i stole a dog

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so hear i was in the county i was surounded by the fellas and we smoke weed tabaco the usual suspect perafenilla, my bunky under me was an old wino and i he always interupted us to let us know he made alot of money being a bum on a bad day 20 dollars on the avrage 40 to 80 on hollidays up to 500 and he sead fuck those work man labor jobs they still take taxes and he loved him his 2 dollar wine i nevor realy talk to him but he was always picing his noise one day i grabed the rail to get on the top bunk i grabed a long and i mean a long ass slimmey bugar with blood in the green snot with a crusty at the tip, i looked for him and seen all over his wall just crusties all the fucken way just layered i was ragging so wen the man came to the bunk i asked him not to fucken wipe his shit on the wall or the rales he lied and sead he didnt so i just couldnt hold back i clocked the fucker and just started wailing on his discusting ass.. the cops ran in grabed me cuffed me all i sead was look at the wall and i grabed the rail and he could have done it purposley the cops just gave him a wash rag and he cleaned it and shiped him out.. but the moral of the story was that the bum made a good living and stayed drunk all day everyday.. so what do you think im shure your head hurts lolz hahhaahahah..
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