I really need some hydro help... feeling super discouraged and confused!

what brand is your calmag and how are you dosing it currently?
is the 1250 from 5/5/5 or the 3/3/3 we talked about?
@rkymtnman id say mag for the big one?

Do you know the EC/ppm that the seedling is getting? My first thought on the seedling is it may be a little high.
what brand is your calmag and how are you dosing it currently?
is the 1250 from 5/5/5 or the 3/3/3 we talked about?
@rkymtnman id say mag for the big one?

Do you know the EC/ppm that the seedling is getting? My first thought on the seedling is it may be a little high.
Cal/mag is from botanicare. It delivers 2% nitrogen, 3.2% calcium, 1.2% magnesium and one tenth of a percent of iron.

I originally went with 4 ml per gallon. However when I topped it off a few days ago with another gallon of water, I used 5 ml. I of course, add it first and per your instructions let it settle for a good 20 to 30 minutes before adding my other nutrients.

And yes, the EC is a result of the 3-3-3 dosage of nutes.

Give me a second and I'll grab a current EC reading for the seedling.
what brand is your calmag and how are you dosing it currently?
is the 1250 from 5/5/5 or the 3/3/3 we talked about?
@rkymtnman id say mag for the big one?

Do you know the EC/ppm that the seedling is getting? My first thought on the seedling is it may be a little high.
EC for the seedling is up to 1000. Think I should add some RO to dilute? Or flush?
So the plant is pushing flowers now and has recovered from previous issues but does want something now.
Id probably go ahead and go up to your full strength and start following your chart with that plant. We nursed it through most of the transition so now youre at the early bloom stage.
Ill have to find mag numbers on the trio before I can recommend anything passed that. When you get your new LED that has white diodes youll likely need to add a little bit of epsom.

Id bring the seedling down to 0.7-0.8.
I dont get mine to 1.0 until theyre decently into veg. Did that get a full dose of calmag?
So the plant is pushing flowers now and has recovered from previous issues but does want something now.
Id probably go ahead and go up to your full strength and start following your chart with that plant. We nursed it through most of the transition so now youre at the early bloom stage.
Ill have to find mag numbers on the trio before I can recommend anything passed that. When you get your new LED that has white diodes youll likely need to add a little bit of epsom.

Id bring the seedling down to 0.7-0.8.
I dont get mine to 1.0 until theyre decently into veg. Did that get a full dose of calmag?
Okay, that's good to know. I was going to change out the reservoir tonight anyhow since it's been a week. I'll go with the full dosage then.

I'm looking at the trio right now. The micro has 5% calcium and the grow has .5% magnesium and Bloom has 1.5% magnesium.

I wondered about Epsom... when the light comes I'll get the details on that... it's taking forever. I'm very impatient!

And regarding the seedling, I gave it a quarter a teaspoon of each of the trio and one teaspoon of Cal Mag per gallon.
For the seedlings id try the 1/4 1/8 1/8 to start them and maybe a lighter dose of the calmag. like 3ml/gal and see where that gets your ec.
Diluting it with fresh water down would probably be fine as you wouldnt be drastically changing it if you dumped it.

you know, i'm not sure. i don't think i've ever seen a Mg defic start at the base of all the leaves like that. seems like whatever it is is working it's way out to the leaf tips. strange.

and 1 EC for the seedling is too much i think as well.
Inside to tip is more likely to be a trace element issue I think. Maybe even sulfer? Im thinking if she bumps up to full feeding it should show improvement either way.
get on ebay or amazon and get a handful of 1cc and 60cc syringes. makes measuring liquid nutes way more precise and they are pretty cheap.
I actually am using them. I was doing voice to text and reading from my chart so it came out kinda wonky, but I have been measuring with syringes. Took me one try with measuring spoons and those big bottles to learn not to do that again!

And maybe I need to find a new feed chart. The one I have been following was from the website growweedeasy.com. It was a specific charge for General Hydroponics with Hydro so I thought it was a good guide. But since it suggests 5ml of cal/mag for a seedling it isn't as good as I thought!

I went ahead and brought the EC of the seedling down to 400. Hopefully that'll help it straightened out.

But I agree, that yellow veins/stripes in my plants seems to be a trend. One of my earlier seedlings had the yellow veins and died. I was using hard water at the time, too.. looked very similar to these plants.
For the seedlings id try the 1/4 1/8 1/8 to start them and maybe a lighter dose of the calmag. like 3ml/gal and see where that gets your ec.
Diluting it with fresh water down would probably be fine as you wouldnt be drastically changing it if you dumped it.

Inside to tip is more likely to be a trace element issue I think. Maybe even sulfer? Im thinking if she bumps up to full feeding it should show improvement either way.
Great! I went ahead and diluted it to 400 EC. Hopefully that helps her out. I haven't been able to get but moments with the plants lately as my responsibilities as mom and helping my folks with their medical needs has me so busy right now! I should have caught that EC rising on the seedling sooner. I was keeping tabs on ph and let the EC slide on the small one!

Ok! I'll start collecting RO for a reservoir change on the bigger girl. Fingers crossed this one really pulls her through!

Thanks so much guys!
The 400ppm Holy mentioned on your other post is on the 500ppm scale.
which is 0.8EC or 800 on your meter.
Keep this chart handy and check it any time someone says anything about ppm. This can be one of the most confusing things about multiple people weighing in and giving info in different formats.

I believe you may have gone a bit low, but if it was overfed, a couple days in a light solution like that should help it. I run my seedlings in a very light solution like you are now and they seem to enjoy it up to like a month old.
The chart I posted back on page 2 should be fairly accurate for the rest of the grow, but I believe they are using calimagic in those and the seedling feeding is pretty hot imo. Calimagic is one of the lowest N calmags IIRC but its Mag isnt amazing and most of us use epsom too with it.

Your calmag is pretty N heavy and recommends a 0 dose for seedlings. Being that youre RO you need some, so id do maybe a half dose for the babies. and start with 1/8 tsp per part. It probably got that heavy hit of N and got locked out.
The 400ppm Holy mentioned on your other post is on the 500ppm scale.
which is 0.8EC or 800 on your meter.
Keep this chart handy and check it any time someone says anything about ppm. This can be one of the most confusing things about multiple people weighing in and giving info in different formats.

I believe you may have gone a bit low, but if it was overfed, a couple days in a light solution like that should help it. I run my seedlings in a very light solution like you are now and they seem to enjoy it up to like a month old.
The chart I posted back on page 2 should be fairly accurate for the rest of the grow, but I believe they are using calimagic in those and the seedling feeding is pretty hot imo. Calimagic is one of the lowest N calmags IIRC but its Mag isnt amazing and most of us use epsom too with it.

Your calmag is pretty N heavy and recommends a 0 dose for seedlings. Being that youre RO you need some, so id do maybe a half dose for the babies. and start with 1/8 tsp per part. It probably got that heavy hit of N and got locked out.
I wondered when she mentioned PPM. And thank you for the chart. I saved it and will make sure to reference it when someone mentions ppms!

Ok, so yeah the feeding schedule I was using was exactly like the one you shared. I didn't realize that the two brands differed so much in their formula. Feels like a really stupid mistake. Is there a chart that would reference nutritional needs based on age for cannabis? Feels like having that information would be helpful!

Do you think that I'd still be good with a full 5ml per gallon of my cal/mag for the older plant?

As always thanks so much. I'm learning. Hope you're feeling good today!
I wondered when she mentioned PPM. And thank you for the chart. I saved it and will make sure to reference it when someone mentions ppms!

Ok, so yeah the feeding schedule I was using was exactly like the one you shared. I didn't realize that the two brands differed so much in their formula. Feels like a really stupid mistake. Is there a chart that would reference nutritional needs based on age for cannabis? Feels like having that information would be helpful!

Do you think that I'd still be good with a full 5ml per gallon of my cal/mag for the older plant?

As always thanks so much. I'm learning. Hope you're feeling good today!

As you get smoother starts itll be much easier to read the plants and know when its time to move up to the next stage in your schedule. You can start getting into NPK breakdowns by stage and looking at individual elemental EC and all that, but that gets pretty complex. The different mixes you will do of your trio will adjust your NPK ratios along the way. Seedlings are just really temperamental until you get the hang of what they want. Since were in a bucket of water, were already winning in that we dont have to worry about under or over watering them. We just have to learn signs of under and over feeding. I sacrificed a bunch of seedlings to learning and pretty much just experimented on them with the nutrients and additives I was interested in using until I found a system that was consistent for me.

Yes, you should be fine with a full str on the other one. You should be able to start at week 5 right now and follow that until week 8. Once youve hit week 8 youll have to see if your buds need more time or if theyre starting to finish up.

Today is better than yesterday, but im not optimistic about being able to get back downstairs after a week at this point.
As you get smoother starts itll be much easier to read the plants and know when its time to move up to the next stage in your schedule. You can start getting into NPK breakdowns by stage and looking at individual elemental EC and all that, but that gets pretty complex. The different mixes you will do of your trio will adjust your NPK ratios along the way. Seedlings are just really temperamental until you get the hang of what they want. Since were in a bucket of water, were already winning in that we dont have to worry about under or over watering them. We just have to learn signs of under and over feeding. I sacrificed a bunch of seedlings to learning and pretty much just experimented on them with the nutrients and additives I was interested in using until I found a system that was consistent for me.

Yes, you should be fine with a full str on the other one. You should be able to start at week 5 right now and follow that until week 8. Once youve hit week 8 youll have to see if your buds need more time or if theyre starting to finish up.

Today is better than yesterday, but im not optimistic about being able to get back downstairs after a week at this point.
Glad to hear that I'm not the only one who struggled at the start! I'm thankful for folks like you who are patient enough to walk me through the steps.

That sounds good. I'll see if these current changes help them along!

And I'm betting you're starting to get stir crazy. If you're like me, it's not the pain and discomfort that gets you but the inactivity! Hopefully your recovery will take a leap and you'll be able to get downstairs to your girls soon!
Your meter is propably broken or needs to be clibrated. get a new one I recommend blue lab. I would also use half the recommended dosage with flora trio. you should look into orca instead of hydroguard it's better. Also EC doesn't give a reading in the 100's you mean ppm of which there is a 500 and 700 scale but either way 500 ppm isnt really that high make sure your ph is good 5.2 is too low I would shoot for 5.8. Lower leaves yellowing is usually a nitrogen deficiency. The pics you posted look like nutrient burn though so yeah make sure your meter is working properly.
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