I really need some help!!


Well-Known Member
So I have had this yellowing starting from the bottom leaves and working its way up. I feel like it is a nitrogen def but please do tell me if I am wrong. I am under the impression that I was under feeding them. I was giving them about 1/3 strength nutes (fox farm trio). Since I have started giving them full strength. It is 10 weeks old and 4 weeks into flowering. The ph of tbe water is 6.5-6.7


Active Member
How often are you feeding them nutes? I am not sure but it could be too much nutes. Hopefully one of our many experts here will give you the answer you need. Personally I would stop giving them nutes at this stage. Good luck man I hope you get it worked out.


Well-Known Member
There is still some rusting on the leaves from a previous mg issue I fixed. If this is what you might be mistaking for burn? I am feeding them every other watering at full strength.

70's natureboy

Well-Known Member
Those things are pale. If they were over fed there would be some dark green somewhere and some claw leaves. They need more food fast.


Well-Known Member
I am not sure but it could be too much nutes. Personally I would stop giving them nutes at this stage.
So you're jusy making a wild assed guess, admit it.

Yeah, stop feeding a plant in full bloom when the nutrient demand is highest, see where that gets you.


Well-Known Member
some feed 1/2 grow, 1/2 bloom for first couple weeks of flower, the plants use a good bit of nitrogen during stretch. for future reference


Well-Known Member
Well I went ahead and flushed them because the one was starting to get crispy tips which I assumed was nute burn. So now the leaves are just falling off. Assuming from defs now? Please any insight. I will take pictures when I get home. Its just starting to get really scarce of leaves and I am worried that only buds will be left


Well-Known Member
ok here is a possible solution. you said you flushed them that's cool, now just start back with a bloom solution and low nitrogen with it. looked like to me there was a mag deff, so you did a calimag flush i hope if not just add to nute solution. i just went through the same issue but in hydro. i have-had a salt build up and a mag lockout so i did a cali-mag flush and went back to my regular bloom solution and added some nitrogen with a cali-mag.. there coming back around ..also keep in mind there budding there ass off so a lot of changing is not good and they will start yellowing when using the sugars from the fan leaves so don't freak and over do an issue that's not really an issue.. good luck and KEEP ON GROWIN