I Really Need Help Fast from RIU

Can i get a second opinion from you guys? hermie,m/f? plz no smart comments n no rude ones either.thanks :D

The same plant, i know how to sex like fem plants have white hairs n males have balls. But i dont know about this one,is it just me that im trippin. I hope its a fem i bought my seeds all fems i been so worried haha for like 4 days. Oh yeah the thing on the first pic
is like not white,its super light green with like white tip i think.
don't see any obvious balls, but the part you suspect might be a bit blurry?
i'll put in a 'good feel' guess and say i think i see a hint of pistils in the 1st pic in the upper left
but probably too soon to call
oh :( well i tought u can tell on how a plant looks n sex it. i seen a fem sour diesel plant that looks almsot exactly like this one flowering so that kind of made me feel better :D n thanks for looking that up. i was trying to find em at homedepot the other day. i dont order from online much to risky.
random question, ever since yall posted pics of ur own plants. well have yall gotten a virus?

computer virus? not from posting pics
the other virus, i.e. a plant virus that affects mj would be TMV, tobacco mosaic virus
never had that either, and that's one i would really not want to have
yeah comp virus. can cops hack your comp? hey murphy u like the guys answer about not able to tell the sex of it. so why do u if u just told me ur opinion. arent u suppost to not like it..
its too early to tell what sex it is. you need to throw it back on 12 and wait. Dont trip about cops hacking there are too many people doing the same thing as you are unless you are really doing it big i wouldnt worry
I've never had an virus problem that origiated at this site. Also, no one can see the pictures you post unless they are a member. And I think theres something you agree to w/enrollment that says this is a private space.

I've never had any problems....
its too early to tell what sex it is. you need to throw it back on 12 and wait. Dont trip about cops hacking there are too many people doing the same thing as you are unless you are really doing it big i wouldnt worry

alright bet,no this plant in still in vegg. Well It died yesterday :( someone came in my room n pulled them out and they died.
The other plant ahaha it got pulled too but it survived the other looked skinny.
So im stuck with 1 girl now what a shame
i feel my plant is not growing at all,like its soo old but its a midget. I got em under 3 cfl bulbs, daylight 5000k. Its like over almost 2 months n its like 6 inches haha. First time giving them nutes was like 2 weeks ago and just now. Can this be that i need to flush it or the lack of nutes made it stay short? im wasting electrcity on this n weird thing my other plant was like 2x as tall n same age.
that is not normal, something is not right - i get 6 inches in 3 weeks under the same number of cfl's
wondering if this is a small pot, a plant can get root bound surprisingly quick