I quit


Well-Known Member
Oh its illegal to grow, kogt.com..someone got busted in orage county. so I give up I just keep almost gettin killed to get hydro. Obama BETTER do us some good.


New Member
Why do you think Obama will do anything about it? I live in IL, he was an IL state senator, we have some of the harshest marijuana penalties. It's just short of beheading in the town square. Really, good luck with that.


Well-Known Member
Why do you think Obama will do anything about it? I live in IL, he was an IL state senator, we have some of the harshest marijuana penalties. It's just short of beheading in the town square. Really, good luck with that.
Because he was an IL SENATOR! they deal with national shit, governors change shit in the state.


New Member
No, every time the bill gets to the IL senate it doesn't get enough votes to pass. The governer doesn't have anything to do with it until it passes then he has the power to veto. First it has to get through the senate, which it never does.

Because he was an IL SENATOR! they deal with national shit, governors change shit in the state.


Well-Known Member
No, every time the bill gets to the IL senate it doesn't get enough votes to pass. The governer doesn't have anything to do with it until it passes then he has the power to veto. First it has to get through the senate, which it never does.
that's the state senate. They're a separate entity.....or I'm totally mixed up. not sure.


New Member
Each state has it's own constitution, where you live is probably different. Here in Il you have to pass a test on the constitution in order to graduate from high school. You have to pass one test on the IL constitution and another on the US constitution. We are the only state that does that.

Like I said before, the bill always gets shot down in the IL state senate and Obama has not changed that one bit. I'm just trying to prepare you for the big let down and I hope I'm wrong, I hope he does decriminalize, but keep in mind, it's not just up to him alone.


Active Member
ha i got a 93% on my US/IL constitution test, i studied hard for that bitch. we just can hope obama could do something for MMJ in illinois.


New Member
If Obama can get it decriminalized on a federal level that will loosen things up for the states to do what needs done. First we have to break down those federal walls.

Talk about micromanagement, federal government, state government, local government, too many suits getting paid too much to do too little. Aarrgghh.....


Well-Known Member
Orange, Texas, I wish it was cali! ya I got a blunt. I sold my eq already.

I want to know if any others are not growing because of the laws in their area?

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Orange, Texas, I wish it was cali! ya I got a blunt. I sold my eq already.

I want to know if any others are not growing because of the laws in their area?

Fuck that! I live in a very tough State on mj and I still grow. I don't grow for money... I grow for personal use for me and my sister.... so I'm growing 4 plants at a time... nice and quiet small indoor operation. I'm not hurting anyone with my 4 measly plants and since they are for personal use .... I'm not out there selling in the community.

BTW... I know exactly where Orange TX is... I've been there a few time on business. It's definitely a po-dunk town so I doubt they have a big drug task force. I bet you could grow a few plants indoors and have no trouble at all.... as long as you keep your trap shut ;)


Well-Known Member
WE HAVE A BAD ASS TASKFORCE. sux too, thier all shining and shit with Gt's an nickel plated 50 cals. why must everything in texas be over killed? Really they do real good out here because of all the drug manufacturing the happend in the past few years. stupid tweakers fuckin it up for everyone

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
Fuck that! I live in a very tough State on mj and I still grow. I don't grow for money... I grow for personal use for me and my sister.... so I'm growing 4 plants at a time... nice and quiet small indoor operation. I'm not hurting anyone with my 4 measly plants and since they are for personal use .... I'm not out there selling in the community.

how many times has a judge heared that , allthough its very true , it dosent usually stand up to much in court .your still cultivating an illegal drug in there eyes , wether your harming anyone isnt the crime ,its cultivation thats the crime .

but i still say fuck em :finger: grow as much as you dare , and if you get caught , bend over take your punishment then start again .the war on cannabis is a failure for this very reason .....it cant be stopped , they can pick off people bit by bit but for every pot grower / user they jail another 50 start up , its a never ending cycle that the law just cant stop .


New Member
We have stiff laws and I'm still growing. I'm only growing for personal use, I have no intention of selling. I keep it in closed cabinets and closets and use cinnamon to cover the smell of visitors stop by.

The cops here bust pot users and then try to get them to narc out coke users. Duh cops, coke and pot are not the same and those people generally don't travel in the same circles.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
how many times has a judge heared that , allthough its very true , it dosent usually stand up to much in court .your still cultivating an illegal drug in there eyes , wether your harming anyone isnt the crime ,its cultivation thats the crime .

Yeah I understand. I wasn't stating my situation for purposes of defending myself in court... I was trying to convey that I likely would never be on the radar for a bust since I only grow small amounts and I don't sell.

The busts I've heard about lately in my area have all been large grow ops.... greater then 100 plants. I just don't see the cops wasting their time coming after me for my 4 plants. I guess you never know though.