I sincerely apologize schuylaar - thank the trolls.


Well-Known Member
You should have given up her income, the lesser, not yours. $220,000 apparently was too much, tho millions made that mistake. STOP WATCHING HGTV!! They don't show those buyers two years later after buying that $220,000 home and putting $150,000 in "renovations" losing the home to foreclosure because their $65,000/yr income couldn't pay it. Those people get qualified for X amount, so they go and spend every bit of it. A lender qualified me for a $330,000 mortgage, but I'm not even going to consider spending half that. But $1700 a month for mortgage was well within your budget until you quit your job. Taxes went up because of too much government spending, blaming it on Conservatives is silly. The government has to pay their bills or the garbage starts piling up in the streets. I don't see where the incentive was in that incentive plan. I just see a straight hourly rate. I wouldn't have quit, I just would stop working harder than the others. I know what you mean about the difficulty of planning housing expenses. My insurance went from $700 a year to $1700+ in the first year. Home insurance in Florida is outlandish. Many pay more for the insurance than they do for the mortgage. You need to go back to work. Your GF's part time job isn't going to support the three of you, it might not even support just one of you. The postpartum depression was gone 18 months ago. Not marrying the mother of your children just so she can qualify for welfare is shameful. Celebrating the deaths of innocent children is beyond shameful.
you are very misinformed too much FOX NEWS you watch. Who said I got a loan for the renovations and they were done right off the bat? You haven't figured it out yet I am a skilled mother fucker in many things and who has never been without a job since I was 14, the only thing I paid for were the materials, and those were paid for in cash by tax returns( i claim 0 all year) and vacation checks, was it my mistake to think my hard work should have paid for those things? 1700 was within our budget UNTIL MY GF HAD A KID AND QUIT HER job to raise the kid, How new was your home mine was a fixer upper, and I bought about 8 months before the shit hit the fan, my home was about the cheapest on the market , unless I wanted to get that 160000 home improvement loan right off the bat, but I'm smarter than most and have more skills than that. I did work after I quit, doing various things finally settling on trimming, which damn, since I'm so good at just about anything I do they they were paying me 20 an hour cash and all the weed I can smoke, then I'm so good even though I only had 1 outdoor grow under my belt I took over a op, and paid me to garden, sweet huh, pretty much chose my own hours and was able to work around her schedule. You really think we get that much in food stamps( couple hundred a month) and our wic is pretty much just milk and cheese nowadays. I made a conscious decision that my family really didn't need the lifestyle we were living before, so I relocated them somewhere it doesn't cost as much to live, and I can stay home do what I do and get to spend every waking minute with my son if I want. I'm sorry you feel like it is your duty to participate in the rat race, but I don't, Hell I would live out in the woods in a yurt and homestead if there was a way to do it without someone wanting something from me, but I don't know a way, only in America. There was no one else on the crew that worked harder than my partner and I, if I wanted my job back all it is is a phone call away. It's a choice u see, and only in America.my home was only 1200 sq. feet BTW.


Well-Known Member
The VA said they would qualify me for a $800,000 home. That is fucking ridiculous. I ended up buying a smaller home (1800 sq ft) with a big garage for $86K. Several years ago I took over the family farm and rent that house out for 3x what the payments were.
You were smart enough to know putting all your income into a house is foolish. I bet you laugh at the fools on HGTV. You see these young, unmarried couples buying $500,000 homes on an income of $50,000 because their parents gave them enough to have a bigger down payment so they could qualify for a loan well beyond their ability to pay. Everyone of them has a "budget" at the maximum they can borrow. Then they go and spend a fortune on granite counter tops and Italian tile. Idiots.


Well-Known Member
So basically, you choose to live off the sweat of others when you could be supporting yourself. So quit your whining. Mooch.
Why? corporate america does it why can't I, I'm an entrepreneur! I never once complained about how much I make, I never once complained about the min wage because I made it, I complain because people like you can't see that min wage doesn't reflect the cost of living.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Why? corporate america does it why can't I, I'm an entrepreneur! I never once complained about how much I make, I never once complained about the min wage because I made it, I complain because people like you can't see that min wage doesn't reflect the cost of living.
It's all supply and demand. There is a huge supply of unskilled labor in most places. In places where there is a shortage of unskilled labor, like the oil boom areas of North Dakota, places like McDonald's pay substantially more than minimum wage. I feel your pain that minimum wage does not reflect the cost of living, but it does reflect the supply/demand cost of unskilled labor.

It's a cruel world; your employer mostly doesn't care about your costs, he cares about his costs. Despite the voodoo economics the left embraces, labor costs do impact the profit margin of a business.


Well-Known Member
i'm really glad you guys save the mean stuff for when i'm not around..it would be a devastating tragedy to know that someone took their life this christmas because of hate posts..
just as one man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist, one person's tragedy is another's improvement to society.


Well-Known Member
So basically, you choose to live off the sweat of others when you could be supporting yourself. So quit your whining. Mooch.
however, ceo's setup state liaisons in their HR departments to sign up new employees for SNAP and Welfare because they refuse to pay a living wage out of their 380x average workers salary..subsidized and loopholed all the way by the american taxpayers whose middle class is almost non-existent and hardly recognizable from poorer classes..


Well-Known Member
however, ceo's setup state liaisons in their HR departments to sign up new employees for SNAP and Welfare because they refuse to pay a living wage out of their 380x average workers salary..subsidized and loopholed all the way by the american taxpayers whose middle class is almost non-existent and hardly recognizable from poorer classes..
but most of us would starve if not for a few wealthy people.


Well-Known Member
however, ceo's setup state liaisons in their HR departments to sign up new employees for SNAP and Welfare because they refuse to pay a living wage out of their 380x average workers salary..subsidized and loopholed all the way by the american taxpayers whose middle class is almost non-existent and hardly recognizable from poorer classes..

Where did you find the underlined? I have been looking and cannot find anything about it.


Well-Known Member
If you have a look at post #9 sky brought up child labour exploitation aka slavery with an arduous copy and paste. I was simply enquiring as to why she would justify giving her money over to these multinationals, when she is constantly harping on about the 1% and corporate taxation. If you abhor what they stand for and do, why pay them to keep doing it?
Cos they make decent watches, wallets and clothes?

Id never thought about it, but I suppose it makes sense that tiny kids made my watch, it's got lots of small parts and they have smaller fingers.


Well-Known Member


New Member
That article talks about a help line where people who call are directed to contact snap etc. They are not signing them up as she claimed. Try again.
Progs like UncleBuck, Schuylarr, Cheezy and a few others, think that posting a link proves their point.

It's all about optics to them, what they're really doing is, hoping no one actually reads the article they linked.


Well-Known Member
GWN - maybe it's me..1. i don't see any true trolling (unless you deleted something) and 2. red answered the question..this whole thread is an excercise 3. MEN - because of the way i posted it empowered others to voice their opinions who normally don't..go through the thread you'll see..for the most part this thread is pretty light on trolling compared to what i know it can be..everyone was behaving rather well..i believe it brought a better understanding and tolerance from certain members including myself..members learned from this..they were even self-moderating to keep it on track..did someone complain?..perhaps you'd like to give it a day or so..it's a shame to trash 42 pages of a good topic as this thread was highest trending since it posted..

If you want to you can pretend I'm a clean cut black guy instead of the white lumber jack I actually look like.