Thanks for the tip but that's not really what works for me or for this particular process, at least not in my drying conditions. The size that they are cut to is the ideal size to dry evenly while hanging and then in the bags over the course of the 6-7 days that I want them to dry for. I appreciate the suggestion though!lawlrus:
if you cut your plants starting with the top and work your way down, cutting the branches off the main stem, the ends form a V. Then its easy to hang those branches from a wire clothing hanger and you can hang quite a few more branches on your string lines, taking up less room, and without the possibility of them falling off one of those clothes pins.
Leave them covered until they are "wet" again. Then leave the lid off until they are dry. Then cover until they get wet again (could be 3 days). After a week or so of drying/curing, you can hold the nugs up to your lips and feel if there is moisture in them. If they still have a lot of moisture, they will feel slightly cool to your lips. Good luck and keep in mind, slower is better when it comes to drying/curing.Just an update, just putting them in the jar seems to be bringing some of the moisture out, they dont look as crisp anymore and that hay smell has returned. Im guessing after a good month of curing it will be all good.
Leave them covered until they are "wet" again. Then leave the lid off until they are dry. Then cover until they get wet again (could be 3 days). After a week or so of drying/curing, you can hold the nugs up to your lips and feel if there is moisture in them. If they still have a lot of moisture, they will feel slightly cool to your lips. Good luck and keep in mind, slower is better when it comes to drying/curing.
Never go by a schedule, always go by touch. As soon as they are dry to the touch, get them into something air-tight. This is where your lips will really come in handy. I know it sounds funny, but as humans, the only spot on our bodies that registers humidity is our lips. After you do it a couple times you will understand what I mean and feel much less silly about it.yes, thanks i will take my time with this cure. I do every cure but this one was odd from the start.
Do not do this it can cause mildew! Your drying room is way too dry if it's drying like that in 4 days my drying room dies buds from between 10 and 14 days. My only advice is maybe put them in ajar with the Lid open and leave them in a humid room. This won't cause mildew problem as long as you don't leave them too long about a day should be good if it's nice and humidIve heard sticking a fan leaf or two or a piece of lettuce, is that also frowned upon? They are pretty crispy i dont know how much water is left in them.
Do not do this it can cause mildew! Your drying room is way too dry if it's drying like that in 4 days my drying room dies buds from between 10 and 14 days. My only advice is maybe put them in ajar with the Lid open and leave them in a humid room. This won't cause mildew problem as long as you don't leave them too long about a day should be good if it's nice and humid
Don't bother trying. You will just fight a losing battle. I have the same RH if not lower a lot of the time. The only thing we can do is buy a really expensive humidifier or just plan that we have no water in the air. Don't leave your nugs hanging for any longer than they need to. Once they are dry to the touch, get them in jars so you can slow down the drying process.Yeah i dont know why my humidity is at 35% right now.
how can i change this
A humidifier will help but if you don't have the cash then putting buckets of water in your room can help but it's hard to be precise with this methodYeah i dont know why my humidity is at 35% right now.
how can i change this