I pity Joe Biden

I'ts not right to pity Biden. It's not his fault he has dementia cant function or speak.
He likes it when little boys rub his hairy legs and sit on his lap while sniffing them but that's normal in his pedophile world. He's not looking for your pity as he enjoys it
I'ts not right to pity Biden. It's not his fault he has dementia cant function or speak.
He likes it when little boys rub his hairy legs and sit on his lap while sniffing them but that's normal in his pedophile world. He's not looking for your pity as he enjoys it

Trump supporter. What's it like to support an admitted serial rapist?
Schools are about to reopen in a few weeks...remember, "science should not stand in the way of schools reopening."

I've often thought "maybe if Trump's kid is forced into an inner city public school, he'd change his mind". But then remembered that Trump doesn't care about his kid. He is capable of only caring for himself. So let HIM sit in the classroom he's forcing kids to go back to. Without a mask. With his pills and bottle of disinfectant.
I'ts not right to pity Biden. It's not his fault he has dementia cant function or speak.
He likes it when little boys rub his hairy legs and sit on his lap while sniffing them but that's normal in his pedophile world. He's not looking for your pity as he enjoys it
I'ts not right to pity Biden. It's not his fault he has dementia cant function or speak.
He likes it when little boys rub his hairy legs and sit on his lap while sniffing them but that's normal in his pedophile world. He's not looking for your pity as he enjoys it
I'ts not right to pity Biden. It's not his fault he has dementia cant function or speak.
He likes it when little boys rub his hairy legs and sit on his lap while sniffing them but that's normal in his pedophile world. He's not looking for your pity as he enjoys it
that dementia smear isn’t catching on at all but it is bringing attention to trumps actual dementia
Its interesting how trumps base ignores the fact Trump was homies with Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell but want to call everyone else pedophiles.
Trump is for the children! (Unless they are migrants, those kids belong caged up in detainment facilities apparently.)
The will believe any fruitcake conspiracy theory, anything except the truth and facts. Those facts are rather hard for them to swallow right now, only antisocial morons are posting for Trump here. Their collective intelligence wouldn't add up to Trump's IQ of 78, he's smarter than they are remember.
Treason much? At this point no American patriot would support Trump, only racist scumbags, even the morons figured it out. If you were wondering about Biden's health, here is what actual conservatives think about Trump.

Trolls are a great excuse to post anti trump ads, more eyeballs, trolling works both ways Cleetus.
Those "actual conservatives" are responsible for the Iraq War. Look into the Lincoln Project. It's an attempt to rehabilitate the "actual conservatives" that got ousted by TEA party Republicans and Trump sycophants, but make no mistake about it, they're all a group of scumbags as well. They were scumbags long before Trump was ever elected.
Those "actual conservatives" are responsible for the Iraq War. Look into the Lincoln Project. It's an attempt to rehabilitate the "actual conservatives" that got ousted by TEA party Republicans and Trump sycophants, but make no mistake about it, they're all a group of scumbags as well. They were scumbags long before Trump was ever elected.

That voice in your head told you this?

The Lincoln Project mainly an effort by Republicans who don't support Trump. They prefer Biden be elected because they see Trump as a terrible president and risk to the republic.

There is a choice. Trump or Biden. I get that you hate Democrats and can't stand the idea of Biden winning the job. But there is a choice. Trump or Biden.

Sanders would have lost, BTW.
Luckily the libs don't have to worry about possibly winning. Trump wins again this time. Watch and see... On a brighter note, there's another election in 2024. Pick a better candidate this time. You guys keep making yourselves look foolish by backing first Hillary and now Biden. Is this really the best you got? Sad.
Those "actual conservatives" are responsible for the Iraq War. Look into the Lincoln Project. It's an attempt to rehabilitate the "actual conservatives" that got ousted by TEA party Republicans and Trump sycophants, but make no mistake about it, they're all a group of scumbags as well. They were scumbags long before Trump was ever elected.
No one is disputing that

We all agree their ads are effective
Those "actual conservatives" are responsible for the Iraq War. Look into the Lincoln Project. It's an attempt to rehabilitate the "actual conservatives" that got ousted by TEA party Republicans and Trump sycophants, but make no mistake about it, they're all a group of scumbags as well. They were scumbags long before Trump was ever elected.
Get your priorities straight, live in this moment and this fight, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Nobody is asking you to swap spit with them, just vote for Biden to get rid of Trump and the GOP, get the country back first, then figure out what you will do will it. 300,00 will have died before Trump and the GOP are done and many times that mained by this mismanaged plague, it's existential, get it?

They make great propaganda and I will use it and encourage others to as well, I know who they are and I disagree with them ideologically, but I can respect them as patriots, how about you? Progressive means that, you had the revolution over 200 years ago, it's time to perfect the union, again. Pick a side and go all out, no fence sitting allowed, time to back up you beliefs with action, everything else including your comment is superfluous.
They're not "patriots", either. They're war criminals. They see the sinking ship and hope to take advantage of it. That's it. If they believed Trump had a chance of winning this election, you'd never hear about them because it's not about ideology, it's about strategy and opportunity
Those "actual conservatives" are responsible for the Iraq War. Look into the Lincoln Project. It's an attempt to rehabilitate the "actual conservatives" that got ousted by TEA party Republicans and Trump sycophants, but make no mistake about it, they're all a group of scumbags as well. They were scumbags long before Trump was ever elected.

but we have a common foe and we must lay with dogs now..the trump train is full steam ahead and we're quickly running out of track, pada...we'll fight that fight should we make it through this..

“Do not get lost in a sea of despair. Be hopeful, be optimistic. Our struggle is not the struggle of a day, a week, a month, or a year, it is the struggle of a lifetime. Never, ever be afraid to make some noise and get in good trouble, necessary trouble.” -John Lewis
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