I s#!t my pants this afternoon.


Well-Known Member
Was getting ready to go out with my wife this afternoon so i went outside to warm up the car,while i was getting in the car my whole street filled up with cop cars from the local cop's,state police & 2 different sheriff dept's,holy fukin shit :mrgreen:

Now im freakin straight the fuck out,then i think to myself,fuk em,i dont have shit here except a little personal sack,let em come:mrgreen:

My wife came out to see wtf was going on & i had her go back in & get me a coffee,we sat on the porch & watched them destroy half my neighbors house,tore the doors down,ripped ass through all his cars,made a big scene then split leaving the house tore to hell.

Nobody was even home & we couldnt tell if they took anything,if they did it was shit they could stuff in their pockets & steal.

Still dont know what the deal was but the whole neighborhood thinks they were after the asshole teenage son of the parents who own the place,this kids hell on wheels,the little prick broke into my garage last summer,tore the fuck out of my Mustang stealing the stereo,took about 10k in stereo equipment & never had enough sense to see he was on camera from my security system.

I hope they fry that theiving little prick if its him they were after.
lol thats freeky... why would they just leave? lol what if they were comming for your grow and they got the address wrong? lol that would be funny as hell...
That happened to me one time right after I left a taco restaurant. I had to drive and squeeze my butt cheeks at the same time, was almost the worst feeling ever. Luckily I made it home on time. LOL

Ok, back to this story though...wtf? I would be worried that they were coming for you like FaCultGen said. If I were you I would just be on lookout and find out what happened for sure. Hope you're safe!
Did you press charges against the "little prick" :lol:.

Nope,im not big on cop's for any reason,i figured it would just give them a reason to fuck with me over some bullshit.

I pressed the parents checkbook real good though,they paid swell to keep me from calling the cop's.
lol thats freeky... why would they just leave? lol what if they were comming for your grow and they got the address wrong? lol that would be funny as hell...

Nah,highly doubtfull.

You would have to see this little shit of a teenager,we live in the burbs & the neighborhood is real nice,a few weeks ago his car got all the windows busted out of it & every other time i see him he has a black eye or a fat lip,this kid has terrorized the entire neghborhood for 2 years now.
I get paranoid whenever I see a cop around my house. My town is so small, odds are they are here for me.

Haven't had a visit from them in a year or so *knocks on wood*
lol when i read the title of your thread i thought maybe you were coming off a bunch of opiates and actually shit your pants ;)