Well-Known Member
So I'm pretty sure I did everything to these plants today that one def should not have done! I've been having a problem with Gnats (F'in things errrr I hate em!!) I tried vinager and soap, tried sticky strips, even borrowed a bug light from the local pest control guy to try to get rid of them. I have let the soil dry out to the point where all my plants were starting to sag and look like they were going to die. So I trimmed all the leaves off that were dead or dying, watered with a water and nicotine mixture and sprayed the hell out of it with Ortho ecosense insect soap getting the plant and the soil really well. I even put sand on top to try to stop the fungas from hatching new bugs. Also tried (eariler) to put 1 part proxide in with 3 parts water. Not sure if it worked though cause I only did it to one plant to see if It would kill it off. So here are some pics of my plants like I said I'm sure I prob shouldn't have cut off all the dead or dying leaves and prob also shouldn't have sprayed the ortho all over the place. So I'm wondering if you think my plants will survive or croak?? (I tested the ortho on a single plant eariler in the week but also tried the proxide at the same time one of the 2 made the leaves curl up) Thoughts?
Finding these on the fly strips
Finding these on the fly strips