i ripping the hair out of my head!!!


can someone please tell me if this is overwatering or underwatering. no matter what i do this happens every two days

IMG_0936.jpgIMG_0937.jpgno yellow no browing just drooping constantly. it happens a day after watering, a hr after watering or 2 days after watering, i am going nuts trying to figure it out. it always bounces back. but this time its been 24 hrs like this


Active Member
how often are u watering?, water once then wait untill pot becomes dry for first planting, then maybe water everyweek if that


i have been waiting until the pot goes dry withe the whole finger trick. i stick the whole finger down into the soil and right at the tip of my finger i feel dampness. once a week? i have been watering every 2 days or so becuase the top 3" are always bone dry.


Well-Known Member
u know that foil is supposeed to be on the dull side looks like you have it on the shiney side. doesnt look like watering problems to me though them lights looks close dude if you can feel the heat with you hands move them up.


i know foil is bad i didnt know when i built i was a noob. once this grow is over i am pulling the foil out and painting flat white. the lights have always been those. the temps at the plant hieght is 82. dont think its the lights. lights have to be 1-2" away when using cfls. i have 3 plants and this one is the only one doing this, its also my biggest


i just literally stuck my finger all the way down and its barely damp. so i watered it thoroughly and if nothing happens then i know its over watering.


Well-Known Member
You've been watering every two days, so it's not under watering. Let it dry out for a week, it'll be good for the roots and will make em grow in search for water. Use a bathroom scale to weigh it when it's dry, water it, weight it again. Now you know what the pot weighs dry and when it's fully watered. Only water when the pot loses 60% of it's water weight.
That's what I would do anyway...
Hope this helps ya.


You've been watering every two days, so it's not under watering. Let it dry out for a week, it'll be good for the roots and will make em grow in search for water. Use a bathroom scale to weigh it when it's dry, water it, weight it again. Now you know what the pot weighs dry and when it's fully watered. Only water when the pot loses 60% of it's water weight.
That's what I would do anyway...
Hope this helps ya.
i have been letting them dry all the time. right now it has barely and moisture and i watered it on monday, and monday it was the same. as soon as i watered it on monday this started to happen, then it went away. its been coming and going since last sunday. will over watering damage the plant? since i might have been doing that.


Well-Known Member
imo, i think you should move the plant when its time to shut the light off, then get rid of tinfoil now and paint it white or use mylar. dont wait till next year.


okay its over watered dammit! found some more pictures and its exactly waht it is. just added water too. will it die or can i save it by somehow removing the water i just poured in or leaving lights on for 24hr to try and dry the soil out a little


Well-Known Member
dude i have over waterd my plants before doesnt look like it to me the leaves will be mega droopy but when you under water the stems loose pressure and just flop over over watering if from lack of oxygen to the roots mix some peroxide with water to help the roots get oxygen i know thats not what it is but there is the advice take it or leave it dude.
good luck


stilll no improvemt and now its going nice a yellow. no idea what the hell hapened. prob going to pull it. beenr researching all week and no one really responded to this post for advice. oh well 1/3 of my plants gonzo. the funny part is its still growing despite the issue.


Dont rule out N deficiency... If your too negative on the PH, your neg soil could be binding up the nutrients. I've gotten bag soil that was way too negative.... bag soil is NOT all created equal. Not saying its your problem, but its possible.


Now my other plant is doing it too for no reason. I think i am not meant to grow. I am done, packing it up, just upset I wasted $450. good luck all.