with that and your shtting your pants for real!
I have before.. my guess was baby laxitives tho... bastards lol ... mix soem booze with that and your shtting your pants for real!

yah, this dude i used to work with used to say... nothing like taking a big geeze hit. ( Of crack) while sitting on the hopper.. instant gratification.. and he was right, lol...

I shit my pants one night on mushrooms to, only that one time , but it also involved alota booze so who knows.

I grabbed a 3lb bag of Blue Rasperry drink crystals last week, tastes liek a blue slushie , makes me shit pure green! You wanna see shock value.... leave a green shit in a public toilet lol

I shit my pants one night on mushrooms to, only that one time , but it also involved alota booze so who knows.

I grabbed a 3lb bag of Blue Rasperry drink crystals last week, tastes liek a blue slushie , makes me shit pure green! You wanna see shock value.... leave a green shit in a public toilet lol

damn dizzle, remember how i was asking you to spend the weekend and bring some of that kill you grow and some of your bho?? well, i change my mind, lol..
damn dizzle, remember how i was asking you to spend the weekend and bring some of that kill you grow and some of your bho?? well, i change my mind, lol..
LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the green monster ruined it for good lol

as long as i dotn have a 20oz jar of blue juice im ok
Not a big deal. Did that a couple times.
If it is happen frequently...go see the Doc.

By the way...Thanks for sharing:weed:
I aint worried, its just the blue dye ... the first it ever happened tho , i thought i was dying .... had to google it and found a blog about shitting green, tonnes of peopel had greenies after drinking or eating blue dyed stuff
I knew a guy (friend of an ex) that would literally get so wasted every night he'd always piss the bed. And it wasn't like he passed out and woke up in piss, either. He would stand up in a sleep-walk state and piss onto the bed and then get back in it. Of course, he didn't keep girlfriends very long because they'd wake up soaked in HIS piss. I've never pissed myself as an adult lol but um, way to share Buck!

is this going to hurt my chances with you, rainbow?