I Piss on my plants

Skunk Baxter

Well-Known Member
Ever look at the yard of someone who owns dogs?

See those yellow spots all over the grass?

That's where the dogs piss.

Anyone still think piss is good for plants?


Well-Known Member
Hello a dogs makeup is nowhere near a human. Get real there are people who have been doing this for YEARS!!!! Piss is high in nitrogen that is a fact! Plants need nitrogen to grow. As far as piss turning grass yellow ever here of overnuting as was previously posted the piss needs to be diluted. I had the formula years ago and a few moves ago and I was going to try it but lost the formula and never got around to it, but I do know it works!


Active Member
Yo! Y'all write some of the funniest shit on these messages, I just sit here and read and I am constantly LMAO. Keep up the questions, this shit is entertaining, when it is a rainy day, and nothing to do.

Heads up to all my brothas and sistas that R growing, and enjoying life on life's terms.


Well-Known Member
Just piss in your mouth next time you smoke one , and see if its more potent . Prolem soloved TY buh bye


Well-Known Member
If you saw what crap (no pun intended) that goes into your nutes and fertilizers you would probably start using piss NOW!


Well-Known Member
Actually diluted piss is good for your babies.

About two seconds worth of piss for about a gallon of water.

Try it.