I really need someones opinion. +rep


Well-Known Member
i just found this thread...

never EVER use international money orders... no matter what you do.... NEVER USE MONEY ORDERS WHEN DEALING WITH CLIENTS...... it's splattered on craigslists DO NOT DO BECAUSE IT IS A SCAM list........... also, 6k for seeds... im thinking there's gotta be a cost-benefit ratio, which you failed horribly at... 6500 dollars, i could get my self one hell of a setup and grow a shit ton of good weed out of some bagseed with that.......

take out a loan... if they find out you might be charged with grand larceny or something like htat....i'm not sure but almost everywhere more than 2000-3000 dollars is no longer a misdemeanor....

next time, don't use a money order....

i can only think of one good way to catch them.... get yourself a local, get him to get the same seeds you got... if they charge them less, you might have a shot at nailing them with some sort of consumer fraud thingy....

or like someone said, go there physically and take care of shit.....


Well-Known Member
Heres the proof. :bigjoint:

this picture reminds me of a picture of a sasquatch, or aliens..

now how about a pic where i can tell wtf im looking at? ya know, one where u dont need to write down what im looking at. shit i think if u take a clear pic im sure i will be able to distinguish what that shit actually is.

dont need u to tell me, because obviously nobody here is believing u so far.

thats like me showing u a picture of nyc from a helicopter, and telling u that im in that little blue car in between the white one and the black one. and to believe me.


Active Member
Hey dude, don't mean to step on your advice but you should know, MJ can't contain more then 20% without human intervention. White Widow is 18.9% THC with CBD < 0.1%. You can look it up yourself if you don't beleive me http://www.druglibrary.org/Strainguide/Dutch_Passion/White_Widow/1862/index.html

Well not wanting to start an argument in this guys thread, I have to say I appreciate your input. Unfortunitely, the site you showed was for Dutch Passion's WW at 18.9% THC. The original WW that caught everyone's attention was the ORIGINAL WW that Greenhouse bred a long ass time ago. That, according to high times was supposed to have right around 25% THC. That's all I got for you. Do a little more research. The point is that we all know, well most of us vets know that it's impossible to have a higher THC level than that.


Active Member
That is fricking crazy to spend that much money on some seeds.
I would have done like somebody else said and buy a whole set up and grew some badseed
for that much cash.
I would go over there and kick some A** and get my money back.
Well, I wanted to see a pic and promised rep+ for it so here you go. Real or not.
Im sorry as I really thought you were lying. My friend dropped a baggie once with bagseed in it and I shit you not a BUS ran over it...we just sat there helpless and watched it happen... we STILL got viable seeds outta that bag.
It's hard to believe that you don't have one viable seed. after all you didnt pay for 10 seeds you paid for the "genetics".
As a side note: I think people should quit baggin on anyone in this site or others over how much that they spend on their seeds.
I think it is irresponsible for a caregiver to risk his friends/coworkers money on such a "golden egg hunt" but if he wanted to be the "only" one in town or anywhere I've heard of to have that strain... who cares !!
If the people that he took the money from also wanted that strain then fuck'em they were playin vegas too and ass-u-med part of the risk.
I for one love being the only one around to have unique things and am willing to pay for it. Over the years i have invested untold dollars into my hobbies....golf, snowboarding, scubadiving ect. many times paying a premium for new items that later come down in cost for others. Right now I'm looking at investing in a solar system.
Not to argue for 6500 in seeds but... it's his money !! and I really feel for him if he got burned.


Well-Known Member
i don't mean to get in your fight in another guy's thread... but high times also boasts that legal herb smokes are the shit.... when all they do is give you a headache....

not the most reliable source... high times....


Active Member
i don't mean to get in your fight in another guy's thread... but high times also boasts that legal herb smokes are the shit.... when all they do is give you a headache....

not the most reliable source... high times....
lol yea no shit.. second that

Just use common sense guys.. do you REALLY think that nearly HALF THE FUCKING PLANT that your staring at is made of the sticky substance THC? I mean cmon.. Either they are using some ridiculous testing standard, meaning they are only testing a tiny sample of the plant in order to get the highest thc rating.. or they are just straight up lying.

To the OP, you took a risk, it failed.. don't eat for a week, and take $150 and order some barney's farm seeds, or sagarmatha or another high quality seed and grow that, and your people will be happy as clams and you'll be okay. Violator Kush will knock you on your ass ;)

I'm a college student and even I can come up with $150 bucks if I eat only crackers for a week, figure it out.. grand larceny felonies = really bad.

I highly recommend attitude, do the guarantee and you won't even have to worry about it. I had some seeds dissapear once and they reshipped it without hesitation. All for $10.



Well-Known Member
This is my opinion on this whole clusterfuck.The OP has some sort of grudge for BC seeds.He probably ordered some 100 buck seeds and somethinhg fucked up...;maybe customs opened the envelope and took them and gave him a letter or something else happened.regardless.....he is trying to diss the seed company publicly and is getting alot of attention right now. I have ordered from BC seeds before and everything worked out for me...I wouldn't send nowhere near that amount of money for seeds and I personally think BCseeds thinks the same way and those seeds don't even exist they just want to have a good laugh and see what kind of fucktard would order that. IDK but even if the seeds did exist(???) I would surely ship them in a bombproof container.
Post a pic of the money order you sent (I`m sure you have a copy) and I will give you a public apology
Just my opinion.
The OP is messing with you.


Well-Known Member
obviously 6500 dollars would be a scam for 20 seeds, chances are who ever made this thread is full of shit anyways because the olny thing i could find that cost 6500$ on bcseeds.com was the cultivators pack and that comes with hundreds of seeds of all different varietys. not olny that someone who has 6500 dollars to invest in marijuana seeds has been growing for a long time and has all the connections they need to start a grow without having to order seeds online.
lol so sorry to the lonely guy who had to make up this thread for something to do.

Nah dude, he posted a link to BC earlier in this thread and the ad's real. Says they're sold out, but it's there. Funny thing is they list the father as being an unknown strain. lol


Well-Known Member
Well not wanting to start an argument in this guys thread, I have to say I appreciate your input. Unfortunitely, the site you showed was for Dutch Passion's WW at 18.9% THC. The original WW that caught everyone's attention was the ORIGINAL WW that Greenhouse bred a long ass time ago. That, according to high times was supposed to have right around 25% THC. That's all I got for you. Do a little more research. The point is that we all know, well most of us vets know that it's impossible to have a higher THC level than that.

Dude, when I was researching polyploidys this info came up again and again, 20% is tops for strains or hybrids with no human intervention. That may have been a rounded off number, it may actually be 20.4% or something, but there's no way to get it to 25% without chaning the genetics of the plant, or by using UVB or maybe the leaf pinching technique during the grow.

Do an internet search for "polyploidy marijuana" and you'll find some published scientific studies on this matter.

patient 420

WTF... i can go to a collective and purchase a clone of my choice for 15 bucks!!! Top quality strains...sorry man you got ripped.


Active Member
I starting to hate this site! there is so many haters! Why cant you atleast be positive. Damn smoke a bowl and then reply next time.
just burnt a giant fatty
you put all yer eggs in 1 basket, not a smart thing, i would be trolling the hood and calling friends for seeds. next time just drive or fly to oaksterdam, they'll take care of you