I should yield a pound right?


Well-Known Member
I think you are gonna get maybe a pound, you don't have the plants to use up all the light you are using, sorry bro.


New Member
I wasn't disagreeing with your growing advice in particular, just saying that while you take a stab at 'others' for being pretentious you are so very obvious being it yourself I just had to point it out. As I expected, the accusation was merely a reflection of yourself. I will add 'arrogant' to it as well:

Oh yes just like you are the source on what you call the canopy method, so glad you finally joined RIU, really needed someone with so much wisdom. :lol: Have fun trying to increase the size of your epeen, someone else will chop it off sooner or later.
Sorry didn't mean to hurt ur feelings and prove u wrong, don't be mad. That is the problem with RIU, everyone claims or acts like they are an expert, but the real growers know the answer. U have to be careful who u take advice from, just because the have a rep doesn't mean they know what they are doing. That's why I keep a lot of pics and document my whole grow. I have pics of every flower, abot 10 in the last 20 months. I started small, reading books and doing the scrog method. I have had bugs, mildew, overnute, never a defiency. So I have seen it!!! And I am not a dick but a dude with some experiences.


Well-Known Member
16 plants @1 oz per is a LB ...you have 18 youll seee more than LB

I veg for 3 weeks and get 1.5 oz per average..... 6 weeks veg nets me a Q or more


Well-Known Member
You don't have to have a large photo album to be a good gardener.
I prefer to keep 0 evidence, even if I am in a totally legal state with proper documentation.
I've yet to go to the state that allows 300-400 plants legal.

I've seen more than one setup just like what I use on RIU, so there isn't any reason for me to post pics.

Most people could care-less about rep. on this site, it's just there...
I've seen high rep people grow some shit plants, Finshaggy comes to mind.
Toasted, Roasted, Chopped 2 wks. early


New Member
You don't have to have a large photo album to be a good gardener.
I prefer to keep 0 evidence, even if I am in a totally legal state with proper documentation.
I've yet to go to the state that allows 300-400 plants legal.

I've seen more than one setup just like what I use on RIU, so there isn't any reason for me to post pics.

Most people could care-less about rep. on this site, it's just there...
I've seen high rep people grow some shit plants, Finshaggy comes to mind.
Toasted, Roasted, Chopped 2 wks. early
U keep 0 evidence cause it is either illegal(which it doesn't matter, everyone wants to take a picture), ur poor and cant afford a camera, u don't grow, or ur a kid, etc... Well I am non of those, so I can document my grows, so I know where I went wrong when I did something bad. I document the grows so I can remember what I did, and for what I can do better. No sir, the quality growers I know document ther grows.


Well-Known Member
You don't know enough grower then... I said I'm in a legal state, it still does me no good to take pictures.
Pictures aren't the only way of documentation. They are very incriminating though.
I have a camera that I use often, and the rest of that crap is your justification for spouting false information.
I know you are Jesus of growing MJ...bow down


Well-Known Member
I have never done anything "bad" to my plants, including vegetables.
If you need to take pictures to see what you did wrong, good for you.
I can tell just from appearance what my plants need, usually a good compost tea.


Well-Known Member
+ if those 300-400 plants are yours....you're not legal, there is no state that allows 300 plants
Here in Cali we have the most @ 99! I don't even get near the max allowance.


Well-Known Member
I have had bugs, mildew, overnute, never a defiency.
This doesn't make sense, overfeeding causes deficiencies + mildew/bugs aren't exactly signs of an experienced grower.

My first grow about a decade ago didn't have those problems, but then again I grew vegetables for years before that.


Well-Known Member
Sorry didn't mean to hurt ur feelings and prove u wrong, don't be mad.
No problem, since none of that is the case. Probably some wishful thinking involved there.

So, you read some books and have been growing for 20 months and that makes you a "real grower" who has the answers RIU needs so badly :roll:

I got all my rep from making fun of trolls and pretentious clowns like yourself though so indeed rep often means nothing at RIU :mrgreen:


New Member
+ if those 300-400 plants are yours....you're not legal, there is no state that allows 300 plants
Here in Cali we have the most @ 99! I don't even get near the max allowance.
Bro that comment proves u haven't read or comprehended one word I have made. U are proving to the world how much of a troll u are. Lets put that foot farther in ur mouth. 1st of all I said I have friends who grow 300 plants. So we have established u cant read. I am not entertaining this TROLL anymore, I think we see who knows nothing. OP ur choice who to listen too. These pics are from today, I am not afraid nor do I have excuses!!! I have proof!!!View attachment 2634171View attachment 2634172View attachment 2634173View attachment 2634175anymore questions. come on man, really???


Well-Known Member
Good luck with your grow Hunter. If you want to maximize your next harvest look into LST and or super cropping and veg a bit longer 2000 watts in a 4x8 give you a lot of usable light. I cover a 4x8 area of my 8x8 tent with 1200 watts and can pull a lb per 600 watt light pretty easily....although if i let my plants get too big i actually get less...and also with too small of plants yield reduced. The key is to have as many budding nodes as possible in that area while still having room for air circulation. Cheers


Well-Known Member
Bro that comment proves u haven't read or comprehended one word I have made. U are proving to the world how much of a troll u are. Lets put that foot farther in ur mouth. 1st of all I said I have friends who grow 300 plants. So we have established u cant read. I am not entertaining this TROLL anymore, I think we see who knows nothing. OP ur choice who to listen too. These pics are from today, I am not afraid nor do I have excuses!!! I have proof!!!View attachment 2634171View attachment 2634172View attachment 2634173View attachment 2634175anymore questions. come on man, really???
I didn't ask any questions and you didn't answer any.
"Friends" grow 300 plants and they let you keep pictures of their illegal grow...RIGHT!

You think they will care who grew those when they confiscate your computer and find pictures of illegal amount of plants. It's obvious you've never been harassed by LEO yet.

What exactly was I asking you to prove?
Is that your little grow? Weak
You act like your the only one growing kid. I see you still are overfeeding too.
Pics tell a thousand words! JUST FYI


Well-Known Member
He is mad that others are doing it bigger than him. Including his "friends" illegal grows that he keeps pics of.


Well-Known Member
No problem, since none of that is the case. Probably some wishful thinking involved there.

So, you read some books and have been growing for 20 months and that makes you a "real grower" who has the answers RIU needs so badly :roll:

I got all my rep from making fun of trolls and pretentious clowns like yourself though so indeed rep often means nothing at RIU :mrgreen:
I like this...tells the story great
A noob joins RUI with a few pictures(probably not even his)
Spouts a large amount of bad information and calls everyone else a "Troll"


Well-Known Member
ShivaSkunk+Sativified are respectable and reliable sources
Combined maybe yes :)

That's the whole point, don't rely on information from just one person regardless of rep and post count (or claims about being a "real grower"), while there is a so much information in this forum already, and so many people who combined really have seen it all.