I punched a kid in his fucking throat today!

Just look for the guy sucking everyone’s dick in the parking lot. Keep in mind, I’m not gay. I’m just trying to get to 10 before you can get to 9.

You’ll never top me!
Gary, you got to ten last week. And the week before that. Annnnd the one before that.

We're all here because we care about you and think this addiction is ruining who you are as a person and we are here to get you the help you need
Hah! Thanks for being hospitable. This is more fun than I've had in a good while. Carl out
You gotta have a sense of humor around here. If not, you’ll get eaten alive. None of us really give a fuck. We get high and/or drunk and fuck off in this section.

Roll with the punches and have a laugh and you’ll be fine. But get your parties in a wad and we will all go after you. Don’t take things too seriously in this section especially when I’m around. All I do is laugh and talk shit. Some people’s interpretation of that might differ but if they all knew we were just fucking around they’d be better off.
You gotta have a sense of humor around here. If not, you’ll get eaten alive. None of us really give a fuck. We get high and/or drunk and fuck off in this section.

Roll with the punches and have a laugh and you’ll be fine. But get your parties in a wad and we will all go after you. Don’t take things too seriously in this section especially when I’m around. All I do is laugh and talk shit. Some people’s interpretation of that might differ but if they all knew we were just fucking around they’d be better off.
Whatd you just call me?!