I plug in my lights and poof, the curcuit breaker blows


Well-Known Member
I'm using six 26 watt CFLs

I tried plugging it into a grounded multi outlet extension cord and it died

Does this mean I can't grow? :-(


Well-Known Member
either u r overloading the circuit- there may b many other outlets connected in line with the one u are using( try running the cord elsewhere)...your lights are grounding out or wires not connected properly, or you have a bad breaker................the longer the run on the extension cord, the more strain on the receptacle and breaker...


Well-Known Member
I bet its faulty wiring, sounds like a short to me. That's not really even close to enough wattage to trip your standard breaker unless there's a short somewhere. Make sure you wired your hot and neutral lines correctly.


Well-Known Member
Your only pulling about 150 watts from your lights,this should tell you that other electtrical devices are plugged in & in operation on the same circut as your lights,several rooms can be ran from a single circuit,you need to lighten the load on the circuit in question,right after you throw away that multi tap extension cord you have (white or brown dollar store cheapy right ? ) & replace it with a heavy duty grounded extension cord,then hook up a heavy duty 3 way grounded outlet to the heavy duty extension cord to get power to the lights.

Im not trying to be a dick but i have a feling that this grow is a "stealth grow",if so be aware that others saftey depends on you researching electricity & then applying what you've learned in a manner that wont create a fire hazzard that will kill people,so far the grow you describe sounds very unsafe if the power supply cant put out 150 watts without blowing a breaker,plus the fact you cant figure out why the extension cord & 150 watts of light blow the breaker,so far your understanding of electricity is at the point what your doing is very unsafe to you & others in the home.

Be safe & think adult here,research how homes are wired & play it safe.


Well-Known Member
If you run it off the same line that has another high draw thing..fridge, space heaters, floorboard heaters.. ..etc it may blow.... you need to get someone at the fusebox and turn off circuits one at a time and see what else in home is on that line..a wall plug in one room may have something in another room on that line... try to find the line for exterior plug if in a house.... or a line that only has lights on it...


Well-Known Member
I didn't wire any lines

I'm using two home depot style cords (the ones with with the metal hood) with three y adapters on each


Well-Known Member
Are you doing a stealth like pan said..if so try another outlet in the room...
Some may suggest changing fuse amps ... DON'T.. fires start that way... try 2 lights at 1st.. if it blows..try something like toaster hair dryer(they draw high amperage) if it doesn't blow the lights are the problem.... if it does the line is overloaded... and as I said try other wall outlet.... I vegged 2 plants with 2 x 26W CFL's.... don't panic yet.. but DO stay safe.. Luck.


Well-Known Member
I got it to work!

When I removed the metal hoods I had to unscrew and then re-screw some screws that held two wires on

I went back and tightened them up and now it works fine


ps The extension cord I used was NOT a cheap kind, it was a belkin surgemaster


Well-Known Member
As soon asyou said remove metal & worked..... short... I'm happy for you... most people get caught growing because of fires...... Grow away... Luck.


As soon asyou said remove metal & worked..... short... I'm happy for you... most people get caught growing because of fires...... Grow away... Luck.
I would think stealing electricity, odor and telling the wrong person would all be much more likely than fires.