I Really Hate America's Judicial


Well-Known Member
cameron douglas gets busted with a pound and half of crystal meth (NOT his first offense), gets busted having his girlfriend trying to smuggle him heroin while awaiting sentence for that crime and all in all he was only sentenced to 3 1/2 years in prison.

friend of mine gets busted with a quarter-pound cocaine (first offense) and was sentenced to 12 years.



Well-Known Member
12 is about right.My uncle got hit with only an eighth of a kilo,they hit the house where it was being stepped on and pressed so there was evidence everywhere and he got sentenced to 11 but he paroled in 8.There was also a couple gun charges he had to eat to.

the laws for coke and crack are much worse.


Well-Known Member
Until the war on drugs ends it won't get any better.

Vote Ron Paul, and only similar minded people at all levels who have the balls to finally stop the insanity.