I screwed up and exposed flowers to light during dark period.

Land of the Free?

Well-Known Member

I have a problem. :cry:

I was trying to give my plants Co2 by buring an oil lamp, and a couple of candles. The problem is that my dark cycle started about five hours ago, and I discovered that I forgot to turn out the candles.

So, Is my Girl going to freak out?

Should I restart my timer to give 12 hours of continuous darkness, starting from the time I discovered and turned the candles out?

Or.. just leave it alone with only little more than 8 hours darkness?

I need answers fast please and will be checking in shortly. Thanks in advance for the advice.



Well-Known Member
Well I personally have never had problems from light stress and candles don't really put off that much light. I would say keep it on the same schedule if you've been flowering for a while now. I've started a bad habit of looking at them all the time when the lights are off, there just so damn good looking.


hey land of free.are they on 18/6 if so just go in and blow them out.if they are on 12/12 try to get in there without letting any light in and blow them out.becareful of those lamps they can do more harm than good.like raiseing your temp in your room.good ventalion can work just as well.:peace:

Land of the Free?

Well-Known Member
Yeah Ive been on 12/12 for several weeks now. I went into the room with the lights off to get something, and remembered the candles. I opened the closet door a crack and sure enough the candles were still going. I blew them out right away!

Its a huge closet so my temps are normal even with the candles, around 80-84

So based on your replies it sounds like I should just let them do their normal thing.
That sounds good I guess. I just heard that ANY light in a dark cycle could cause a hermi or something.

Well I'll be checking in for more replies. THANX!! : )

Land of the Free?

Well-Known Member
will be ok ,will just put them back a little bit through the stress
Ok I will just leave them. I hope the flowering is not terribly offset, because this is my first Chronic grow and the buds are doing great so far.
The biggest is 2" thick : ) yum!!

Thanks for all suggestions and help.bongsmilie Now time to smoke one.


Well-Known Member
Burning candles, lamps, paper etc etc is not giving off CO2 ...absolutely NO CO2 is given off by burning candles. Your giving off CO which is Carbon monoxide...same killer poison gas people do themselves in with from car exhaust. Do your self a BIG favor and get rid of the lamp and candles! This is fact, no one can dispute it.

If you want to use CO2 your going to need either a bottle setup or a purpose built CO2 generator..neither is cheap. You can get CO2 other ways ( yeast and sugar et al) but they are not as effective.


Well-Known Member
I agree with no drama... And you should just keep the lights on the same schedule... The candle light wont hurt anything trust me... I have opened the door during the dark cycle on my flower room when i was a noob. and it never did anything noticeable...

Land of the Free?

Well-Known Member
OK then

I read about candles and Co2 but apparantly they weremistaken. I agree its too much trouble anyways. I will stop using the candles.

Thanks for all input!!