I should have posted this back in '07.

so quick to judge. you should try watching the two films before you make any assumptions. i would have though the folks here at RIU would be open minded enough to consider these films.
I've seen them both. The only interesting thing is the Dec. 25th part - how its the first day the days start to get longer.

Oh, the finance and banking part, is pretty real - that's how money is created under a fiat system. But, the funny thing about that is, they make it seem like a conspiracy, but its all done out in the open! Take a few finance and econ classes and you'll see, they teach you the shit in this movie. Its not a conspiracy. Is it fucked up? Yeah, when bankers forget they are stewards of other's people money - which is what we are living through now - but it happens, it has always happened throughout history. Know this and act accordingly.

The second one was pretty lame basically a propaganda piece for the venus project.
Zeitgeist has been talked about here for awhile.

You will find more appropriate comments from people in the Politics forum. This kind of stuff is all over the place in there. :smile:
I've seen them both. The only interesting thing is the Dec. 25th part - how its the first day the days start to get longer.

Oh, the finance and banking part, is pretty real - that's how money is created under a fiat system. But, the funny thing about that is, they make it seem like a conspiracy, but its all done out in the open! Take a few finance and econ classes and you'll see, they teach you the shit in this movie. Its not a conspiracy. Is it fucked up? Yeah, when bankers forget they are stewards of other's people money - which is what we are living through now - but it happens, it has always happened throughout history. Know this and act accordingly.

The second one was pretty lame basically a propaganda piece for the venus project.

what's wrong with the Venus Project?
what's wrong with the Venus Project?

Maybe because its the most pie-in-the sky shit I've ever heard, next to Marx.

The kind of transformation they talk about - to even begin their society - would take 3 generations, if not more......So, basically 3 generations have to tell their kids this fantasy for them to even see if it can work in the first place.

Besides that? They don't even get into the nitty gritty details about how resources get distributed. They just show a bunch of fantasy buildings.

The way I think of communism is this - the Ipod. Why do you need it? You have recordable cds, you have the artists cds. Why would a government create a device that lets you store and sort music files any way you want?

The opposite, is capitalism. Where you let people decide what the want.

Those are the choices. Either let the people decide how to use the available resources, or have a government bureauracracy decide how to use them.

What we have now is both. Based on arbitrary political whims, the government chooses who to give resources to and who not to.

Take airlines vs. autos vs. banks. Banks, because of the fiat finance system get bailed out constantly and without question (because the federal reserve oversees the means of production in that sector), autos get a bailout reluctantly so as to gain control over the means of production, and the airlines get nothing - because nobody wants to control the means of production for non-primary mode of transportation.....The plane makers, do get a subsidy - via the military.

We live in a socialist country that pretends to be free. If you produce something that has any kind of political value - you get a subsidy, to get your vote. Farms, Oil, Schools............etc........

There are basically, 3 economic systems.. Pure capitalism, Pure socialism, and any combination of the two.

Now, if you really want to get your "lid" blown.

Toke On this..................
[YOUTUBE] <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/P772Eb63qIY&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/P772Eb63qIY&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]
Maybe because its the most pie-in-the sky shit I've ever heard, next to Marx.

The kind of transformation they talk about - to even begin their society - would take 3 generations, if not more......So, basically 3 generations have to tell their kids this fantasy for them to even see if it can work in the first place.

Besides that? They don't even get into the nitty gritty details about how resources get distributed. They just show a bunch of fantasy buildings.

The way I think of communism is this - the Ipod. Why do you need it? You have recordable cds, you have the artists cds. Why would a government create a device that lets you store and sort music files any way you want?

The opposite, is capitalism. Where you let people decide what the want.

Those are the choices. Either let the people decide how to use the available resources, or have a government bureauracracy decide how to use them.

What we have now is both. Based on arbitrary political whims, the government chooses who to give resources to and who not to.

Take airlines vs. autos vs. banks. Banks, because of the fiat finance system get bailed out constantly and without question (because the federal reserve oversees the means of production in that sector), autos get a bailout reluctantly so as to gain control over the means of production, and the airlines get nothing - because nobody wants to control the means of production for non-primary mode of transportation.....The plane makers, do get a subsidy - via the military.

We live in a socialist country that pretends to be free. If you produce something that has any kind of political value - you get a subsidy, to get your vote. Farms, Oil, Schools............etc........

There are basically, 3 economic systems.. Pure capitalism, Pure socialism, and any combination of the two.

Now, if you really want to get your "lid" blown.

Toke On this..................
[YOUTUBE] <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/P772Eb63qIY&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/P772Eb63qIY&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]

well, I get what you're saying, but it has to start somewhere regardless if it would take a long time. but I would hope there would be an alternative to living in that type of society to appease everyone. me AND you!:weed:
but there are problems with this society we live in, and I for one hate it. If i could pack up and move right now I would, but I have to wait for now. anways, i'll watch that vid now.
in response to the video - im hungry. :(

but i agree with it. it makes points that Zeitgeist did. i especially agree with the religion bit. and i love how it used pimped-out to describe things ha ha ha. +rep
zeitgeist's first portion about jesus and astrology was mostly ripped from The God That Wasn't There and various History Channel specials.

the second and third portions are largely false if you actually check the facts instead of blindly believing everything you see.

I never watched the 2nd one cause the first was such a crock of bullshit...
This is like Ziegeist thread number 50...that video was pretty interesting cheeseysynapse!
yo victim26

i've seen zeitgeist. it changed my life.
9/11 was an inside job.
7/7 (in london) was an inside job - some of my friends were within a few hundred meters of those bombs but they are all ok.

u shld watch "Death of a President".
and buy a sniper rifle incase you're ever within 600 meters (line of sight) to pricks like Bush or that Larry Silverstien fuckwit. ;-)
zeitgeist's first portion about jesus and astrology was mostly ripped from The God That Wasn't There and various History Channel specials.

the second and third portions are largely false if you actually check the facts instead of blindly believing everything you see.

I never watched the 2nd one cause the first was such a crock of bullshit...

you're a dumbass. got your head stuck up your f*ckin ass?
i did my research and checked the facts.
your on the late frieght buddy...........zietgeist has been talked about over and over and over again on here....and your not the last person thats gonna post this and think you are opening everybodys eyes....use the search function next time you want to start a revolution